Don't smoke, people...
Don't smoke, people
Seriously how fucking dumb do you have to be to voluntarily put that shit in your body
ok thi make cri of me
i quit because of he
Plenty people do, including gym rats. But I think they're more like the club kids. Jersey shore types
Every once in a while I'll have a cigarrete or a cigar.
You're so scared. Lmao. This new generation of kids is more stuck up than our grand parents. Enjoy your smoke-free vegan equality, bitches.
Oh, and watch Demolition Man.
Ur inconsolable mate. Just don't smoke. Make that guy's life count for something
> i cant believe people smoke what a bunch of idiots
>anyway i gotta take my 200gr of proteins, it will have no effect on my liver
>and creatine ofcourse which has no effect on my heart!
>i need it so i can lift heavy weights which surely wont impact my joints
>and now for post workout ill smoke some of the old 'doobie'. completely healthy no side effects like increased risk for lung cancer
I smoke, I just don't smoke tobacco ;)
Me too
But I really regret it the day after
Every time
>tobacco = whey
Sure pal
2/10 damage control
>implying I don't want to die
I actually choked up at the end. I feel so bad for his family.
>reaching this far to justify inhaling cancer
Lol go suck on some rat poison you human trash can
Jokes on you loser, I smoke to accelerate my death. I would just kill myself but at this time I have responsibilities to others in my life. But within 10-20 years those responsibilites ought to be lifted from my shoulders, and hopefully cigarettes and a wide variety of other substances would have kicked in and turned me into a crumpled shell of a human, ready to kick back and embrace the eternal peace of death.
if you do so, please note that those last few years are really shitty
Still cheaper than pensions and end of life care for fatties.
>Going through chemo when you have terminal cancer
what a dumb fuck
Why? Do you get a hangover from smoking you wimp?
Something a little phoney about this, looks like he lost at least 60lbs in two months. Even with advanced malignancy, you don't lose a pound a day at a consistent rate.
No, I just feel bad about the act of smoking itself, retard.
But yes, whenever I smoke, I am also drinking.
>t. expert oncologist
He had pancreatic cancer. It can kill in weeks. Only one in five make it to a year.
how does smoking give your pancreas cancer
he probably had something else
people die of cancer all the time
don't listen to the quittingjew tobacco increases testosterone
non-smokers are betta faggots and weak
don't be a faggot
Cigars are a bit different than cigarettes. You don't inhale cigars, the worst you'll get is possible mouth cancer. Lung cancer is the painful and more likely way to die from smoking.
But I'm also biased, I smoke cigars for corporate politics networking at work.
why not just use nicotine patches. Same thing, more even, less logistic footprint and no additional harmful chemicals that smoking has.
I got all the advantages of nicotine, and none of the bad.
It spread from his lungs (according to the article). Once in the pancreas, a tumour's growth accelerates five fold. Poor guy.
I'm 18 and I like to party and shit im in college. Anyone else here have drunk lungs?
> I always smoke like 2-3 cigarettes when I'm drunk
He never really thought about quitting. So he never got on the patch.
Literally all you have to do is drink a lot of water with a high protein diet. It's not hard.
I even heard that the early cigarettes were much more natural and less dangerous. That like with food, they added a bunch of addictive chemicals.
So perhaps the vapers are a bit more closer to being actually healthy. Or perhaps there exist organic cigarettes? Whats the purpose of inhaling them if you can even get chewing pills for them?
There are even sprays for nicotine.
Why the fuck are people so obsessed with polluting the air with smoke if there are much better, much more pure smokeless alternatives?
Don't know which article you are referring to but it's not in the one you linked.
If you're Lung cancer progresses to other organs and lymph nodes, it's still the same cancer. With the same characteristics. Not quite sure whether the following is right but I think the only difference on growth is the vascularisation of the metastasis. Unless the cancer cell 'genetics' change the growthrate wont differ that much.
Pancreatic cancer is a very bad cancer because of it's fast growth, but moreso because of it's late manifestations.
Anyway, back to the smoking thing. Always reminds me of the song Youth by Daughter: 'Setting fire to our insides for fun.' Smoking is just stupid, costs too much damn money and is nasty as fuck.
Believe it or not I am actually a doctor, not an oncologist though. Just seems like an unbelievable amount of weight to lose in such a short space of time. Looks like he more or less halved his body weight in two months, seems impossible.
Guess I drink either, with all the people dying from that. Make their life count for something, right? whatever the fuck that means
Peer pressure/ They think its cool
There actually are organic cigarettes, as well as organic rolling tobaccos. In theory they would seem healthier than most maufactured cigs, especially if you roll your own, but regardless you're still inhaling smoke and all the tars, noxious gases, and carcinogens that come with it.
My dad lost about 25lbs in the 3 days before he died.
guy looked like shit in the before as well desu
My mother died of breast cancer. She lost 24 pounds in the two months before she finally died. She was 88 pounds in the end. Totally emaciated like the person in OP's pic. It was many years ago, but the speed of the deterioration was never lost on me.
Cigarettes needs to be banned outright, just as any highly addictive and totally deadly drug should be.
Mfw my dad says this as well
So much edge in this thread. Don't forget to pop your collar with your sneer.
depends on what stage you're in and the type of treatment you're under.
I smoked half a pack last time I got drunk.
I'd have been nauseous after the 3rd cig if I was sober.
