I'm asking this shit on /fit because you guys are the most versed into physical appearance.
There is a trend worldwide, where ugly cunts often get the best jobs due to having the best test results and acing pretty much everything.
What's the reason?
I'm asking this shit on /fit because you guys are the most versed into physical appearance.
There is a trend worldwide, where ugly cunts often get the best jobs due to having the best test results and acing pretty much everything.
What's the reason?
Other urls found in this thread:
There isn't a trend you stupid fuck, link a single study that finds even a slight correlation
You can't put all your eggs in the same basket but you only have so many eggs. Its like min maxing and smart people omit and neglect that aspect to pursue others. Its why pretty girls are good for nothing because looks upkeep is its own service.
There is no such trend you retarded dipshit, even without getting into statistical studies, the common sense model suggests successful people would have more money and time compared with poor failures with which to make themselves more attractive.
1. the benefits of being attractive/popular/loved outweigh the perceived need of things like securing future, hard work etc
2. strong facial features in both sexes correlate with a more doing/less thinking mentality which doesn't fit well into academia
3. a lot of attractive people actually are smart but grades aren't a test of intelligence, only a test of how willing you are to consistently devote your time to monotony, something which beta/unattractive people are more readily willing to submit to
>tfw I'm a 9/10 Chad making $130k/yr @ 22 years old
Feels good man
Chef at Wendy's?
Because attractive people ride a wave of confidence and good memories, they don't feel the need to work super hard for their future. They're like cats, always falling on their paws.
I'd probably be about a 7 or 8 if I weren't such fat fuck my whole life. However, I also have a 145 IQ and 10/10 musical skills, and was able to secure a qt and a 6-figure creative job at a company I co-own. Yes the qt came first, before I had money or success.
I guess I just min maxed hard to try to achieve my goals. Now that I have my career, I get to go to the gym at 3 pm and eat sushi afterwards.
Smart dudes are probably more neglectful of their appearance than the average person. It's a pathology which comes with the autismo that makes you smart.
The truth is that every subculture has its version of Chads and Stacys. Humanities stacys will fuck a fat dude if he can say something brilliant.
I bet you're ugly and dumb. Nice comma splice!
It's literally the opposite, OP.
It's actually the opposite.
Fact is that Chad is your superior in every way, physically, intellectually, morally, spiritually etc. etc.
You're just gonna have to learn to deal with it if you want to have even a semblance of a good life.
>submit yourself to a monotony
Spoken like a true failure. What's that? You failed your A-levels and couldn't get into medicine?
>tfw 8/10 and iq of 313
>a lot of attractive people actually are smart but grades aren't a test of intelligence, only a test of how willing you are to consistently devote your time to monotony,
>le geniouse underachiever maymay
no, you're just a fucking idiot. "smart" people get good grades without putting much effort in at all. what you're trying to say is attractive people aren't interested in learning, which is because they typically aren't particularly intelligent. using lack of interest as an excuse for not being good at something is the oldest trick in the book.
Joke's on you I'm ugly and stupid.
It's all part of the system. Otherwise the game would favor attractive people overwhelmingly. it's like in fighting games where heavy hitting characters are slow and speedy characters hit more times but their strikes are weaker. It's to make the game more balanced
The Winklevoss Twins
They have:
$200m net worth Harvard graduated, entrepreneurs of the USA rowing Olympic team.
The ultimate CHADS.
Go memorize useless shit in a book for 6 hours a to make someone else money in the future, geek.
>E-enjoy working your crap job while I make 100k/year! h-hah
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, cuck.
Why do these chads have weird hair and baggy suits?
>tfw ugly and dumb
Why me bros
Why does god hate me
People with bad hygiene that get bullied bury themselves in their books at school because they don't want to risk making eye contact with anyone so they don't lose what little self esteem they have left. Some of these people manage to turn their lived around and get their hygiene and eating habits fixed when they get older. Others fall into a weird cycle of depression and start eating more and not cleaning themselves because they're sad, and then get even sadder because they're eating too much and smell like poop. Some of these people manage to climb out of this hole and get their shit together, but by then they're covered in acne scars and other weird shit, so they look ugly. But as a trade off, they are on average pretty smart.
Tl;dr- a lot of ugly people become smart because books offer means of escape from social situations in school settings.
So it pretty much falls on the parents responsability to take better care of their children better?
