If ketogenic diets are natural, then why do we gag at eating pure fat but not pure carbs?
If ketogenic diets are natural, then why do we gag at eating pure fat but not pure carbs?
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Who gives a shit about diet just make sure for the most part you're eating well. Do you think CHAD cares about MACROS no he's too busy eating PIZZA.
I eat like a shit ton, eat out every other day, lots of cake and deserts yet around 12% body fat at all times.
You gag when you eat fat because of the slimy fucking texture. I was in Italy and ate lardo (cured pure pancetta fat, essentially. Google it.) And it was so fucking slimy and disguating. Whereas when i eat fat attached to meat its fine.
but when you throw in a bit of protein it's suddenly delicious? (meat, bacon, etc?)
Friendly reminder that PIZZA has god tier nutrition
Exactly it's cheap aswell, you can buy a frozen pizza with 1000 calories for £1. It's a normie meme that pizza is bad
Maybe this is just me being a fatass but I love eating pure butter by itself
Butter is GOAT desu shame about the saturated fat. Can make toast, spread on sandwich, make pastries, cakes, ice cream, pies, danishes. Eating it alone is fucking weird though
>frozen pizza
Enjoy the cancer from all the preservatives.
This. I always prefer a good box of Little Ceasers Hot and Ready Cheese Pizza™.
>Per slice
Who the fuck eats just a slice?
>All that fat per slice
>God tier
Are you fucking mental?
i'm guessing the faggot in OP's homo-picture.
>worrying about 9g of fat
>not the 32g of carbs
have you ever dieted in your life?
I bet it's salted, though.
I just googled them, does a large one really cost only $5?
For about 250 grams. Then it's gag territory. I noticed this effect with roasted pork belly.
Redpill me. It can't be that bad but I fell like there must be some reason that it's so cheap
Have you? Guess how i know you're more than 15% body fat.
your mom
cmon dude..
girls: play with dolls
boys: play with action figures
girls: diet
boys: cut
got it?
>thinks dietary fat is what makes you fat
>not excess carbohydrates your body doesnt burn
breh. sugar is toxic to the body. we burn it or else the body turns it into fat
actually eating fat doesnt turn it into fat. youre in a thread about keto for fucks sake. that shit is like 70% of macros and people burn fat like a mother during ketosis.
Have you ever noticed the guys with abs are usually the usually the ones who are flexible with thier diets
I can't imagine the sort of person who thinks saying this is so important its worth making a post for.
Have you noticed that guys with abs are usually either skeletons or roiders?
You can't talk about abs unless you've got them. Wanna know how I know you don't?
Forgot my pic.
CHAD eats PIZZA while etc.
Right, because the trans-fats found in pizza is definitely of less health concern than the carbs from the fucking dough, which btw are much lower in calories per gram than fat.
The guys with abs are usually the ones with self control. They eat in portions, they don't live on a diet of shit food like pizza claiming it has god tier nutrition when that is just false.
Have you ever tried to eat wheat or rice straight from the plant? Let us know how that works for you.
Trans fats are banned in all the pizza places I've ever been to
But fat is always fat. It heats up, but it doesn't really change, apart from liquidising, and liquid fat just proves my point.
Ketogenesis is a backup energy source for when the body can't make as much glucose as it wants. The reason it's the backup and not the primary is that glucogenic foods are more abundant and easier to digest than ketogenic foods.
This is not true. Rendered fat is completely different from fat on the animal. You can't slice fat off a cut of beef and spread it on toast like butter.
>we gag at eating pure fat
enter smoked fatback, rustic delicacy in Romania (and probably elsewere).
probably anywere between 50-80% fat which is about the same as butter.
shit's delicious.
oh and btw I don't support ketogenic diets and I really doubt they're "natural"
No they aren't natural. Do you really think cavemen ate bacon and eggs drowned in butter for breakfast? An actual "natural" breakfast would consist of a lizard, an edible root, a handful of grass, and a few berries if you are lucky.
I actually live in italy and i know people who eat lardo as it is.
mental illness is perfectly natural
>be caveman living in ice age in northern europe
>yfw tribe shaman tells you that too much fat causes heart disease, and an all mastodon diet is a meme spawned by shaman atkins.
>yfw when no fucking plants around.
>yfw when you over-use 'yfw'