If you gave a shit about your duties, you'd maximize your chances for survival to ensure their completion. But you don't. And that's because you smoke for an ulterior reason: you're weak.
>Why the fuck are people so obsessed with polluting the air with smoke if there are much better, much more pure smokeless alternatives?
Lots of smokers cite the habituation of the act of smoking as part of their addiction, so it's not entirely about getting nicotine. They're easy to carry, it's something to do while waiting for the bus, taking a break from work, makes uncomfortable silences more bearable, etc.
Nicotine is addictive, smoking is a more or less a social crutch, IMO.
Bryan Curtis told his family to use the photos of his dramatic, rapid decline to publicize just how dangerous smoking could be, even to younger men. His family did that, which is why you know of him now, and why the Australian government decided to put his image on cigarette packaging.
He's reminding you that you have everything to lose and nothing to gain. If you can't hear that and take something away from that, I don't know what else to tell you.
Lol he had degenerate genes. My dad smokes and he's 50. He'll be dead soon. Oh well, I warned him. He ruined my life so I'll let him ruin his. Seriously, if you smoke, don't have kids. It will fuck them up.
>if you smoke, don't have kids. It will fuck them up.
Reading your post, I believe you. You have my sympathies, user.
I'll continue using my mouth fedora, thank you very much.
I understand it consciously, I just don't "get it" emotionally, if you understand my sentiment
SMokings fucked.. My uncle smoked weed everyday for like 10 years my mom said and got cancer and died
Not that I smoke, but what does it matter, really?
If you have bad luck in life you just die.
Just look how many people get fucked in the ass by one of thousands of deadly sicknesses.
It's just bad luck, they one day start growing a tumor, or develop an anorism or whatever and die.
Being healthy is a really lucky thing
Lol I saw that on a pack of smokes I bought when visiting Straya
Shit is so cash
I smoked once because a cool Taiwanese girl talked me into it. Am I gonna die?
Smoking is the last shred of dignity in urban life
sorry to hear that user.
Kidney failure. He was literally drowning to death in his own body.
They put him on dialysis in the hospital after he had a stroke. Pulled 25lbs out of him in 3 days, but there was no brain activity, so we let him go.
Bryan didn't die from smoking, he died of hiv aids.
Ugh. The mouth taste the morning of the next day is no bueno. You immediately require Gatorade.
Joe Schilling smokes. White trash brawler.
>choosing one of the most painful ways to go
Sorry to hear that bro.
Just thought the time frame in the original story was a bit off. Losing half ones own body weight in such a short space of time. I reckon there was a longer time between the pictures.
Dyin' Bryan smoked 2 packs a day.
A cigarette once in a while will not do that to you, sorry to shit on your bodylove hugfest.
Oh yeah? Do you think Chad cares about how many cigarettes he smokes a day?
While you are trying to quit chewing nicotine gums, Chad is out there smoking CIGARS. He does not care.
And in the end he will still live LONGER than you. Because genetics=everything.
Smoking 2 packs a day for 20 years is bad for you?
holy shit guys
did you know about this?
i can't take this seriously with meme music
kek good one
People still smoke?
Except he does, lmfao
I've never met an alpha that smoked
> 830 packs a year
> 16,600 cigarettes per year
> 332,000 cigarettes in 20 years
of course, calc is way off. but even 1/3 of that number is horrifying
currently quitting, on patches and gum
at worst i'd smoke half a pack a day for the last 3 years, worst case 10,000 cigarettes. best case a few thousand
tell me i wont end up like dyin' Bryan, Veeky Forums
it buys you time dumb fuck, it's the proliferation and following organ failure that kills you.
chemo slows that.
what you'll find is at end of life most people cling to life even if it means more suffering.
arnold smokes cigars regularly
nice argument you HAD cause i just obliterated it like i obliterated ur dads shithole last night u stupid faggot.
Didn't this guy die primarily due to HIV?
I don't know, user. I look at people from older generations, growing up pretty much all of my adult family members smoked, and all of their friends as well. I had it drilled into me from a very early age just how bad smoking was for you. I mean, seriously, there was anti-smoking propaganda everywhere. I assumed the only reason you would ever start doing this shit is if you didn't have the knowledge,
Fast forward to present day, and somehow, more than half of my friends are smokers. Like, fucking how? I tried a cigarette ONCE out of curiosity. I realize my spoiled, country boy lungs are probably more sensitive to smoke than most, but holy fucking hell. After one puff, I coughed for 10 minutes straight and then threw up. Why would anyone do anything that repulsive for any reason? I really can't figure it out. Here's something that tastes horrific, irritates your throat and lungs, ruins your teeth, makes you fucking reek, and is PROVEN TO KILL YOU, and people are still signing up for it.
>Across the room, a 20-year-old nephew crushes out a cigarette in a large glass ashtray where the butt joins a dozen others. Bobbie Curtis says she'll try to stop after the funeral, but right now, it's just too difficult. Same for Bryan's mother, Louise Curtis.
Holy hell. If you can't muster up the willpower to quit after standing over the corpse of one of your family members and seeing the tears from his wife and children, you never will.
Quit 3 months ago. Was smoking 5-10 per day for 3 years. Stupid shit, and a waste of money
smoking is a useful social tool. It's an easy way to escape situations and start conversations with other smokers. Obviously don't get addicted to them but they have their value, cigars are was better to get the nicotine high.