What's the best method for getting a six pack. Pic related, literally me.
What's the best method for getting a six pack. Pic related, literally me
read the sticky lardass
lost weight you fucking retarded person
You would think that someone with such a beer belly would know how to buy a 6 pack
Work for it? Guess most blacks are use to handouts huh
Drive thru, you don't even have to get off.
You already know the method. You're just asking here hoping someone will give you a magic trick. You deserve all that hate you're getting.
Pic related is you in a few days crushing a pizza
the best way is the only way: lower your bodyfat
drinking bleach has 0 calories
Crunches. Bring your head to your knees on every rep
Cardio, planks, Russian twists, and heavy lifts with your squats and deads.
Not sure if you've ever heard of it, but it's called cutting bitch tits.
Quit drinking alcohol too. It would be a great start on that damn potbelly you have.
You like what I'd expect a captive of cannibals would like so the meats all fatty and greasy.
Also losing weight would get rid of those titties you have. This is a blue board, so stop posting those things here. Only welcome tits are pics, and those aren't pecs.
Thanks for all the advice and motivation faggots.
Well considering the color of your skin the odds are pretty good you'll be sent to prison in your lifetime. Its a great way to lose weight and get into great shape. Check out convict conditioning.
>Its a great way to lose weight and get into great shape.
You forgot plenty of time to convert to Islam.
Damn, didn't expect to get ethered like this, again, thanks for the motivation.
Loose weight and do planks
Six pack? I thought negroes drank 40oz's..
Shit, MC Ride really let himself go lads.
Start running and doing ab workouts, in fact just start lifting you'll start dropping pounds with noob gains
tree hang x F
This will get you abs in a about 2 months if you do it every other day
Forgive your father, go to school, do your homework, learn what the word "sticky" meabs
Read the sticky, you fool
>this fucking thread