what does Veeky Forums think of the steak and eggs diet along with working out?
What does Veeky Forums think of the steak and eggs diet along with working out?
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It's more for cutting and general health.
Carbs are pretty essential if you want to bulk up.
Shouldve stayed in the 60's. If you think that is even slightly above average you are fucking stupid
>general health
>Red meat and egg yolks
yeah breh
Fat autistic 'powerlifter' detected.
I like muh carbs
Nothing wrong with either of those thing for general health.
-Saturated fat --> linked to heart diseases and cancers in many studies
-Carcinogens, also linked to cancer and other diseases
-Heme iron, which damages cells
Also all the stuff that is pumped to those animals while they suffer in cages, spreading diseases because no vets available and so on
And egg yolk has lots of cholesterol in it, which likes to stick to your blood vessels
>0 minerals and vitamines, no fiber
You won't get old on that diet user.
Ah so you're a vegan who gets their data from outdated studies with poor methodology.
I'm amazed you managed to post this on the internet being that you clearly live in the 1970s.
B-but muh studies on sedentary fat people...
M-muh replacing sat with poly-unsat...
Muh 2000% increase in dietary cholesterol in Inuit people...
what are you an idiot?
how much do you think that curlbro could squat? lol. probably from the roids he could pump out a but more reps but 405 tops with his sunday suit on.
Ignorance to the max
>fat is bad
>that's why your body will literally die without it
Dude lets stop drinking water too!
Broscience: the post
>All fats are the same
Please kill yourself and never discuss about nutrition anymore
>post a bunch of bullshit facts
>people with actual knowledge correct you
>muh ignorance
fucking kill yourself
>people with actual knowledge correct you
You mean people who cant even give an argument? Who just say whatever comes to their mouth when they are pissed?
Hello there
You guys haven't read a single study on nutrition since the 80s, have you?
Sorry but it is you that is ignorant of the current science.
You can't make an argument. You just spout outdated myths like a broken record. No one who knows actual facts will ever take you seriously since you're a retard.
Go back to eating your low-fat garbage diet and die 30 years early.
I think you only read studies that meatfactories fund
>it was a vegan cuck all along
I do eat chicken and fish tho. Read meat factories are the biggest disease for your body, environment and animals
I do feel a bit guilty about chicken and fish too
And i'd rather be vegan cuck than ignorant
>Also all the stuff that is pumped to those animals while they suffer in cages
i was gonna go to sleep until i read this. i'll double the steak i feed my family now.
Too bad you're both. The World Health Organization is not above conflict of interest yet they've failed to cite a single study used in their analysis or declare any such conflict. On top of that they've failed to quantify the risk despite, supposedly, analysing hundreds of trials. At least they've admitted that they haven't established a causal link but this doesn't stop interested parties like you claiming such a link.
The meme and meme diet
So i'm ignorant because
-i understand possible health risks
-I understand how much meat industry pollutes sky, oceans and forests
-I understand how much animals suffer due to ignorance of humankind. Do you know what is the easiest way to make expenses drop?
Yeah, i'm the real cancer here babe
You don't understand the health risks. To understand would mean to be able to quantify and, since you get your opinions from faceless and opaque organizations instead of the studies themselves you are unable to do this.
The environmental effects of the meat industry have no bearing on the health effects of the meat itself. Everyone knows how bad meat, and farming in general, is for the environment but they condone it anyway because they would die without it.
Personally I don't eat any animal that passes the mirror test and you shouldn't either.
thanks, i read this at work now im vegan
fuck off, vegan.
Compelling counterargument. I think I might switch to veganism now because your so stupid.
Me too!
Agreed. That's why I went full vegan last week. I'm already 15lbs lighter and I'm making great gains.
Wow. Converting to veganism TONIGHT.
>don't eat a diet composed entirely of steak and eggs
>durr gotta go vegan now hurrrrr derp
Well what you want desu. Its easier to find studies against read meat than those that support it over other sources. But that alone wouldn't really make me 2 concerned, it's the ethics of the industry and ignorance of people who consume it
You want gains? Eat Steak, eggs, boiled mash potatoes with butter on and drink whole milk to it.
>Replacing 60% of the intake of saturated fat by other fats and reducing the intake of dietary cholesterol could reduce blood total cholesterol levels by about 0.8 mmol/l (that is by 10 to 15%), with four fifths of this reduction being in LDL cholesterol.
Indeed, PUFAs are renowned for their LDL reducing capabilities.
> it's the ethics of the industry and ignorance of people who consume it
Shoo shoo gains goblin