Daily reminder that whole Veeky Forums thinks we are slayers.
check these fags out
Daily reminder that whole Veeky Forums thinks we are slayers.
check these fags out
The last thing we need is more fucktard losers from /r9k/ coming here. Someone tell those faggots to an hero and they'll never make it.
Hey mate, just an hero because you will never make it.
R9k are weak willed pathetic faggots, actually in recent times it's been flooded with normies for some reason idk why
What do you mean exactly by 'making it', does that just mean achieving happiness?
That place makes you fucking retards look like saints.
It means basically 2 things
>acquiring a shredded and jacked physique
>going from shut in beta to pussy slaying asthetic sik kent
But i think mostly getting a really really nice body. Atleast here on Veeky Forums
this pls
In a simplistic way, yes it does.
Its about achieving high fitness goals, which along the way teaches discipline and self confidence for success in life.
So essentially zyzz, also I'd argue making it is just achieving happiness/fulfillment
truth is getting really fit wont fix loneliness
if anything it will isolate you more cause you are obsessed with the gym
dont act like all of you faggots dont go there once in a while to feel better about yourself
actually that's what Veeky Forums is for
to laugh at autistic kids who dont really lift
R9k is essentially /b now. It's just porn/normies and a few incel threads that's it
>/r9k/ pities us
anyone in r9k does not have any of the above. they will never make it.
All you need to temporarily make it is drugs and alcohol
Yes, let them think that lifting will solve the fact that most of them are misogynist fuccbois who have no social skills and are angry at the world. Then they'll finally kill themselves after realizing it was all for naught.
>'making it
you made it if you don't need to come to Veeky Forums (or any other sub-chan) anymore. This usually entails a wife/gf and maybe kids and also some sort of outlook on life, like a nice job
It's pretty self-explanatory imo though
top lel
keep believing
>mfw I make it with one out of three
>and if you consider 1,80m manlet-tier then it's 0/3
>misogynist fuccbois who have no social skills and are angry at the world
and you want to be jacked and actually able to throw a punch?
Doesn't sound to smart, hombre
/r9k/ should just ghost ban its users from all other boards
>That r9k guy that post about PIZZA & FRAMES on a Cantonese butt plug collectors chalk board
>make thread in /r9k/ about Veeky Forums
>post about it on Veeky Forums
>you want *them* to be etc.
I was arguing against the robots, just for the record
Most recreational lifters will not even get closed to being "jacked"(let alone robots who will give up after a week), and with that being said I have yet to meet a "jacked" guy who can fight. I'm much more worried about them shooting people.
>watch bodybuilder types get thrashed at my MMA/BJJ gym all the time
>get rekt in toughman contests
>watch them get rekt by uppity Chad fratboys at bars or clubs
I came from /r9k/ last year and it was horrible, that place is truly hell on earth. My mentality improved so much after I left that shithole. I agree that most of them are never going to make it.
Its not 'flooded with normies'. They are normies. That is the norm now. Being a socially awkward spastic has been in fashion for 10 years+
>If you post on international gaylord jizz forums then you haven't made it
Your autism is showing.
Ayyy lmao
I have yet to meet an engineer who could run a trial.
What's your point? Lifting weights makes you better at lifting weights.
>making it
lol no
i was here to mention this
gonna assume it's because they buy into a lifting = stupid paradigm whilst simultaneously, whilst full of erroneous 101 beliefs, priding themselves on their intellect as all they have
>/r9k/ is a red board
2/10 try hard next time faggot
Full reddit
Fuck. If Robots try to become Veeky Forums, here's what will happen:
>Literally every person who isn't a Robot will get called a normie, bar the few people who have something glaringly wrong with them
>The Veeky Forums mindset of "you can make it" will be replaced with "you haven't made it. You suck"
>The toxicfags will fucking become so numerous half of the threads we make will be stillborn
>Think the American summer in terms of newfags
>None of them will even lift
>They'll still give out advice
The quality of this board would go down. We don't even have enough real lifters and fitizens to assimilate the newfriends and toxicfags who are joining as it is. A new influx will fuck us, unless they actually tried to improve, but that probably won't happen.
