Cut, Maintain, or Bulk


Stats are 6'1" 175lbs. This is my second time doing SS. I had to stop previously due to an injury. Need to know if I should cut, maintain, or bulk.

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cut lmao

thanks senpai

Yea, cut if you want to go into fuckin auschwitz mode. You don't have muscle to cut into. Bulk or regret your decision later

maintain what?

You either pick bulking or cutting and stick with it for a while. Though you don't have any muscle breh. but do what you will.

Doing ss... be at a 400 caloric deficit and do ppl (pplxpplx variant). Beginners will see noob gains even at a caloric deficit. This will become impossible at a later stage, so stick with this shit for 3-4 months then start bulking. Thank me later.

Just start lifting around maintance, you'll pack on muscle anyway.

Can you point me to a starter ppl routine?

Here is one from bb forums.

You can tweak it if you like some exercises more than others.

Bulk on SS until you rep 300ish on the squat.
Either bulk or maintain, you don't need to gain more than 10 lbs.

cut then eat clen, tren hard and test your limits.


Should I keep bulking or start a cut?

5'9 170

can someone help me too

What about me?

5'7 137 lbs

Chest, shoulders underdeveloped. Keep bulking.


How fucked am I

Cut. You do not really have a lot of muscle mass, but I'd rather look slimmer than fat af going into summer.

Just go to the gym

Looking terrible. End yaself.

tfw been lifting for 3 months consistently

Keep bulkan. Summer's already here, no point in trying to get a six pack now. By the time you get it, summer will be almost over. Bulk through summer and start your cut in March next year to be shredded by summer 2017

bulk 5 more pounds. 10 if you don't mind the pudge for extra strength gains.
Mantain and keep lifting more.

Plenty of summer left. Cut slowly, you will look a lot better, trust me. Nobody gives a fuck how much you lift if you look like shit. After summer start the bulk.

thx Veeky Forums

Iam 6,4' 198lbs if it helps



Why would you want to look your best by the end of summer? The point is to look good by May when summer starts. He might as well do a slow bulk over summer. He already looks better than most normies anyways


Consider suicide

tfw taller than 20% of male population

Yeah that means 80% are taller, but 20% isn't a small amount by any means


No way in fuck you're 137

I am fucking 137, I shit you not

Remember, im 5'7

Though people have said they thought I was heavier

Just lack of muscle im guessing?

are you intentionally sticking out your gut user?

3 months aint shit homie

>6'4 190
I'm bulking right now, probably best since I still don't have a lot of muscle mass. How long should I bulk? And to what weight? I know I look like shit right now, but I'm recovering from aushwitz mode. Also sorry in advance for shitty broken camera.

Everyone is going to tell you to bulk, but I would cut some more personally.

Bulk or cut? I want abs.

This thread...

The fact you took the time to type that out shows how self conscious you are about it

6'4 190 lbs.. Cut down from 215. Should i cut 5-10 more and maintain? I'm debating just slow bulking through summer.


>Cut, Maintain, or Bulk

> (You)
You aren't wrong, but my point stands.

I love how every poster is 6'4

Need some advice from you fine folks.

I'm 5'11, 170 lbs.

3 posters is every poster. K

Cut and start lifting

tighten your belt

Lift waits


lift weights

>short manlet detected

you should probably lift weights too

I do but my lifts have not been progrwssing on this cut. bench is 2 pl8 and ohp is 1 pl8. i think i will hsve to up both quite a bit on next bulk to look inpressive at ny height but am lookong forward it. i used to be horribly dyel skinny fat

you should work out.

5'9 155lbs manlet

Do you really have to ask..? You have no visible muscle mass at all, so is cutting necessary?, how about maintaining, like maintaining what? Eat lots and train man..

I don't know what to do at this point. 5'10 155lbs

Bulk up your height faggot


maintain m8 looking great peak of normie standards fuck some sloots over summer then get eating

What shit advice, marred even further by the delusions and body dysmorphia instilled in you by Veeky Forums.

You wouldn't tell a landwhale (though OP is not) not to cut just because there is no muscle mass for him to cut around.
If this guy bulks now, he'll just have to cut even longer, risking losing a good deal of the muscle mass that he will have accumulated

A quasi-axiom is that you should never bulk unless you're at 12%.

In all seriousness though, you could probably afford a cut.

Cut with lifting and cardio, and don't you neglect that last part, you lazy fuck. Keeping my eye on you, timmy

Thanks bro! I really enjoy the feedback.

Thanks breh

How about you lift you retard?

Lose the ponytail you fucking faggot. If you're in America I'd laugh at you for being a Bernout

Do I cut or bulk? Im trying to decide before I actually start working out and following a routine.
5'11 about 175lbs give or take 5 lbs.
Also, at what weight do I stop cutting and start bulking?

What to do? Right now I'm bulking, but not too much.
>inbefore throw away some testosterone

What do I do?

Jesus christ

>maintaining that

go and lift heavy things you thick cunt

holy shit

Body hair doesn't equal high test, my delusional newfriend. You just have high DHT.

Are you balding yet?

Am i really that fat?

Haven't had the best hairline since I was 18 basically but it's kind of halted at that, now slowly getting worse.

What does it matter? Thanks for the chemistry lesson. Can you please give me a recommendation on whether I should cut, bulk or maintain?