How much can God bench?
How much can God bench?
h-hold me
All the sins of humanity
As any modern theologian will explain, God can bench that which is maximally logically benchable and no more.
>implying that god did not make sin and give it to humanity while making it illegal to have at the same time just to have a reason to torture us for an eternity while bragging that he's morally superior
Biggest piece of shit there ever was
>dibs bedora
I hope one day you'll give up this childish lie and see that God is good
probably 25 plate for reps
Why do I still have this pic
If God is so powerful, can he create a weight that even he can't lift?
God can't break logic obviously, since he is a being of logic. That's not a limitation, just non-sequitor.
Could God make so many pl8s that even he couldn't bench them?
he isn't a being of logic, logic is of him
Yep it's his PR. I doubt he could do it again though. He was on crazy miracle gear at the time.
7 what?
this question is tired.
god can create a weight that he cannot lift.
then he can demonstrate that he can reorganize reality and effortlessly lift the weight.
this process destroys us. the big bang is god adding more weight.
777 plates
my post number.
ur mom 4 reps
not enough to fix your life
Don't you EVER fucking talk about my mom
All Of It
A weight so high that he can't bench it.
I actually cringed.
Lmao at this.
Just lmao at you. Holy shit. You actually typed that post out, acting like you're some brave "christian warrior" (fucking LOL). Newsflash boyo: You're not. You're an 18 year old pasty white BOY. You sit there, BRUTALLY CUCCKOLDED as Islamic CONQUERORS take your countries for ourselves. And the funniest thing? YOU DO NOTHING. Sure, you're brave on Veeky Forums, but when you see us in real life you're TERRIFIED.
Lmao at you, using all big language like some philosopher. NO YOUNG PEOPLE APART FROM A FEW RETARDS IN THE SOUTH ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN THE CHRISTIAN GOD. And guess what? THE ATHEIST DEMOGRAPHIC WILL BECOME EVEN BIGGER IN THE FUTURE. Yeah, there's a bunch of cucckold bitches on /pol/ who talk about "muh crusades" and "muh butiful purity of wite wimmin" but guess what? Those are just reactionaries, they've ALWAYS existed. As your society becomes more and more immigration friendly and less christian, you'll find that those still holding on to old views (i.e. CHRISTIAN and ANTI-IMMIGRATION views) just start shouting louder, but in reality they're dying out fast. In 25 years, almost ALL american teens will be left wing liberals, and Islam will be the most popular religion in the country.
Muslims actually BELIEVE in their God and are willing to DIE for it. Meanwhile 90% of Christians drag themselves down to church on sunday because they're scared of going to hell, and the other 10% are scared white teens who desperately post on imageboards because they realize none of their friends actually believe in god.
An Yggdrasil.
>childish lie
Ok, you seem like an individual who may be capable of reasonable discourse.
Show me where i am wrong, reasonably, and i will shift my way of thinking twords one you feel is more honest.
Is this pasta this is good shit right here
>left wing liberals
Isnt islam the most right wing religion on earth?
I'm not sure if this is pasta already - if it isn't, I promise it'll soon be.
Mate, cringing hard at your pseudo intellectual bullshit. God gave humans choice. If he was just going to make everyone incapable of being bad, whats the point.
If no one can be anything other than good, then "good" starts to lose its meaning.
That said, I'm a complete dickhead.
Could god plate a bar so heavy that he himself could not bench it?
Whats the point either way? That's the problem of evil and the three legged table.
What if the set of logically benchable weights has no upper bound?
>Implying he wouldn't take 7 days just to bench
>face height frame guy is also an evangelical atheist
Of course
>y-you're wrong because daddy told me there's a big man in the sky who touches daddy touch me at night
prove me wrong your father didnt molest you
protip: you cant
Prove me wrong you won't let me suck that dick.
Protip: Please call me.
cringe as fuck
How much can God curl?
do you think God does a lot of preacher curls?
underrated reply
>mfw that last illustration is of varangians, i.e. vikings who went to constantinople and got so overwhelmed by the spirit at a church service that they instantly converted to christianity, an event leading to the creation of Russia
not sure if fedora pasta
But God is exempt from the laws of physics so using logic doesn't do anything. Well I guess we're taking about God so logic is never in the equations
I heard he can do band pull-aparts with the Red Sea.
I heard he sweat so hard during a workout he flooded the world.
Height face frame ?
More than you.