What did you do for your /braingains/ today Veeky Forums?
What did you do for your /braingains/ today Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums here senpai, don't believe Mr. Diamond's lies.
Currently reading Plato's Republic
I try to spend at least 30 minutes per day learning or reading.
Same thing as I do every day.
Kinda fun for me and my wife.
I try to read 2 hours a day, one after waking up and one just before going to bed. Currently alternating between Cambridge's History of Japan and diverse Chronicles and Poetic Anthologies of the 8th century, and the Earthsea novels.
So much e-statting going on in this thread.
Get that Marxist shit out of here
Sent from my iPad Pro
>I just can't comprehend people spending a small part of their day on personal development
taking a physics course that is 4 weeks long, and have a test tomorrow, shits tough
it's a bit early for North Americans
Not books, but have been spending time learning to play the piano.
Wow, 'Guns, Germs, and Steel,' is absolutely rife with inaccuracies and misgivings. You didn't make brain-gains, you made Marxist gains and logic losses.
>no gains
>weed and eastern mysticism
Do you wear sandals and a necklace with a purple crystal on it?
It doesn't taste very good, but I've been having one as a snack every morning and I do feel a slight cognitive enhancement. What genre would you say has the most neurons per kcal?
The final book of this author.
It's a painful read, considering how many mistakes were made in that forgotten war.
>posting on Veeky Forums
studying for the july bar exam :(
>jared diamond
Pretty much the equivalent of going to the gym to eat chocolate bars
>current year
>not eating a whole anthropology textbook for every mean
About to begin studying for the Fundamentals of Engineering exam (ECE). Scheduled to take it October 29. Five months to study is pretty healthy. Got the study manual already.
that's a horrible, horrible book. He is not a historian.
how many scoops do you add to your texts?
Yes! That for example was a hugely incorrect conjecture on Mr. Diamond's part. I would wager most of his arguments based on relativist or otherwise anti-empericist arguments were baloney. Pure baloney.
Do you have the image where an user goes through and disproves a few?
>hurrr reading books makes you more intelligent
Hit your book HARD while I watch SPONGEBOB with my gf SUCKING on my HAIRY balls.
>Jared Diamond
Haha oh wow
I tried reading high once, all I could think about was pussy and food. I read 8 chapters, just read, I literally learned nothing and wasted my high reading when I could've went out and got something to eat and flirted with the cute cashier girl.
You hit your books HARD while QUENTIN watches SPONGEBOB with his gf SUCKING his 150 MENSA IQ
nah, sorry m80, but yea, many of his arguments were 'X wasn't done, therefore X couldn't be done'
>Terrence McKenna and Aristotle
What a contrast. Aristotle would've put McKenna in a sleeper hold for peddling that nonsense. I'm pro-psychedelics, but there's no great spiritual truth to be found from them. Fuck all that new age mind/body dualism bullshit.
Terrible book universally panned by anthropologists.
Need to read a bit of everything to understand everything man
You hit your books HARD while CHAD watches SPONGEBOB with his gf doing his TERM PAPER.
>I need to give equal time to demonstrably wrong ideas
You shouldn't build an echo chamber, but you shouldn't read complete and utter nonsense either.
Stop kidding yourselves. All of you, just stick to lifting weights and shitposting on Veeky Forums, without a classical education you're not making any "braingains" just picking up a book.
Ehh, maybe I'm being a little too harsh. I love me some Joseph Campbell, though much of his work is based on the assumption that consciousness is something other than a function of the brain.
Read on my iphone because physical books are for plebs.
Here's a heavy book (honestly he should have stopped after the WWII part, he really does not sell his case after that point).
From an uber-controversial author.
If you want to get laid, party and hang out with the safe-space crowd, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.
You sound like a dropout senpai not senpai
GGS is widely acknowledged to contain misinterpret and outright incorrect information.
Which is why it's perfect for practicing something called critical analysis.
In other words, using your mind to disapprove arguments laid out before you.
I am. Never made it past the 8th grade.
What's your claim, exactly? You can't self-educate? That it's pointless to read educational material without an instructor?
A classical liberal education is simply a framework, are you really implying that an individual can't follow those principals without the aid of others? The book is the instructor, and the material can be just as easily understood if care is given.
CFP Grey copied a lot of this book for two videos. Literally trying to guilt white people because the entire world was too stupid to domesticate animals.
>reading history and ancient philosophy
Sorry, but all you're doing with these is accumulating bits of trivia. Which is totally fine, if your goal is to make it on jeopardy some day. If you're after personal development and improvement however, you need to hit your lobes with science fiction, and write your poetry or create an original philosophy.
It takes 0 imagination to remember sone dates some things happened, or to know the latin phrase for some logical fallacy. This is the equivalent of lifting the same weight, with yge same reps, and same sets, every session. You guys need to push yourselves if you want to improve.
Except they are arguments which on the surface make sense because so much counter evidence is absent in the book. You need access to source materials to discredit his arguments.
