Some kind of routine to get this type of body?
Im already pretty skinny (60kg, 1.80mts) but trying to win some weight.
Some kind of routine to get this type of body?
Literally push ups and curls and lose more weight
This. Also keep in mind that picture is taken under great lightning, so day to day that body is completely unremarkable.
But Im already too skinny
Do 4 pull ups 3 times per year, max. Anymore and you'll get too big and bulky and women don't like that.
No matter how hard you work out, you will never have his face, fegget
pic related
I think I should get more weight
photoshop 3x5
superset with airbrush 1x5
I eat a fucking lot but I cant simply win weight.
count your calories.
also you have lower test than him judging by how hairless you are
Yes you can. Unless you have a rare medical condition, you can gain mass. Shit excuses.
lmao at this
metabolism is 200cal less or more at best (google for source)
you're just not eating enough
count calories and read sticky
This thread is sad.
Was like you user, just couldn't gain. Joined gym, went hard and stuffed my face with fish, chicken, pasta, rice, milk, whey shakes. Stagger earls throughout the day helped me eat more. Don't eat shit that bloats you fast ie. breads, pastries. Started 70kg, now 86kg.
Drink more calories.
No you don't mate. You don't eat enough, what you do eat is shit probably, you obviously have shit genetics or have never played sport in younger life because you have zero muscle. EAT more, lift HEAVY at least 3 times a week and do intense cardio.
>that frame
Forget it man, the dude on the photo has a natural v taper
Or he just hasn't hit puberty.
Which is more likely given his goal body
true, he does look 12.
OP, if you're older than like 15 you're pretty fucked
should prolly just become a trap OP desu
gimme that skype btw i want some of those childbearing hips
Im 19 ...
Getting 20 on October, not interested on being a trap
>Those shoulders
are you interested in experimenting with some hot dickings at least?
How is it possible to be this thin?
You look prepubescent. Start now and maybe in a year you will look like a 15 year old.
Where are the woman's arms coming from? Is she hiding in a hole in the wall behind him or is she just a floating pair of arms?
No thanks
I will, thanks
Radiation squats for those perfect feminine extra limbs
cmon baby. lemme slip it in
yep. Any photoshoot like this is gonna be photoshopped.
He doesn't even have much muscle. Just low body fat. So if you have low body fat you are basically there. Someone like this shouldn't be your goal.
The reason he looks so good is his face. Not his amazing body.
with that body, I can tell you don't do anything physical. Are you a gamer?
Yes, I play daily,; but I also been on several activities like tennis, swimming, crossfit.
To get this body all you need to do is to benchpress & deadlift
Shit dude, sounds like you do some heavy workouts there. Is pic related you when training 100%? The resemblance is striking nigga
It's not
Yes, I'm the nigger
pic related
i am pretty sure i could kill you with one punch to the stomach
Lying isn't good for your health...
I went 6 months about 1 year and a half ago ...
not to say this isn't photoshopped, but i went from skinnyfat to more mass/leaner in less than a year. to skip straight to "ADOBE GAINZ" is underselling yourself.
Suuure... How old are you?
Same age as you. Better start working out like now. You should start with bodyweight exercises then work your way up to lifting. Good luck.
lift for 4 mos. get noob gains then starve yourself for a month or so.
>eat 2000 cals/day of meat and veg
thats not a special physique so try not to overeat and gain fat, watch a little to eat more protein than usual and the most important thing is that you go to the gym regularly for some time, should take a year max to reach that physique without changing your lifestyle to much
Sup nigger, 18 yo here, i was 119 pounds (54kg) 3 months ago, now i'am almost 59, just buy a mass gainer and lift, i'am taller than you btw 6'1
start a soul rock band and make an awesome debut album then quickly fall into the pit of pop
Do some push ups and chin ups a few days a week. Probably no more than three.
Cut weight, but nothing too hard.
As this user noted it might take even less effort than what I've listed.
Be skinny and do Push ups 1xF like once a month. Maybe twice a month. Don't wanna overtrain though
Why the fuck would you want to aspire to mediocrity? Really, I want to know.
Welp, I simply like that body, I havent seen any other kind of body I aspire to get.
Other type of body I like it's pic related anything more of that I find it too much sometimes.
>too much
This bait thread is getting to be too much senpai
Slow bulk + leddit ppl
don't overeat
don't lift
yfw you're talking to a normie and don't realize Veeky Forums has warped your mind to the point where you think there's no way this is anything but bait
Just eating twice a day
You kidding me I play games and I look nothing like this twig.
become a trap OP so I can pound your boipucci
Damn rich looked amazing before his mutation
Is there any way to reverse synthol?
trappy is that u