What's the secret to getting big shoulders?
What's the secret to getting big shoulders?
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exogenous hormones
It's all about FRAME you fucking GYMCEL
Can't tell you
This. Chad has big round delts from eating pizza.
Why do you want big shoulders? Having big enough tits and ass will take you a long way.
You're a girl, right?
Not to mention Himalayan Mountain traps from drinking beer.
Lots of burning sets of side laterals with not much rest time.
And then high volume overhead dumbell presses.
Everyone memes about kino being fake natty, but his advice is best for natties
Heavy fucking ohp
Rest pause cuban press & side lat raise
Not even true.
Broad shoulders and slender waist is 100% trainable
Hip size doesn't even matter, just do stomach vacuums
T. Former scrawny shoulder dyel
steroids bb
Post pics and bloods you GODDAMNED faggot
train lats and dont train obliques for waist
train delts and back for broad shoulders
upper back and delt work, genetics and flexing for photos
Yeah I'm sick of hearing all this Frame shit. Nigga thats what lifting DOES. It changes your fucking FRAME thats why we putting in this work bitch
Lifting OP. Lift first and deal with that problem when you come to it.
The Press
Press the weight above ya head if u wanna get these hoes in bed
training your shoulders
Good genetics and ohp. Go get your ohp to 2pl8 and you'll have good shoulders
this mates. natty shoulders will look disappointing no matter what
SURE, maybe lifting changes your FRAME. But does it help your FACE, or your HEIGHT? Or does it help your DICK SIZE? Most important think, it doesn't help your BANK ACCOUNT. See? CHAD has all these things so he can EAT PIZZA with your ONEITIS, while you put in HOURS just to change your FRAME.
At the end of the day CHAD will always have SUPERIOR ALPHA GENETICS while you will be a BETA BITCH.
Shut the fuck up.
Kinobody's delts are no bigger than ernest cadine's
He chose that pic because his delts looks amazing, but that is 99% angle and liting.
We know this because even at the same time period, no other pics did his delts come close to looking that insane.
The man has amazing delts, but he is natch
Not true, most people neglect rear delts or think they can develop good shoulders ONLY by doing heavy sets of OHP. You need some volume and or frequency with shoulders.
If that's you. Your arms are way out of proportion to your front and side delts.
I honestly cant tell what is ironic memeposting and what is genuine /r9k/ faggotry anymore.
I have two boyfriends and eat pizza all the time.
Do i win?
Can you leave now?
It is called doing pull ups and rows, faggot
I'm afraid this is true.
Wide shoulders small waist is literally bone structure.
Garbage genetics people can try to mitigate it a bit with training and roids, but you're still bound by your inferior skeletal system.
Holy shit that's the most unproportionate arm i've seen
What is angle? Come back when you've graduated from planet fitness
Waist size has nothing to do with bones.
Do more stomach vacuums.
Side lateral raise 100% broadens shoulders.
You cant change hip size, but that matters very little if you get your v-taper
Not him but your arms are deffo overdeveloped
Pump/lighting/angle. I can post another picture and my arms look nothing like this one. I knew Veeky Forums was full of retards but I didn't know there were this many. Look at Greggs photo that was posted here. His arms look different in half of his pictures.
Meh. Before
Stomach vacuums make your waist smaller on a side view, not front view dumbshit.
>m-muh rich pianninin
he's got lovehandles now thanks to his permabulk and has to inject shoulders even harder to compensate for it
After. Natural.
>women shoulders
you are fucked senpai
Yes on a front view.
Your internal obliques.
Go to a mirror right now.
Do a vacuum.
The sides will cinch in.
Your tva is for the front, your internal obliques are for the side.
Vacuums 10000% make a difference.
If you don't understand this, you are vacuuming wrong
Curl bro detected
Post you, fatty
holy shit guy you really need to start doing thing s besides bench and curling. you just look strange senpai and im not trying to be a dick
show us a pic from a different angle you dont look that bad
This is a woman right. There's no way a man shoulders and traps look like that naturally. I think I see a hint of boobs too.
You didn't have to say you were natty, it's blatantly obvious
Dat gyno though
Have a mom and dad with big shoulders.
Shurgs, take two plates and lift up fast, but lower them slowly (2-3 secs). Then single trap shrugs on the smith machine (lift more than the plates you started with). Then while still at the smith machine, do behind back shrugs, so the bar is under your butt and then shrug up. btw all reps you need to lift up fast and let down slow.
Hope this helps
>World Masturbation Champion 2016
>how to get big shoulders without steroids
>is on steroids
>Heavy OHP
Wow, mind blown, who would've thought about that?
Who gives a fuck what Chad does?
Shitty form on bench press, I would know
99% of this board is a failed chad
Looks so much better before,
So? Who cares how much effort chad puts in? It doesn't help to think about it and make yourself feel worse.
If you work hard and put good effort into the things you do, that should be enough for you
Only answer
Wew lad.
from my experience
>strong shoulder rotators before everything, I do them often, no more shoulder pain
>(deep) wide dips , go deep(er) only when you become flexible enough or enjoy your fucked up shoulder
>wide bench
>lateral raise (plenty of it)
>front raise with a plate, full ROM
>inverted row or face pulls
>OHP for triceps :^)
your collarbone might start to hurt if you exaggerate, then you know it's time to give it some rest
be male, for starters.
How do you gais do lateral raises? I recently started to do them with a slight forward lean and full rom.
Fucking hell...
Is this Veeky Forums or Sluthate?
Obviously if you have wide clavicles you're at an advantage but that doesn't mean you can't increase your shoulder size through training.
heavy OHP low reps, high rep seated DB press, lots of lat raises, lots of rear lat raises, BTN press, facepulls and train shoulders AT LEAST twice a week, other accessories too if you want but those are the main ones
if you want big shoulders as a natty volume is key
qt clavicles
what lifts did you do to develop the douchey look? Because that's pretty impressive, starting out at a pretty high level of douchiness, and somehow exponentially increasing it.
bonus points for that smug fucking face in the after photo, damn.. it just .. i want to punch you.
Grow a stupid beard and get an undercut while both are still fashionable.
Hit your shoulders, traps, and lats. Just look respectable in a shirt. Most chads would be considered dyel.
>dick size
Unless you're under 5 inches, you don't have anything to really worry about. Learn to fuck longer or get gud at foreplay.
>Bank account
Work harder or stop going after materialistic cunts. Find some hippie qt that doesn't care. You'll have less competition because their usual type is scrawny and gross.
You're out of excuses.
My feelings summed up
CHAD can't tell if your post is IRONIC or not because he dropped PIZZA on his screen while you are SURE whether it was sarcasm or NOT
Whoa nelly
This looks like the things they do for commercials where it's the same day they just change the lighting/filters/posture so the "after" looks like gainz
This. Why did the vacuum/tiny midsection thing die out. Pros would look twice as good if they still did that
Post ti- i mean pecs. Also glutes. Nohomo.
Swimmig or it could just be a modeling effect where big shoulders lend to swimming instead of shoulder responding better to endured low intensity activity.
Make your shoulders, entire upper and lower body way bigger.
That should fix your proportions.