What does Veeky Forums think of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?
Has it made an impact on you?
What does Veeky Forums think of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?
Has it made an impact on you?
srs question: can you list the 7 habits of highly effective people? like a tldr.
pic related
He obviously goes a lot more in depth in the book. A lot of the stuff sounds obvious but it's really been good to think about it.
Here's a tl:dr; I found of habbit #5:
First seek to understand the other person, and only then try to be understood. Stephen Covey presents this habit as the most important principle of interpersonal relations.
Effective listening is not simply echoing what the other person has said through the lens of one's own experience. Rather, it is putting oneself in the perspective of the other person, listening empathically for both feeling and meaning.
forgot the pic
like all self help books. if you don't practice it. it's just useless advice
definitely worth the reading if you need to be fixed
Meditator here. For anybody looking to meditate or read the book, here's my recommendation:
Remember the 7 points, and chant them one by one, over and over, as a meditative practice.
That's' three birds with one stone.
bro are you trolling or srs
>Stone 1: mantra chanting is an important type of meditation, similar to transcendental meditation
>Stone 2: You learn the 7 habits by heart, they become ingrained in your mind
>Stone 3: You integrated two helpful things, fulfilling Habit number 6 already
Fuck sake, meant to be Birds, not Stones.
I need sleep.
just states the obvious, was a waste of time to read
>just states the obvious
>implying everyone has those down pat
Basics. There's a reason why we need to be reminded of the basics often. We forget. We're human.
An extraordinary book. There's a reason why it's the most successful business book, moreover it's principle centred and relevant no matter who you are or what your position is
Is there a pdf of this??
Covey sets off my bullshit detector.
I haven't read it, but those points make me think of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People which I really like.
Doubtless there's overlap between self-help books once in a while. Carnegie's book stands on its own as the basics of effective communication while Covey's book is more focused on personal development.
it's just buzzwords
Time to sharpen the saw, nigger.
you know what successful people DONT do? they dont read shitty new age self help books. its allworthless trash for suckers, the advice ranges from completly obvious shit described on 20 pages to some mindbogglingly stupid spiritual mumbo jumbo. especially the newer ones but also old trash like which is more of a guide on how to be a doormat and have people walk over you. hurrr durrr dont get into arguments and if you do concede your point even if the opposing party is blatantly wrong - then people will like you! yeah, they'll like you like they like a dog who does tricks for a cookie. part of my former job was peddling this crap to losers on amazon, you wouldnt believe how many of them there are.
want to read something,r ead and influential novel or some good nonfiction, broaden your horizons faggot
Dale Carnegie, too.
I actually bought How to Win Friends and Influence people, and it's ridiculous and outdated.
If you're interested in such topics you're better off reading stuff on social and evolutionary psychology. Cialdini's "Influence", and Aronson's "The Social Animal" (Not David Brook's book of the same title).
Rather than "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living", which is laughably bad, I'd recommend Dweck's "Mindset", and something on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or the later Stoics. Stoicism Today has a free ebook that's really good, imo.
Most self-help authors are bullshit artists who know more about marketing than the topics of their books.
Veeky Forums browser here. A lot of literature can act as great "self-help". I believe "The Cossacks" by Tolstoy is a work that should be read by all young men.
Franklin's biography is a good one for those who want to organise their lives better. Reading (auto)biographies of people of importance or those who inspire you is another good thing to do.
The thing is, you have to pick your battles. In an office environment for example, are you going to be more successful contesting your boss' opinion? No, you're going to do better apply Carnegie's principles.
With your homies just chilling? Feel free to defend whatever the fuck you want.
You're wrong. Not only that, I want you to be wrong because you're acting like a jackass. If you actually read the book, or read it without rolling your eyes every page because you have it "figured out," you would probably remember that half of an argument is making other people receptive.
All the best advice in life is mind bogglingly simple: work hard, don't complain, be positive. But it bears repeating and relearning because humans naturally don't act that way, and rationalize away their faults. You have a long way to go if you can't even realize you're not there yet
"Grow, grow, grow!"
top kek, i bought this book about 3 years ago and literally never opened it
Cool stuff dude. I like these mental systems that help us get an edge on life.
Id recommend if you like shit like this to check out the unbeatable mind podcast. Iv learned a tone of cool shit similar to this in just the past few episodes (im a new listener).
Think and grow rich is an amazing book. I read it two years ago and it has sent me forward like a steam engine. (unbeatable mind agrees, they talked about this book last podcast"
desire+plan+persistence = success
"Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times." Napoleon Hill
>mfw people still use this bullshit buzzword