Do any of you guys know academically successful people with good looks? Because I don' t know a single one.
>tfw im 2/10 skeletor with cleft palate making 180k euro/year @ 22 without even having finished my degree.
He's not wrong though. I'm grateful for my memory, Its near perfect.
I hear/see something during a lecture, I dont need to read the literature anymore. I also only read most shit once and memorize it.
But, as that guy said, I store it as a concept. Meaning that while I can explain it in depth? Fuck my life when they're going for 100% "learn the exact phrasing and quotes or fuck you."
I've finished 7 years of higher education. 2/3 of a full bachelor in business, law and accounting. And business/accounting had many shared subjects, so I could do 2 years in one year for that.
Which left me with 2 years for structural engineering.
I'm finishing them all now, 4 bachelor's and then I'm doing 2 masters immediately after and a third will take me a few years. My own pace is fine for law. Can do it while working.
By the time I'm 30 I've got 4 bachelor's and a master...
And ask /fraud/. I look pretty good. But insecure from being fat and being mentally unstable make academics a nice outlet. A great distraction...
You can't ever have it all. I'm intelligent, good looking and life came with a nice bank account.
But I've got a dysfunctional family, I'm emotionally unstable and insecure and I screw up every relationship I have because of it.
Friends are easy to find, so theyre disposable in a way...
>The Winklevoss Twins
would be a couple of NEET frankenskellies leering at animated diaper porn without their 200 million dollar actuarial sciences pappy
here's an artist's rendering of what the winklevoss twins would be like without their privileged upbringing
All I have to do is find the Stacys of Veeky Forums
>What is the halo effect
Actually power-jobs like Business Managers, Consultancy and Law are all filled with Chads and Stacys.
All the intelligent people either end up wage-slaving inventing shit cause they enjoy doing it or multi-billionaires who are awkward / reclusive as fuck.
No. You can improve yourself near that level with sufficient motivation. Sure if you were cursed with bad genetics it will be impossible to be exactly as aesthetic as some Aryan god BUT you can still improve yourself in all the areas you listed, including fitness obviously.
I've noticed a lot of Veeky Forums people are smart especially at history and philosophy.
Plus Elon Musk and Richard Brandon aren't ugly
make sure to flip those burgers well, Jamal. All that 'useless shit' did for me was help make me a qualified specialist who works a cushy job with good pay, flexible hours and full benefits.
Veeky Forums really is the youngest board on Veeky Forums
what's with all the academia? Just pick a field you're interested in, study it then move onto an actual job.
Unless you're pursuing research or qualification it's the best outlet, I'm personally hoping to get a masters in nuclear engineering once my contract is done
Its like people think that pouring over a text book on advanced statistics for a final exam thats worth the majority of your grade is because your "interested". No, its not interesting, its hard and time consuming. You do it because you have to. Kinda sounds like fitness lol
Idk I've been called handsome, cute, w/e and I'm 6'2 while also being pretty muscular.
I'm in a STEM major and average a 3.0 among the hardest classes. Although my freshman GPA is not up to par because I fucked around and partied a lot.
But some of my department along with some of the engineering school is a little unattractive, although a lot of them could clean up and easily become attractive. So much potential
>useless shit
>make someone else money
Damn, I guess all these bankers, doctors, writers and such are wage slaves :(((((
>I-I'm not stupid, I didn't fail my A levels! I'm just not interested in them!
What you do for living famalama?
Except he said using a lack of interest in something as an excuse for being bad at it is the problem, idiot.
You can be good at it and not interested
So intelligent that you decided to do pointless joint honours degrees and write like a broken human being, as well as doing horribly unnecessary and pointless studying?
Good, good, you keep believing on that.
The thing is, Chad will be superior to you both physically AND intellectually.
While you try to read classic literature, Chad will watch CAPESHIT.
While you try to master arithmetics and geometry, Chad will study SOCIOLOGY.
While you listen to the most talented artists in the world, Chad will listen to DRAKE.
And yet he will score HIGHER than you in IQ tests. All the time.
lol. he actually thinks a degree isn't just proof that you are willing to waste your life doing pointless shit.
no one learns shit at uni. employers want to know you can work your ass off for something you don't care about.
I watch game of thrones which is equally casual
I study criminology which is a sociology degree
Drake is my favourite artist
Am I Chad?
while you stay in your dorm STUDYING, CHAD is going to PARTIES and getting SEX from the girls you are afraid to talk to in lectures
no. chad already knows.
