Veeky Forums BTFO
Veeky Forums BTFO
>humans should eat the same diets as animals that can break down cellulose
into the trash
>implying you can make the comparison between animals who's metabolisms are completely different and who's physiology evolved to function completely different
Still a Vegetarian though.
what about the blue whale?
I made the first post. We posted the same idea at the exact same time. That's weird. Are you in the biological sciences field too?
Holy shit bro I am. I'll have my Bachelor's by next Fall, go figure.
i wonder what falvor roids he uses to compliment is dirt and cellulose.
cool. yeah. strong vegan who has to eat gigantic amounts of foods that are native to completely different global areas and are only available to him due to modern logistics along with the supplements i guarantee he takes which concentrates things like essential amino acids and vitamins is comparing himself to animals who can actually get nutrition from cellulose and just eat leaves oh yeah AND BUGS DUMBASS
also type sage in options field so you don't bump a shit bait thread
He's not the strongest man though or even close. Those are reserved for meat eaters
Fucking muttonchopped John Winchester
The hypocrisy here being eating vegan is good for you but hold up imma just inject a fuck ton of steroids into my body.
You lose all credibility.
>And me
>strongest man
Literally who I've never even seen this guy train with savickas shaw or hafthor
No animal can break down cellulose
>you will never be this big
>eat gigantic amounts of foods that are native to completely different global areas and are only available to him due to modern logistics along with the supplements i guarantee he takes which concentrates things like essential amino acids and vitamins
literally every powerlifter/pro bodybuilder in the world
But the most dangerous animal eats meat
...I..It's humans
... humans are the most dangerous animals...
Get it?
Are steroids vegan tho?
>What are termites?
but they have bacteria in their stomach(es) than can do it for them whats ur point smartass
Humans have that too. Look up butyrate.
which steroids are vegan approved?
Are you still vegan if you eat pussy?
how do you imagine blue whale, or any whale tastes like?
my theory is that any fish would taste good because they are always working their muscles by swimming, like lean
okay smarty mc fagpants, the critters living in one of the 4 chambers of a ruminants stomach.
those faggots can break down cellulose.
If Baboonian is so sterong why isn't he a WSM winner?
insects you donkey
>not animals.
Bacteria aren't animals, so there you go.
Termites also use bacteria to break down cellulose
>dung beetle
>rhino beetle
>bald eagle
>gorillas don't eat bugs
>mfw a 700 kg polar bear could fuck up every animal listed by him
He looked better as a bodybuilder who ate meat. He roids like crazy and uses veganism for money.
You have autism, young one.
Please check with your local mental health provider before continuing to shitpost.
Get the help you need. Start today.
>strongest animal
>implying you have any relevant world records
Come back when you can deadlift more than Eddie Hall.
>it works for me so it must work for everyone else although we're obviously omnivores
Vegans are extremists and no extremism is good
>polar bear could fuck an elephant
Even Buffalo would give him a run for his money
those pigs look weird, they don't look happy at all
Outta my whey, vegan fucking shits!
>Became a vegetarian at 26 and vegan at 32
So in other words, he waited until he was fully grown. Why do vegans lie like this?
Vegans can take steroids.
Was just thinking the same thing.
Poor piggus ;~;
>fully grown
Pick one.
Short People cant complete in strongman...
moooore baco.... uh is that a cookie?
A whale is not a fish you moron
i eat meat because i am a human and love the taste and pleasure derived from animals. ultimately the fate of animals doesnt matter to me, so as long as they were treated well throughout their lives i.e no unnecessarily cruel acts, etc, and killed with dilligence, i can eat them in peace.
for health, i eat >30% fats in my diet and still consume a mostly plant based diet, avoiding excess dietary cholesterol and sat fat, while getting all my micros through plenty of veggies and fruits.
the only thing i cant argue really is whether or not eating animals is truly detrimental to the environment. i havent looked into it too much but signs point to eating meat being negative
>Gorillas get wrecked by leopards
>Buffalo get wrecked by like everything
He built his body eating meat though.
>is veganism good for humans
Three replies later
>termites aren't animals!
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums everyone
>I do alot of juicing in my diet
I bet you do
looks like me picking up my weekly bacon
Someone should tell him that gorillas and elephants don't need to take steroids
I could kill both.
With a gun. Wondering how many shots with a .308 it would take to kill a heffalump though.
notice how this is really the only only notable lift you ever see pictures of him doing? Dudes a one trick pony
Is this autism?
>Other very strong meat eating animals exist
>Meat eating humans stronger than him exist
>Vegan is best
fucking fuck
>using .308
>not .458 SOCOM
My dick is bigger than yours, so I dont need to compensate as much.
Sorry, not sorry.
Not me, I don't even eat potatoes or maize.
Whale tastes alright, a little bitter sometimes (depends on how fresh it is) and it's very fatty and chewy, kind of like beef, not comparable to fish at all.
This, i literally do not understand this retards logic
Humans are not ruminants you colossal retard.
2 .308s are the most powerful I have. I could semi auto it though
If you've never shot .458 socom you wouldn't understand
Have fun with your big dick I guess
This just shows the power of hormones, it can turn a vegan into a strong man.