You can't just reason away wrongness which is presented reasonably. You need to have evidence to hand contrary to the sources which produce erroneous claims.
>create original philosophy
under aged b&
Yes. That's part of critical analysis.
You can't just say something is wrong, you have to prove something is wrong.
Bible study + some Shakespeare
Starting out with Kierke's Works of Love soon
Anybody got some good conservative lit on women's roles?
Something like Way of Men but for women.
>Forget reading Gibbons, just stick with Philip Dick
I really like Diamond's struggle to explain why white people came to dominate. It was great reading 400 pages of why it had nothing to do with being superior to niggers by every conceivable metric.
Currently reading Dune
Just finished this. Been in my back log for a long time.
Really good read.
Na, just saying you sound like a dropout. Someone that wasted his chance at an education so now he compensates by reading books with no actual valuable end resource.
Sure you're smarter than the average person, so what though? Without credentials it's all just fluff. Btw do you even have anyone to talk about these stuff like in a student group setting or do you just play professor with your stoner friends who don't even wanna bother with that?
Also pretending that the Americas were genocided when it was hundreds of years before we knew how disease is transferred
>all this bitterness and conjecture about someone trying to gain knowledge
lmao at ur life
Get real, we killed a lot of them, and if we didn't have the good fortune of them dying off due to the inadvertent passing of disease, we would've waged a genocidal war against them until they either conformed or disappeared
>because physical books are for plebs
said the peasent
>I read books because they make me smart
>"""""history""""" books written by a jewish hack are full of shit
knowledge =/= intelligence
Though you seem to lack both
Student spotted.
You know jack shit about the world around you. It is literally impossible to tell the difference between someone in the workplace with a degree and those without. I've worked along side technicians who are far more intelligent than management and guess which is twice as likely to have the degree.
Degrees get your foot in the door of the working world and offer you a chance to get a sense of independent life after school. Pretending they are anything more than that is stupid. University for some is a complete waste of time, for others it's a great experience and worth while.
fuck off
Yes. In particular, the Spaniards waged a war of extermination that only ended when lust overrode wrath.
Just fuck off from Veeky Forums if you're gonna spout lefty bullshit.
This is so fucking true. Fuck diamond. Whites were the best and still are - scientific fucking fact.
>It's a book thread
Every thread until you answer this.
You know who you are
Go back to your leftist echo chamber. We don't want your kind here.
>implying i'm a liberal and don't believe that the conquest of the americas was a good thing
If you weren't an idiot, you probably could've concluded that from the "if we didn't have the good fortune of them dying off" part.
>we dindu nuffin, we wuz good boys
Don't be a nigger. We conquered a weaker race. Own up to it, faggot.
are shankar's books good? how about pauling's general chemistry?
Dear lord /pol/ gets triggered fast.
name some "respectable" books faggot
That's not a lot.
You could casually browse wikipedia for a little and accomplish that goal.
A book a week seems a lot better.
Yes Shankar is standard. Also try at Townsend and Cohen-Tannoudji.
See pic + Hatcher after Munkres.
tfw you almost exclusively read historical non-fiction
I know, this thread is hilarious. I'm OP, never said I agree with what Diamond has to say, as someone else pointed out it can never hurt to study and critique another persons speculation/opinion on a subject. I wonder how many of the posters have actually read the book and are not just parroting what others are saying
I'm kinda idiotic in that I barely read or study at all during college because I'm too busy fucking around on the internet and hanging out with my friends because living in the city is absurdly intoxicating to me (I treat being at college like a vacation where I don't do shit.), but every summer I move back in with my parents who live in the middle of nowhere with shitty internet, so I always have a huge blowout of literally nonstop fitness and reading the college textbooks I ignored while I was making C's in my classes. I'm not a retard, I just have virtually zero discipline and I can't focus on improving myself or my studies unless I'm under hermetic conditions.
Anyway, I'm getting ready to start my reclusive odyssey this weekend, wish we me luck.
Gonna start by memorizing everything worth memorizing in Sociological Theory 8th Edition by George Ritzer.
Tried to read my handlers doctorate thesis. It's very difficult to understand.
I did a very hard chemistry test that will determine my future
Btw that book is shit
You can throw that book back into the trash were it belongs.
Read that book twice
if you actually sift past the bullshit, you see a man finding irrefutable evidence for genetic superiority and eugenics, and then how he tries to poorly argue and reason his way out of it
if you look at it from that perspective youre on key
English isn't my first language. What is it called?
Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed
by Ben R. Rich
(((Lewin))) and (((Goldstein))).
"Handler" means you're severely clinically retarded so you need a caretaker with you at all times to prevent you from hurting yourself and others.
Maybe thesis supervisor or advisor is what you meant.
Hahaha maybe I meant handler?
My advisors paper then.
Plato's Republic. I'm shit at committing to reading but I have too much free time in the summer so why not
pic related is backlog for a few days
Reminder to listen to something outside your comfort zone
This is correct.