This board is too welcoming for them. There needs to be a campaign of consistent abusive posts to every thread that they create.
But user, you're describing Veeky Forums now
Remember when Veeky Forums encouraged people to lift instead of shitting on them?
>TFW I browsed r9k the first time
>Back then we were known as gentlemen, not robots
>Then it devolved into feels and Veeky Forums Veeky Forums and /g/ became my home boards again.
That place has been a shitfest since it was revived. Just purge the lot of them.
Reminder to hide ALL wojang/pepe posts.Don't even fucking read them,just hide and report.
Because he's worried about them fighting people lol? God damn you're as retarded as the robocucks
yes yes yes
Arkanine was great
You're as old as I am. Yes that's how it was at the very start. It was /b/ for oldfags tired of edgy teens. Then it became the joint worst board on Veeky Forums along with /pol/ and infested by similar losers.
It's all about looking really really good, and also how much you can squat
>robots actually start wanting to do something for themselves to improve their shitty outlook on life
>fuck them amirite
C'mon man let the robots try just like you did
How can there actually be a real person who genuinely believes this?
Look at the screenshot above.Most of them only come here to troll and spread negativity (don't make me say it)and the others who aren't trolling complain about irrelevant shit and sound like kids who need their hands held through the whole journey.Fuck em.
it's too late. summer is here.
I went to /r9k/ for the first time since everyone here talks about how much of a shit hole it is and this was the first thread I saw
Robot genocide when? Seriously how do we trigger them into an heroing themselves so they don't ruin Veeky Forums?
Spam them 24/7 with threads like this
Start a CBT on r9k, but market it as a CHAD eating PIZZA thread.
Hopefully that will make them think these bodies and this fitness comes with ease and we are just all natural gifted Chad's who never put in any work, yet manage to get gains.
For even more fun, we talk about slaying pussy on the regular and talk about our fetishes for nerdy gamer girls/ how many quiet nerdy and geeky types we've fucked on the sly.
I've been on Veeky Forums for almost a decade and I still don't know what the whole "robot" thing means.
I thought it was a board about building robots until I started getting Veeky Forums. Is it because they're dead inside human beings?
They walk amongst us
moot got upset that /b/ has the same threads over and over again so he made /r9k/ which auto bans repeat threads.
but then all the depressed cunts from /b/ went over to /r9k/ since /b/ got invaded by normies
then moot tried to make some canvas site which would try and push new content but that failed
Oh my god what the ever loving shit how does that even happen?
The robot was there to filter out non original posts. R9k was a more civilised/b/ until it became a shitfest.
TFW on Veeky Forums since 2005.... fuck.
Search robot 9000 and xkcd.
Made me kek
Only smile this week, thx user
It may not be the norm, but it's certainly less looked down upon, such failures aren't thrown of a rock and can live in parents basement, because it's not like not working equals eating grass, unless you're in NK.
This. Been browsing Veeky Forums for 2 years now. It's toxic these days because of /r9k/ losers and /pol/tards. Hardly even bother coming here anymore if you actually lift /r/bodybuilding and Misc. are so much better. Sad as this was actually a good place once.
Pushing reddit tactics
You are garbage
He's not wrong though. Fuck em.
Never argue with a retard. He will bring you to his level and beat you with experience
I would love to see /mlp/ vs /r9k/ the autismo war of to many chromosomes . actually when I think about it mlp is r9k with a specific subject.
>guys I stepped in this pile of shit on /r9k/, mind if I scrape it off on Veeky Forums's carpet?
eat a bottle of aspirin
>Not training for heart gains with progressive overdosing of aspirin
Confirmed for never going to make it.