Is smoking a good way to lose weight? I started smoking a week ago to lose weight and I'm up to a little more than a pack a day but haven't lost any weight yet
Is smoking a good way to lose weight...
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Lol wtf? Smoking to lose weight are you retarded?
I've never seen a fat smoker.....
smoking suppresses appertite
maybe they sit on their asses at home and smoke? oh no did i do too much thinking there?
have you tried meth?
I live in Nevada. Walk into any bar or casino and there's tons of fatties smoking, drinking, and gambling their paycheck away. If someone doesn't have the self control to quit, it can leak into other areas like eating.
A year ago I was a fatty who smoked a pack a day, got sick of feeling shitty all the time and turned it around.
I looked my best when I was smoking/taking caffeine every day, and drinking on the weekends.
Now, i don't smoke or drink and I look half my best. Perhaps there is something to the fringe lifestyle.
nicotine is clinically proven to boost metabolism
Dumbest thing I've read on here
don't knock it till you tried it
im down 30lb replacing a meal with fags every day
He's right tho
To be honest OP, yes it is.
I was a skeleton when I was smoking.
It's a known fact that if you quit smoking you will gain on average 10-15 lbs.
That said it's still a stupid idea since you'll have to maintain a dangerous and unhealthy habit in order to keep the weight off.
You should actually smoke weed to boost heartrate and loose weight. U stay High all day you Will Burn 10-15% more kcals
Don't start smoking dumbass, I'm on hour 2 of trying to quit and I'm losing my mind
I smoke 3 packs a day though and 2 hours is the longest I've went without one in years
post a pic of your teeth
My teeth are fucked man theyre chipped and cracked and yellow/brown
>started a week ago
>up to over a pack a day
Lol wtf
Wtf m8 wouldn't you have to smoke one every like 10 minutes all day to smoke 3 packs a day? That's 75 cigarettes a day
I smoked 29 yesterday and ive had 6 today and ive been up for 2 hours. The weathers nice so I don't mind going outside to smoke
You can the same effect via vapes gums patches.
Cigarettes are always an imperfect dosage and not as easy to dole out. Further no tobacco means no MAOI reinforcement to get you hooked.
Yeah around every 10 minutes or so I'd have one
Holy shit you're gonna be smoking with the big boys soon if you get up to 2 packs a day
You didn't get sick?
I was a smoker for a decade and never got up to a pack a day regularly smoking, and smoking 4-5 a day made me sick first when I was smoking (I started at 14).
Jesus Christ dude, enjoy your cancer
No I felt a little light headed sometimes but that went away fairly fast, I'm also 27 so it probably effected you more when you're only 14
hahaha you little faggot. Start smoking to lose w8 how retarded can some be ?
and then go on to a pack/day in a week if not bait please end your life so the average iq will rise world wide
If you don't smoke a pack a day you aren't even really a smoker
If you can go more than an hour without a smoke you don't really smoke
Only plebs smoke to lose weight.
Try getting Aids. It helped alot with cutting.
I currently try to get testicular cancer by microwaving my balls.
Shit will be cash when doing chemo 3x5.
I smoke 2 packs a day and I don't recommend starting smoking OP
>tfw 25 dollars a day on cigarettes
>tfw wheezing and coughing all the time and sound like I have a cold constantly
Fuck smoking
This is exactly why its health harms are trumped up, granted no stimulant is good for your heart.
>more than a pack a day in 1 week
LOL you're probably already addicted son, it took me like a 2 months to smoke 25 cigs a day
>known fact
This only happens when people quit and replace smoking with snacking
Smoking is dose dependent and once you get into packdays you aren't going to get unfucked as easy.
No they gained more once that has been controlled for nitocine has a minor but present influence on metabolism.
I was smoking for 3 years straight, a pack a day at least, and one day I randomly had a uncomfortable chest pain.
Threw out the box with the lighter while waiting for the bus. Didn't even finish the ciggarette.
The first 2 weeks were hell. I'm almost 2 months clean and I feel a lot fucking better now.
Also I've lost weight. I used to eat and drink a lot of shit because my throat would burn from smoking.
You do get your appetite back though, so watch it. Just don't smart smoking. I have a lot of money now, and it's only been 2 months.
