What's the optimal macro spread?
What's the optimal macro spread?
75% fat
20% protein
5% carbs
100 % fat
thats it
What kind of stuff do you eat to get those numbers? I have a hard time eating so many carbs without having too much fat
not him but I have more of the opposite problem so here I go:
>rice or pasta with chicken breast
>bread (only full grain German stuff)
Based on my "research", for combined goals of max gains/test and min acne (muh glycemic) I do 20P/40F/40C. Currently 2700+burn kcal/day clean bulking (manlet).
he specifically requested food with high carbs, low fat
You need all macronutrients evenly.
but carbs are just for pleasure, they dont really do anything.
>carb are just for pleasure
>they serve no purpose
I really wish there was a way to enforce age limits and filter roody-poos on Tibetan alternative medicine forums
only cals, protein and fats matter. theres a reason why people who do keto dont suddenly drop dead.
You're brain damaged, there's no reason to keep blogging about it.
nice source faggot.
keto works for a reason.
The only thing that matters to anyone is protein per goal body weight (somewhere between .65 and 1.5 grams/lb) and getting enough fats to make your body function (a mystery value to be sure).
My advice, that I totally didn't steal from Scoob, is that you eat the right amount of protein rather than necessarily trying to hit a target percentage.
My macros that way are 131g protein (35%), 58g fat (35%) and some 30% carbs. But basically I try to get in that protein more than anything.
Breatharianism works too. Breatharians have roughly the same sources of ketofags. In the meanwhile, traditional medicine have long established that such an high protein intake is simply poisoning. Keto "works" for morbidly obese americans who can't stop stuffing hamburgers in their face and who can't help their vomit if they smell a cauliflower. Ketosis is an emergency mechanism provided by our biology, we have a bunch of those mechanisms. The whole body and brain is structured to use carbs and sugars, not ketones.
>131g proteins
So I assume you've a lean body mass of roughly 73kg - that is, 85 kg @15% bf - and that you're an Olympic strength athlete. Care to show off your body?
>you're an Olympic strength athlete.
Fat manlet making progress actually.
not him,but unless you're working all day in construction/agriculture you don' need a lot of carbs.
I think you're confusing refined carbs and free sugars with unrefined carbs. A glycemic boost is nice for manual workers, sure, but carbs are required by anyone - including students and intellectual workers. The brain literally works with sugar and oxygen. Keto is just a starvation-alike mechanism. You're not supposed to live on keto, and keto is not a healthy diet.
25/30/45 of F/P/C
100% protein.
If you hit 2500 calories that's 625g of protein.
Mad gains, son.
keto is fucking shit
Veeky Forums has it all wrong. Body doesnt go off ratios, it just matters how much grams of protein, fats or carbs youre getting per your bodyweight.
I honestly dont understand why this picture isnt popular on here. Me personally I am trying to get
Peanut butter is a pretty good spread
I agree, it's just an easy shorthand to talk about ratios.
I've found 30 C, 40 F, 30 P works for me. Gives me enough protein in my diet for gains and fats for Test, while still allowing me to eat fruit and have family meals with bread, pasta, or rice every few days.