Just finished Air Force basic military training
Havnt touched a weight in over 2 months
Anyone got any tips for getting back into the gym without entering snabbycity
I gained about 5 lbs in BMT
Just finished Air Force basic military training
Havnt touched a weight in over 2 months
Anyone got any tips for getting back into the gym without entering snabbycity
I gained about 5 lbs in BMT
Whats your job? Crew chief? Airframe?
bull fluffer by the looks of it.
RPA sensor operator
At lackland still for the air crew fundamentals course which starts on Friday and is supposedly 9 class days then I go to Randolph for 22 class days for the basic sensor operator course
Then 16months of OJT which I'm thinking is most likely at Creecy Nevada or Holloman New Mexico from what I've been hearing
kek maybe towel boy
How long did it take you to ship out?
How was BMT?
As for your question SS+GOMAD
I can't remember when I started talking to my recruiter but the first time I went to MEPS for medical was like August 5th then I think in about late November I got my phone call saying i was leaving March 15th
So about 9 months which is typical
BMT was an experience for sure I would say I learned more in the past 2 months than I have my entire life and it teaches you a lot of discipline it was fun and it sucked.
Definitely an experience
Tech school so far is fucking awesome the dfac food is amazing and it's free every morning you can grab like 3 packs of poptarts and nobody cares you just stuff them in your backpack, BMT fucking sucks but after the first 2 weeks it goes by really quickly
Sounds like the AF is a good deal.
Is it true it's full of qts?
Also how Veeky Forums were you before BMT? Did you make gains or loose?
FtM bro? You in under the new pro-tranny rules or what?
Are you in Willy Wonkas army or something?
Every branch has plenty of qts. the problem is they get snatched up by dudes as soon as they're in. I know several air force sluts and several navy sluts (I'm a naval petty officer) so any branch will have them. Naval corpsmen have a high percentage of women
I'm really glad I joined, I came in pretty much with the same muscle mass just not as lean my gymbro said it looks like I got bigger, and yea the girls are hot, too bad I'm autistic
No I just have feminine features
Every dude in the AF looks the same. Looking at their faces is the same feeling when coming back to America from OCONUS and seeing fat american bitches with GMO altered faces for the first time in months. They all look soft. Hell they can even be jacked. But they will always have a smoothness about them. When I look at airmen, I can understand prison relationships.
damn I really hope you're gay otherwise you gon have tough times
Does your job requiere to take the gayest possible looking photos?
is your life so empty that you have to pick on little guys for no reason?
cmon lanknon, i know you're better than that.
Join a real branch next time, faggot.
OP's picture really just sums up the air force in 4 little squares. Good job OP, now when my air force buddies are home and ask me how I'm so sure the air force is so gay I can just show them this.
It's Creech AFB..
Male QTs
AF is the best~