Do you run?
Do you run?
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Im trying to..
Ive been starting to run for 3 miles
But im horrible at it. I can barely keep the pace for 2 minutes. Will my runs get better the more i attempt to run these 3 miles?
Is there some kind of routine for running? If i want to run for 3 miles?
Jog for 30 seconds
Walk for 30 seconds
Do this for like 15 minutes three times a week.
Then jog for a minute, 2 minutes, etc as the weeks progress
Yeah. I've been doing it for about a week now. It's pretty fun actually. I like to walk and then jog and alternate it every 3 minutes.
Yea and it makes me feel so good
no i use a jump rope because im too insecure to run in public and the gym and too poor to afford a treadmill.
Couch to 5k.
It's meant for going from completely sedentary to running 3.1 miles in 9 weeks.
Arnold did cardio
I really fucking hate running and I am not good at it, I used to get winded before the fat kids and I was a skelly. But I do it 3 times a week with lifting. I can run 4 miles at 6mph pace.
I try to, yeah, but my feels always catch up.
i dont run burns to much gains. i skate to gym and back at 1am, feels good
>I skate to the gym
I used to run all the time but I have persistent stress fractures on both of my second metatarsals now. Doesn't bother me though, my job is sort of light cardio all day.
I run because it's fun. Jam out to music, burn useless fat, have better stamina at everything, its easy as fuck. I love running and jogging.
Don't know if its related but my boners are fucking awesome too, but that maybe from the lifting. I dunno
Love to run, best time for a 3K is 19:30 but been bulking so cardio is like 5% of my training now - tried to run a 5K the other day and ended up running it in 21:30 minutes which is pretty sloppy for me. If I run on an off-day my squats generally suck the next day and I feel drained so I don't bother that much any more, all my cardio comes from swimming, rowing, muay thai etc.
Fuck running. I'd rather ride my bike 5 miles than run a single mile.
Plus, women runners are all dykes while most women bikers got dat ass.
21.30 for a 5k is pretty good dude. I'm pushing 27 minutes at the moment and having a grim time doing it. Granted I've only ran two so far.
You tryin to tell me you ran those last two kilometres in 3 minutes?
It's amazing how quickly you can make running gains. Back in February/March I could barely run half a mile without stopping to catch my breath. Now I can comfortably do a 5k in just over 22 minutes. I still find myself a bit out of breath at times, especially over short distances where I go for speed, which might be down to using an e-cig but I'm not sure.
I'm at 30 minutes, and I can't seem to get any faster.
Only one or twice a week cause the army makes me
Running is literally the worst cardio you could do. Bad for you joints, bad for you feet, awfully bad if you don't have the "right shoes" for you.
Swimming, OTOH, has benefits only and you're going to trigger more muscles.
Same here. My dick gets so hard since im running. I even have the feeling it got longer and thicker.
Running improves the blood circulation i was once told. Could have something to do with it.
I just don't buy this. Running on hard surfaces with bad form, yeah, not good for your joints. But it's ridiculous to imagine that hunter-gatherers thousands of years ago were crippled by joint pain because they chased too many animals
>hunter-gatherers thousands of years ago
>reductio ad paleo
"hunter-gatherers thousands of years ago" were old (if not already dead) at 30.
Go chasing animals barefoot in Chad for a year or two.
>I just don't buy this
There's always some faggot disregarding medicine and science because it's too "traditional".
I've yet to see compelling evidence that running on grass or other soft surfaces with good form causes catastrophic injury
Do you remember how long it took for boner gains? I've started running 2-3 times a week for about 20 minutes (I try to increase speed or distance every time) because I'm in bad shape, and I want to get my strong boners back.
Man use your head a little. How many of us have significant teeth problem? or joint problems? or had to undergone surgery at least once in our lives? Your body deteriorates and running, in the best of cases, may not cause a significant injury but accelerates your natural corrosion. It's like not brushing your teeth, you are loosing your natural protection faster because of poor maintenance.
Only in the last centuries we've been able to reach this high expectancy of life. People probably didn't have cancer as often in the past simply because they couldn't reach this point of natural deterioration. Nowadays people are sure to be more careful since you know there's a good chance you will face the downsides of every bad habit before dying.
That makes sense, and I'm curious now. Should you not be running at all? Should you only be running short distances? Is it ok if done occasionally?
>were old (if not already dead) at 30.
