>tfw you want to go to a random burger joint with good food but they don't give out calorie information
Tfw you want to go to a random burger joint with good food but they don't give out calorie information
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Eat anyway and then afterwards think really hard, the brain power will burn the calories.
You probably aren't a professional bodybuilder. A burger and fries isn't going to kill you. Just eat it.
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A- JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
Turn off the autism for one hour and just eat a regular meal.
Ask the weight of the burger, then find out how many calories are in that much ground beef. Are you telling me you only eat prepackaged foods with nutrition info on the label?
You alright man?
Real talk: in situations like this, I look up the closest thing on MFP and overestimate calories to be safe.
Just approximate how much it weighs and round up.
this. Just pick something similar.
Nutritional testing is arduous and expensive, mom and pop aint got time for that
>not eating big to get big
Max 360kcal/100g beef
314 French fries
I'd estimate this pic to be 1600-1800 kcal
Ditto. Just look around for similar restaurants' foods and change the serving size to match.
Check online, I know the big chains have their info online. If not, estimate then if you are way over, share out the defecit throughout the rest of the week.
Enjoy some fucking food.
Plainest burger is probably 600 calories. With fries, about 1000. Start adding toppings on the burger and its at least 1500
after some time of autistically counting calories you just know those things by looking
Id say pic related is 1500-1800 counting the sauce
hoooly shit bro im dying xD well memd m'sir
Hell nah, 1500 at the most
When make burgers at home with cheese and egg they're 650 cals
fries are the problem
How many calories would this whole container have in it? I have something similar to a burger place near me. I wanna say it's around 1500 but I feel like it's more.
yes it will. OP don't eat that shit
i was gonna guess around 1700
0 if you give it to your out of shape normie friend
People who don't compete are counting Calories?.. seriously?
>you want to go to a random burger joint with good food but they don't give out calorie information
.....said no real man in the whole of human history
millenials, pls die
Would it be more accurate to weigh the shit on a scale and compare it to other chili cheese fries on mfp?
B-but I need my chili cheese fries man.
I like you.
Some people want to lose weight. Are you dumb?
I would finger -> throat and consume a surplus of electrolytes via spinach and salt immediately after but that's just me
Losing weight is a reason to count calories. Also skellys trying to bulk would probably want to count calories as well, because they need to see how much they actually eat (which is far less than they think)
Im hoping what you said is bait but i answered just in case
I'm going to assume that's a medium sized take out container [1] which is 8.25" x 8" x 3".
Let's assume the fries take up 1.5", the meat 0.5" and cheese 0.25" (before melting).
If french fries are roughly 9.3 calories per inch [2] then the total fries are 920.7 calories.
Ground beef is 41.33 calories per cubic inch [3] giving us 1363.89 calories.
Cheese is 62 calories calories per cubic inch [4] giving us 1023 calories.
Grand total: 3307.59 calories assuming a perfect distribution, which won't happen, so it will in actuality be less.
[1] genpak.com
[2] fatsecret.com
[3] fatsecret.com
[4] fatsecret.com
Save it for going out with friends instead of going alone like an autist
Go eat your brocolli goy
>3307.59 calories
I've always wondered that if is true that britbongs idolize that old hag.
That's clearly not going to fill the whole depth of the box closed.
It looks slightly over half, but I wouldn't say it's as low as 1500 kcals.
Fuckin rain man over here.
>3307.59 calories. Definitely 3307.59 calories.
it's ketchup, it has nowhere near that much caloric content
>3 of your sources are the same source
C- try again
>bent knee rump wreckers
I said it assumes an even distribution, like some sort of sludge, which you can even see in the picture isn't true.
The calculations assume it only fills 1.75" not all 3.00"
Same here. Been doing it for years and it works just fine
citing statistical data, perfectly fine to use the same source
>I cant look at junk food without throwing a fit
Never going to make it
Use 5guys nutrition calculator as a substitute
WAR! And we light up the skyyyyyyyyyy!
>eating 3 dimensional fries
Don't eat fat for the rest of the day and youll be fine stupid fuck, how hard was that.
Ask how much the burgers weigh, usually 1/8th or 1/4 pound, some bars will do huge 1/2 lb... Is is in reference to the meat before it is cooked..
Cheese is an extra 100 calories.
Bun is 100-200 calories..
And secret sauce or mayo is another 100 calories
Fries are pretty easy to eyeball, just look it up online what volume amounts to calories
Id say even more as the place by my house advertises 1 of 6 servings is 700 calories
It is literally impossible for 1/6th of that to be 700 calories. They rused you.
Estimate the size and find a comparable burger and fries. It's not that hard. You're gonna be about 100-200 calories off but it's not gonna kill you for one meal