It's not that smart people are ugly, it's that ugly people have to get smart to get anywhere in life.
Same like hot girls are dumb. They didn't have to build character because boys were swarming around them since middle school. That's why hot girls are so boring, why uglier ones have hobbies and personality.
Why is this thread here?
There are plenty of us with first class engineering degrees from top flight universities that are attractive.
Shower and study instead of watching anime or being a gaymer manchild. Simple.
very not true
the most intelligent people i've known have been hot AF because they know how to take care of themselves and have a good eye
don't conflate intelligence with academic success. granted, there are multiple types of intelligence, but you're still overgeneralizing like crazy.
My gf
I know a ton of attractive people who are smart as fuck. What trend are you talking about? Are you still in grade school? Those smart nerdy kids in grade school usually end up attractive by college.
>be attractive
>have unlimited social encounters, unlimited people want to interact with you
>be not attractive
>have less people want to interact with you
Then its simply which one will likely end up with more knowledge?
Ugly + Smart people then go 1 of 2 ways.
1) End up learning stuff that makes them smart, get a good job, and/or become successful.
2) End up learning a bunch of nonsense and memorizing things to do with video games, movies, entertainment, something unprofitable and doesn't correlate to any productive work
All the people on here saying no correlation idk.
How many people here would have their gains if their first/last girlfriend was everything they ever wanted and the relationship was perfect? You'd all still be DYEL and lifting would have most likely never been something you wanted to peruse to improve yourself.
>Implying girls ever had any influence on my physical fitness and aesthetics.
If anything, I got more pussy when I was fat and depressed.
Honestly. If anyone here is lifting because theyre butthurt about a girl, just kys right now.
Kek. Half of Veeky Forums seem to be engineers who are considered "smart", so go figure.
I program industrial robots.
Go to any private high school and the best looking kids are the smart ones too.
In poor areas, the ugly fucks are the smartest, but in rich suburbs the smart are also attractive. The good looking kids in poor suburbs are actually quite filthy looking and ugly as a result.
Source: lived in many different suburbs of Sydney.
Most stem majors are hideous for some reason.
What is it about stem that attracts all the neck beards and betas?
I'm stupid as fuck and still ugly
guess I lost the genetic lottery
I'm a third year medical student at the top 10% of my class and I can tell you that is right. many people here are failures good for nothing else but spending the time of their lives in front of books (me included)
Its not genetic. In fact, high IQ people have been proven to not only have superior facial symmetry, but also better eyesight, hearing reflexes and everything else. Certain types of autism are the exception to this.
The reason "ugly people are smarter" is because they work harder. Its purely cultural. They have a less fulfilling life due to their appearance, so need to work harder to earn an enjoyable life. They're not actually smarter, they just spend far more time attempting to improve their standard of living than genetically gifted people do.
Spot on, mate.
>good looking
choose one
> tfw I'm a 10/10 real woman with curves making $100/hr or $80 for a half hour @ 33 years old
>tfw too intelligent to lift
>he's incapable of understanding that some people are genuinely interested in advanced statistics
gtfo kid, i bet you think basic math has no real world applications either. want to know how i know you weren't an underachiever, but simply not very smart?
STEM is a high IQ only club (think 120+, atleast in actual universities, maybe not in american colleges), high IQ people tend to have a higher rate of "autistic"/non-conforming people, i.e. people that don't give a single fuck about their appearance. You can't get a physics degree here without a high IQ, the exams are made to filter out the low IQ people. Hard work is a meme that can only be applied to memorization-heavy degrees.
see OP
regardless of what people itt say there is an obvious trend between intelligence and (un)attractiveness, for the most part people are either one or the other, cherrypicking individuals does not change this
IIRC people with attractive traits tend to mate with other people with attractive traits, so over time people with better facial aesthetics also end up with a higher average IQ in their pool.
Although given how society works now, ugly people can achieve anything they want if they work hard enough.
Healthy at any size right?
There are handsome and beautiful smart people
Are you an idiot?
>Studying engineering (supposed to be hard)
>Getting solid 9/10 marks studying like 2 hours the day before the exam
>People actually struggle to pass (5/10) this shit
Unless you're studying something like history, which has a lot of pure memorizing shit, being intelligent pretty much ensures you'll get top marks on any field not doing shit. If you struggle with education and think you're smart, breaking news: you aren't.
