Are you /liftingwithhate/ or /liftingwithlove/?
Are you /liftingwithhate/ or /liftingwithlove/?
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Hate for myself
/liftingwithhate/ reporting in
hate mostly
>not lifting with both
>making it
Pick one.
with love, I just looove lifting
lift with pure disdain for the universe
Lift with hate, run with love
Lifting with love now.
I have been having a tough time with the gf. Shit has been going down at work, at home, with my family, with hers, with her health.
I was carrying the load for many different people and situations. Gf and I were in a tough place. She finally asks me what's wrong. I explain myself that everything's ok. It's just a bunch of crap and im tired.
Then about 20 minutes later of talking. I broke down. It's like everything I was holding in just came rushing out. I was a complete wreck for about 10 minutes.
Gf grabbed me and held me for a bit. Told me thank you for everything i have been doing and apologized for all the added stress she was giving me.
Went to walk the dogs and she told me she's happy. After 2 years i finally opened up to her and it made her the happiest she has ever felt. She said she will be there for me and thanked me for trusting her at my most vulnerable.
She didn't leave /fit. She stayed after I let my wall down.
same bruv
I feel this sense of accomplishment after every finished workout. Is this what a runners high feels like?
anger is the trigger to becoming super saiyan
Good for you user. Maybe one day I'll find someone I care about.
/liftingwithhate/ reportin
Didnt think i ever would. She found me. She's a fitchick former pageant model. She approached me!
im /liftingwithindifference/
Hate. I'm a 21 yrs old virgin and I'm getting more mad every day. Why won't anyone love me? I can't even make a single friend. I just want to grab a machete and butcher anybody who looks remotely happy
Who /liftswithapathy/ here?
I just don't care if I die anymore
Check'd those juicy trips and I recognize your position user. Similar shit just happened with me an my woman; i was bottling up way too much emotion and it was turning into resentment on both sides. When i finally broke it was honestly one of the best things thats ever happened to me. Our relationship is stronger than its ever been after 10 years and shit has been amazing. I'm working super hard on my depression and for once the future looks promising. Cheers brudder!
i dont even lift
Lifting with hate. I hate myself. I hate my life. I hate my job. I hate Veeky Forums. I hate my hobbies.
Perhaps I can't lift my hate away or my life better but it passes the time and provides visible gains.
Love lifting but I do it because I hate fatties
A little bit from column A, a little bit from column B
a LOT from column A
self hate, kinda
im in good shape, but I cant ever settle for what I have. dysmorphia ftw.
I lift because I hate myself
I lift because no one will love me
Lifting doesn't solve either of those problems, it just makes me crazy strong which is cool i guess.
Lifting with love. Almost died a few times so I stay healthy for my kids. I don't want them growing up without a father so I love keeping myself healthy.
Why is it so hard to not hate yourself. I do a mountain of efforts everyday and I still don't feel better about myself in any ways. I just want somebody to smile at me and say I've been doing good
I just want a smoking hot bitch to give me a blowjob
Feels pump is real
Prostitutes are an option
But if you have pride then yes, you're asking for to much if you're both ugly and have shit social skills
I'm /liftingwithpreparationfortheupcomingholywar/
Liftingwithanxiety actually. I'm always worried that it's taking too long for me to finish my sets and before I give up. And then I move to cardio and the anxiety comes back that I'll get bored before I reach my goals.
your family does bruh
Yeah it was really a good thing to happen. I was embarrassed for breaking down like I did but when she didn't judge me or consider me weak for doing so a weight has been lifted. She appreciated how i actually opened up. It felt weird being so vulnerable and she was the most comforting I have ever experienced. We are great now and fantastic. It was raw and real.
/liftingwithhate/ for myself.
I know I never will. My personality is shit and I'm ugly. I have some friends though so I can't complain I guess. But no one will ever love me.
hating life
kinda loving myself for that short time after crushing a PR
Lifting to numb the pain.
I do it just for the sake of it and so that I won't be a slob when I reach my twenties
Sometimes with love. But 99.98% of the times super sayian rage
It changes from time to time
Lately I've noticed that I actually like lifting but I'm subtly anxious around others so I used to think that I hate lifting.
So I guess /liftingwithanxietyandpotentiallywithlove/.
/liftingwithhate/ all day. Rage fuels my PR's
Lifting with apathy Veeky Forums
I only lift because its routine now
I don't feel hate, and I love nothing
I do not care for lifting, I just let it happen
Like that loser from California? Lol @ you
And you will make it
why don't you lift with little girls
Hate for myself and sadness from the fucking ex. Literally never putting myself out there like that again. Not to sound edgy but I see a happy couple and I fill with rage.
/liftingtobattlenonexistence/ here
I don't lift with neither hate, nor love, nor anger. I lift with Righteous Fury.
My Fury is hate beyond hate and love beyond love. I hate myself, my situation, my life, my weaknesses... I love some woman more than anyone and anything; I hate that she doesn't want to see me, that she won't talk to me, but I don't hate her. She will love me once I am King.
I love myself enough to know that I won't get anywhere being salty, that the best way to punish myself is by eating healthy and killing myself at the gym.