Not really. It may work in the short run but it increases your blood pressure, gives you heart problems, not to mention it causes cancer/emphysema. Just get a bit of discipline in your diet, rather than kill yourself slowly with cancer sticks. Faggot.
He seems quite skinny. Lost quite a bit of weight in a few weeks.
Kills circulation so it makes it harder to burn fat
This guy knows. Meth will thin you down faster OP.
It's why all the top tier models smoke (and do blow)
Watch this. If you still smoke after this, you're not even human
Non-mobile link if that makes a difference
So why is caffeine recommended when it has the same outcome?
>tfw chronic bronchitis
Why not just take all that money you are using on buying a shit ton of ciggerats and hire a personal trainer. Seriously, are you so fucking retarded that you really thought that this was the best way to spend your money?
Think about it. With ciggerats you'll just look bad and smell like shit. With a personal trainer you get far more benefits and possibly a qt to train you.
This has to be a troll. No one is this stupied.
Hahaha wow you're so cool
Good way to get cancer/lung-related diseases
Not as good as antismoker voodoo makes it out as
Smoking is a great way to lose weight.
When my uncle was dying of lung cancer, the chemo had him down to 90 lbs.
mirin jaw
>a week ago
>at a pack a day
You regain your sense of taste so u eat
It's possible. A week after I started smoking I was smoking around a pack a day as well and 6 months later I was smoking 3 packs a day
The correlation between smoking and weight is a myth fat smokers tell themselves to make themselves feel good about smoking.
>a lot of cool skinny people smoke
>therefore smoking makes you skinny
REEEEEEEEEEad the sticky, OP.
Yeah. Aim for about two packs a day. Do a push up after every cigarette. This is how I went from 120kg to 80kg and ripped in a month.
lol what the fuck, did you ever breathe in air when you managed to smoke 3 packs a day? Or did you have some sort of contraception to let you smoke during your sleep?
No, its the worst way.
However i've found cutting extremely easy since i smoke and drink coffee im never hungry and stay within calories no problem.
Lazy fat fucking idiot is to retarded to do some hard work.
I always woke up a few times a night to have a smoke
I used to have a cigarette whenever I got hungry at night before I slept and the days I did cardio.
One day bought a pack and realized I didnt have enough money for food. It wasnt a fun a week.
That's why I quit smoking, it was either cigarettes or food
Come to the UK m8.
Fatties + smoking + junk food is like 80% of the population now.
Even Pajeets and Mohammad are getting fat here.
Iktf man I was smoking 3 packs a day and eventually had to choose between food or cigs because they cost 12 dollars a pack
>3 packs a day
Jesus christ you were a human chimney
>#1 number cause of death
>dietary related heart diseases
>lung cancer
smoking is still better than not smoking and being overweight so you do the math.
Every time you feel the need to smoke just have someone burn you a little.
>Smoke two packs a day since 13
>Oh wow he died I'm so surprised
>If you get within a 20 meter radius of tobacco you will get super carcinogenic ebolaids and die instantly
This is what I feel whenever I hear of his story. People don't realise you won't die that young if you roll your own cigs or smoke something else, and know better than shoving down those many cigs in a day.
Seriously, can't they smoke one cig a day ?
>1 cig a day
more like 1 cig an hour
The only thing more cancerous in this thread is your grammar and spelling.
You're losing fat but probably just gaining some tar and cancer weight, that's why the scale is not moving, but you're losing body fat.
Keep going user, maybe try to smoke a bit more, or switch to meth if you pleateau for a couple weeks more.
Lold way too hard
This guy knows.
>not using meth for weight loss
my father is 400 lbs and smokes like a chimney
swapping out poison for poison: flawless plan
>It's a known fact that if you quit smoking you will gain on average 10-15 lbs.
I quit smoking and lost 125.
If you can walk away from a cigarette, you can walk away from a snack cake.
Its still authorized to the morbidly obese for that very reason since it can't do them worse.
all of the metabolic benefits of smoking can be gained from nicotine gum
Try dipping
That just says there are more fat people than smokers in Belgium... idiot
Bull fucking shit a pack a day. You would litterally have to be chain smoke gorts for a living and have been smoking for years on end. fuck you
U wot? My dad smokes almost 3 packs of 25 cigarettes everyday..... 1 pack a day is like your average teenage smoker
A pack a day is lIke 2 cigarettes an hour and most smokers have one every 15 minutes