>avg life expectancy of hunter-gatherers=30
check out the faggot who doesn't understand statistics
(see: prehistoric child mortality rates, dipshit)
Not anymore, injured my knee playing rugby and can't run without pain. Now I do long distance sled pulls with occasional rucking and sprints on grass.
>I'm twelve: the post
Sure, let's take a look at the archives we totally have about the homo not so sapiens and let's check the child mortality rates...
Nothing in that posts consider an hypothetical "average life expectancy". Average life span was probably way shorter than 30 (it has been estimated at 20). Humans were really old (if not already dead) at 30. 35 is usually considered max age for "paleo ancestors".
The hardest part about roller-skating is definite telling your parents that you're gay
1. They weren't running long distances
2. They weren't running on concrete
3. They lived to about 30, so didn't have time to develop joint problems
6 days a week for 15-20 minutes at a time. It isn't my preferred form of cardio, but it allows me to get my dog some exercise, so that keeps me doing it.
What's a long distance in your eyes? 5k+?
>have 3 kids
>2 die at birth
>only living child's 60th birthday
>shouldnt be alive, because
>life expectancy of my kids = 20
Humans are the best long distance runners on the planet, and many cultures get a kill by running until the animals collapse with exhaustion.
They live far longer than 30.
Hunter-gather societies have about 15-20 hour work weeks and none of that is hard labor. Compare that to a blue collar worker.
I don't have any information on their joint health situation though.
>I'm really 12.
And I see you're really brain damaged too. Stop posting and try reading.
Nobody ever considered an hypotetical average life span of paleo ancestors. We know that they never made it out of their thirties, mainly because all the rests we have of them are of a 30 yo guy/gal *max*.
There's a difference between "average" and "max". Connect your brain next time.
The post you're replying to is considering "paleo ancestors". You're considering hypothetical contemporary "hunter-gatherer societies" you're pulling straight out of your fat ass.
If you ignore dead babies from the average, their life expectancy isn't that much lower than a guy living in America.
This is because they don't have dense living situations that increase the amount of diseases and the transfer of them, and they don't have access to junk food.
>Their life expectancy
Was *max* 30~35 years.
"soft surfaces" (no strings attached: e.g. sand) are even worse. You meant "uneven surfaces"
"Uneven surfaces" will simply force you to strain different muscles & different regions of your bones.
>compelling evidence
30 secs in google, limiting results to the last 6 years:
Even if
>It is noteworthy that tremendous differences in topical anatomy, posture, and locomotion contribute into the gaits of rats and human being.
the unsurprising result is that
>In conclusion, excessive running induces joint degeneration and a unique gait pattern in rats.
>Twenty young healthy volunteers, aged 22 to 35 years
> Participants were instructed to run for 30 minutes (distance and speed were recorded but not controlled)
The unsurprising result:
>The post-run T1ρ and T2 measurement showed significant reduction in all regions of cartilage except the lateral tibia when compared with the pre-run condition. The medial tibiofemoral compartments experienced the greatest reduction after running.
>The design is a cohort study between marathon runners (n = 10) and matched controls (n = 10). Marathon runners were recruited from local marathon running clubs. Participants were between 18 and 40 years of age.
>This study found that long-distance running causes biochemical changes in the articular cartilage. Running a marathon has dynamic biochemical effects on the articular cartilage
>This study demonstrates that runners have changes in the articular cartilage (..) after running a marathon. The T2 changes are reversible over 3 months of reduced activity, while T1r values remain elevated compared with baseline after the same period
The only recent paper often cited by bloggers and running sites as the one declaring that "running is totally fine" is
>Whereas other exercise increased [osteoarthritis] and hip replacement risk, running significantly reduced their risk due, in part, to running’s association with lower BMI.
But pretty often those blog sites omit the correlation with the lower BMI. Also:
>There are important limitations to these analyses that warrant acknowledgement. The results are based on self-reported physician diagnosed OA and hip replacement rather than medical chart review or imaging
My dick shrivels back after my runs the same after a swim. Is it just nature or do I get warmed up some more
I don't know why you keep bringing up the Paleolithic era, that shit was like 3 million years ago. Homo Sapiens weren't even around then.
Since I'm on Veeky Forums maybe an image is worth one thousand words.