I'm an MEng and have a face like a Chad.
>also autismo tho RIP
I just spat out my milk, lad. That was pretty much my entire excuse for not lifting through my teens.
I need to grow my hair like him seems like it will be a good look on me
I thought that was a pic of me for a moment and began to panic.
...I'm bigger now lads, I swear.
>Getting cucked by zuckerberg
Try again.
How's life now that you're big?
For me it's the dream, I actually live life.
Everything is rote memory now. Only the hardest engineering school actually require thinking skills and critical sense.
IDK, I'm in a public school, which is not by any means one of the best in my country, and things are not like that. There's really not that much you can raw-memorize in engineering (some hellish subjects aside). Maybe you're in the worst school or just studying wrong. I remember my classmates in high school always complained that they studied really hard for science subjects and then failed... Well... They actually just memorized all formulas and raw steps to a concrete problem, like: 1. Use this equation. 2. Put result into that other equation. That's fucking difficult to do, if you understand the underlying logic, equations and steps to solve a problem are easy to deduce on the go. Focus on understanding what they're telling you, not on solving specific problems. Otherwise if the problem differs even slightly from the norm, you're fucked. If you forget if that was a plus or a minus sign in that equation, you're fucked, and so on.
breaking news: you aren't
Most attractive people are also smart.
But they don't show it. America has a strong culture of anti intellectualism, especially amongst younger people (30 and under).
A lot of generically "smart" people are actually ugly in part because of the way they act. Most Chad's are as smart, but know how to cover it up and behave like a Chad
>jus chilin
>luvin life
>u kno
Well if I'm not, then it must mean that 95% of the population is sub-par and retarded.
>t-they just don't try
no, they're low IQ trash, including you
Nobody said they weren't trying, user.
if smart ppl are so smart why they dont make themselves look good? hellooo?? plastic surgery?!
>only dumb people care about looks
well if you they dont care why do they read threads about looks vs inteligense??
Because they have nothing else.
intelligence is a bit more complex than you perceive
at least here in the UK every university is like that, regardless of the course. in order for asians with no creativity to study there and pay the ridiculous fees all STEM courses have been changed from being critical thinking to memorization heavy.
it's a fucking crock of shit, i learnt more about engineering on 10 weeks of placement than i did in 4 years at university, and it's all so chang and pajeet can get their qualification and fuck off back to the east and engineer shoddy processes copied from western designs over there
the op implied it by saying "Most attractive people are also smart."
that is a lie, genuinely smart people cannot hide their intelligence. they can pretend to be idiots, but it never lasts long. saying someone is an underachiever is just another way of saying someone has average intelligence and a superiority complex
It is complex, but when someone is outperforming the vast majority of people in all tasks where success is related to intelligence, you may assume more or less safely they are above average. If you assert that person is not, then the bulk of people below him must therefore be subpar, which doesn't make sense.
I'm smart and I'm good looking. 7/10 at least.
Don't make shit up. The only reason ugly people have nice jobs is because nice jobs tend to be taken by jews and most jews are genetically ugly.
>muh IQ
You missed the point or ignored it altogether. Even though intelligence is far too complex to be measured with a single number, it's still a tool. If you outperform in most intellectual tasks then you must have better tools. You can argue that you have some kind of intelligence that only manifests itself through rigorous testing and has no impact in life, hence you're an "underachiever", but then what use is it. If that's your intelligence you might as well be dumb because it doesn't change shit.
no, you missed the point or ignored it altogether.
check urself b4 u wreck urself on a taiwanese cardboard forum
>le memes wins ebru discasun, they is so great XDDDDDDDDDD lol kek
This thread is so fucking chockful of bullshit it hurts me.
First off, everyone overrates their looks. There are very, very few actually attractive people on Veeky Forums. Back when facial aesthetic threads were a thing, you had like one good looking dude every three threads.
This guy is way closer to the truth.
Legitimately good looking people live on another plane of existence. They live in the now and probably have no concept of setting a good future for themselves.
Ugly cunts don't even live life, they just dedicate it to studies.
You'll rarely, if ever see a model-like person doing hard studies.
you regurgitate uninformed opinions, insecurity off the charts
Well, show me compelling evidence that I'm wrong. Also whether I'm insecure or not doesn't affect my arguments being or not being true.