post urs
Veeky Forums Ideals Thread
r8 m8s, that'd be gr8
I like your ladies
I think you just like the way that guy looks, not the style
Mullets can be fucking awesome if you do it right
Little of both. Not necessarily the exact clothes he's wearing, just the "I picked these up off the floor this morning but still look good" style
no ideo about style to be honest familias, gotta look at more clothes i guess.
You want to look like a wife beater?
Cool beard and style. 7/10
Would give higher if it wasn't for bro-mode.
Typical white male.
Aesthetics. I like the style desu. 7.5/10
I like thick girls but not one with a gut
7.5/10. Cool beard, simple style.Extra point
for Becky Lynch.
body, style and girls are all solid, but hair is a bit meh 6.5/10
style is a bit douchey, but otherwise solid, especially the hair. 7/10
digging the goal bod and i'm jealous of any guy who can rock a mullet convincingly. Also can't mark you down for liking those high test azn qts. 8/10
body, hair and girl are all fine. But style is getting into dangerous territory. 6.5/10
Solid bodys and hair, also can get behind liking thick white girls, but that gut is a little too much for me desu. 6.5/10
Body is good, hair is meh and beard is absolute meme-tier, plus the two of them would go terribly together, shorten that shit up. style is also really generic as well. Also not digging the overly dyed hair girl. 4/10
body is solid. hair is a bit douchey to me and the style screams frat bro which is further supported by your okay taste in alternative girls. 5/10
I laughed user, even if no one else did.
who's the japoness?
my aspirations arent outlandish i dont think
Sorry for the fucking collage
a/s/l bb?
I've got a thing for slightly tubby d00ds, I know
rate pls
Is that a young kevin spacey
She is corea, minsoo go
>literally drawing on abs and chest
WTF Effron
A+ shit right here
>all these race-mixers
The asians and the whites must combine to conquer the brown menace
Who is the big guy in the body ideal?
Whats the source for that joocy red butt
R8 pls
"Iron Pill" Beta/10
Cuck degenerate/10
Check 'em, profligate.
every day until you love it
So awful I replied
Shia laboof in style
Top kek m8
Lol every time
No race of woman left unfucked
Mercy a shit
patrician taste
thanks bruv, I usually get a lot of criticism for the goal body.
It's from a Asuka wallpaper
stay mad.
also could you watch these eggs for me? thanks, your'e such a nice guy.
What exactly are you doing to get that kind of body?
Heavy drinking and fight club or some shit?
to be honest, for the past year I've just been lifting 4 times a week, doing lots of cardio and HIIT, and eating really clean, but without any kind of "end goal". Working out has just become part of the weekly routine, and how my body turns out is how it turns out.
Wtf does that even mean? I'm behind on my redpill lore
literarily the best
>if you lift the weights they win
>wanting to have a tiny dick
It's a grower, not a shower.
fuck is that tommy wiseau outfit
>thick asians
[Hearing voices intensifies]
from fa... but ill use it here anyways
tfw no klossy gf
Brown and asians must mi to conquer the entire world with brown's strength and yellow's intelligence.
>Tegan and Sara
Absolutely god tier patrician taste.
what kind of hairstyle is this called? any more pics? i want something similar
cuck comes from cuckoo, a bird that lays its eggs in other nests.
rate me pls fampai
Solid 8/10
right babe?
Love me them black girls.
Rate please.
marry me pls.
Ever drunk Bailees out of a shoe?
Good luck with that, shitskin.
You mean the guy in the bottom left of that quadrant with the largest muscles? Wladimir Klitschko.
The biggest sized photo is Luke Rockhold, as user pointed out in his earlier post.