When I lift I think about the pile of shit that I have been, I think about what that woman would think about me if I could get as shredded as a pro bodybuilder, and when I lift, I lift to become better than myself. I lift to ascend from my weak and pathetic self into a man that anyone would be proud to be.
one should try to do everything one does with love
your life will improve
people will notice
Same position but was really early into relationship, Surprised gf didn't leave me
You're a faggot. You're supposed to bottle all your emotions and let them simmer under the surface until you implode or explode. Be a man for once in your life you yellow bellied dick tickler
I can b ur friend bby
Happy with gf and how life is going but I lift with hate because I'll always hate myself.
Good, get pissed, then do something about it.
Lifting with hate. Usually think about the coming race war, chasing the muslim hoardes out my land and punishing all the leftist traitors for trying to destroy my country and people.
Things will be made /right/ soon
lifting with nihilism here
I only care for proper completion of an arbitrary number.
lifting to smash fash
If this is true why do antifa always run away or get rekt in videos where they try to fight nationalists?
is that danny elfman?
I still remember when it started. How do we fall asleep? Unanswered it kept me
awake. Am I a series of reactions (A constant domino effect from the big bang/
nothing lost, nothing gained, everything changes) or have I been perverting my
essence since birth, with every action I regret? Is true self a labyrinthine
course towards my metaphoric heart or rather the whole of my destiny’s design?
Or is the whole of myself a quest to balance these states? Therefore I'd be a
quandary, a state of perplexity or doubt. But did an enigma lay dormant 'til
unearthed or did the question create the state? Crudely said: Is it my fault?
If the answer is that there is no answer and the question will not die what
then? How do they pass trough life with (or without) these questions? If it
would, at least, block my reasoning at myself: For if I do not understand my
mind, what is it worth trying to figure out the world? Why do I still try? And
finally I question the very basis of the crisis, is this a lucid state? And
what if it’s all genetic? Depression passed down, wires shorted out.
Pre-disposed to think? Pre-disposed to be sick? Seems like this is the deepest
it goes… my own body, which I cannot trust, so no reasoning is possible. I’m
forever blocked at my first step… and sometimes I think I’d rather stumble like
the blind. The final level of questioning, self-doubt leads to nihilism. No
knowledge will ever be gained. But with silence comes questions. Unanswered
they’ll keep me awake…
Some say that deadlifts work their glutes,
Some prefer squats.
I love to turn the ladies' heads
And hold with those who favor deads.
But if it want to impress sloots,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction squats
are also great
For Veeky Forumsness twats.
I don't believe u senpai. Why would you still be lifting if you unless you had the drive to improve yourself? That ain't apathy
Lifting with fear, rather.
I've witnessed things irl which made me realise I wouldn't be able to stand a fight with psychos, even though I am objectively strong. Also the fact that if you are not the strongest, you get stabbed.
I see that you are also into nihilism, but wat.
Lifting to suppress sadness. If my muscles are sore the bad feelings will go away, r-right?
Hi Elliot
I'm /liftingtokillboredom/
I put respek on ur name
>I just don't care if I die anymore
28 kissless handholdless virgin living with parents here and the only things that keep me alive are alcohol, cough syrups with codeine and being curious what will happen in the next episode of several tv shows I watch. at least I have a decent job which is surprising considering I sperg out all the time and can barely put together a coherent sentence because of social anxiety. when did everything go so wrong?
Plenty of time to turn it around user. Plenty of life! Now get to it! We all love you.
I am ready for instruction senpai
Yeah. I'm 30 and I literally do the same thing everyday. I just force myself to keep going. But I agree with you about the dying thing except my family would be sad.
More or less. Im a moderate muslim who agrees with trumps immigration policy and is preparing to aid the resurrection of the knights templar when daesh scum start deploying on U.S soil. Ive even been approached by Oathkeepers but they just seem like American terrorists to me. One oathkeeper tried teaching me how to destroy electric transformers and create chlorine bombs when i was filling out paperwork at the IHSS office lol
Hate. i get so mad the weights lift themselves
If I'd have to choose it would defenitly be love, I also feel like my suffering and soltitude is my privilige. Being a worthy mighty warrior suffering and battling his way through obstacles after being abandoned by everyone he loves. I always take pride in caring for myself after being abandoned...I just made myself sad.
same desu, lifting with hatred for self, universe, and hoes
sounds like you need external validation.
That's okay, but if you want that need filled you sometimes have to ask for it.
The trips meade it truly beautiful
that's why I don't want a gf. I'd be mentally exhausted after a day of the relationship. I just want to shitpost in peace
This. I can't tell you how many times I've thought this to myself. This is a massively underrated post.
Well I went down into this church because I heard something making a lot of noise. It took forever but I made it to the basement and beat this guy's ass so I could finally get some sleep. I had to trap his soul in a crystal and slam it into my head so he would never come back. Son of a bitch I can hear him in my head now, all damn day! He just says "More squats user, more squats". Then I hear suppressed laughter. I guess you could say I have been /liftingwithhate/. I will say I feel great! I went from 145lb to 3,000lb. on bench and 225lb-4,700lb. on squats. The darkness comes.
i see dat plumbus
> YOUR trips after mentioning trips
I know these feels man. You would think your best bros would be by your side during your darkest moments but in the end you find out all you have is you. Kind of depressing but forces you to make peace with yourself and to focus where you put your energy to your own happiness.
She's gonna leave soon mate, of course she can't show the true repulsion she feels for your weakness, that would lower her social standing. She will leave in a few weeks or start cheating on you.
I'm crying brother..
Lifting with the fear of becoming fat as fatass
I feel nothing.
lifting with love for my waifu and hate for myself reporting in