What are skateboards/longboards
Even gayer
I don't know why you keep posting. What are you trying to argue now? That the homo abilis didn't evolve in homo sapiens in the early stone age aka palaeolithic era? Or that the hunter-gatherer referenced in this fucking post ( ) (" hunter-gatherers thousands of years ago") weren't living in the stone age? Or that the fad about running barefoot and "muh long distance travellers is healthy and natural" is as fad as the paleo diet fad?
Did you finish high school at least?
>3 million years ago
>Same as thousands of years ago
>Thinking we're even talking about the same species
Sounds like your problem is you've only finished highschool.
Do you like talking about raptors during a conversation about chickens?
>5k in 2130
ya right
Hunter-gatherers are typical of the palaeolithic era. There were no compelling hunter-gatherers societies at the time of the Greeks or the Romans, pretty much as there are no compelling similar societies nowadays.
3 million years ago was still just the beginning of that era, ~9000 years ago was the time were the (paleo) hunter-gatherers (sapiens) appeared.
Educate yourself sometimes.
i run 5-6 days a week
MON 15 run min warm up push 15 min run cool down
TUE 15 run min warm up pull 15 min run cool down
THUR 15 run min warm up push 15 min run cool down
Fri 15 run min warm up pull 15 min run cool down
Sat 5k Park run
SUN 10k + if i want to
yh i run sometimes
i run at 5min per km
Is Veeky Forums censoring the link? Let's try again
my best 5k is like 22:37 i think no bad i recon i can prove it too
Is riding a bike as bad for you as running is?
What does havIng higher signals mean
read the paper. In short, with layman words: ruined articular cartilage
AFAIK, no. Still you won't use as many muscles as with swimming. Using different swimming styles will trigger even more muscles.
Yea I assumed that, but if running is that bad for your joints, I had to ask about Bicycling, cuz I love doing it.
I also would love to swim, but being fat "marked" my body, if you get what I'm saying.
Riding your bike isnt bad for your joints, thats its one and only advantage to running. I mean, you dont get these repeated hits like you were running
Fastest Mile(6 years ago): 4:32
Fastest 5k(last week): 16:11
The mile was back in school, I didn't run 5k back then. Now I don't do the mile, I run 5k and up. Could run a marathon if I wanted to but it wouldn't be an impressive time maybe sub 4 hour if I push myself.
Wanting to get into more long distance running but at the same time I must bulk
Everyone should just ride their rascal scooters to the weight room imo
Former distance running skelly here and I want to say that "fast" is generally considered to be 17:00 and under for a 5k.
At this point I haven't ran distance in years (stopped when I stared lifting) and my 5k time would most definitely be over 22 minutes at this point. Worth it though. Fuck being a fast skelly who thinks he's hot shit just because he can run.
i skateboard, running is too boring 4 me
cycling if fucking easy though
Running noob here
34 minute 5k, straight grandpa speed FaM
I am fucking SHREKT after it too
One day I may
10 miles on a bike in the highest gear pushing as hard as you can is about equal excerise to running 1 mile. Cycling is very easy. I suggest HIIT cycling and fast 5k-10k runs for optimal hypertrophy. Running and cycling use different muscles.
Man, if you're looking for hypertrophy in cycling or running, you're going to be deluded.
No, when you cycle you don't push hard enough and when you run you jog instead of actually running. This is why you burn calories without gaining muscles. Try using your muscles.
18ish minutes on 5km now. about 9 months of training.
>use this ninja method to run/cycle and you'll use your muscles 900% more
Yeah, no. Cycling and running are not hypertrophy exercises, period.
Wait are all you guys talking about meters when you say 3k? Because then you would be veeeery slow. My best time for 3 kilometers is 11:55 and i am not even into jogging
You are simply wrong then and won't accept it. Your legs will be tree trunks if you would get the bullshit out of your ears. It is not ninja. It is HIIT. You should do HIIT because it makes your heart and lungs stronger and that makes your lifts at the gym much stronger as a result. It also increases bone density and is very good for your ligaments. This is besides the fact that it is VERY GOOD FOR HYPERTROPHY. You won't have to squat a day in your life. Also, hills are basically squats. Argue when you can walk into the gym and squat 2.5x bodyweight, laugh at how easy it was and head right back outside to ACTUALLY DO LEGS.
>You're simply wrong
You're making statements against any reasonable statement of contemporary medicine, the burden of proof on this inane bullshit is pretty much entirely on your shoulders. HIIT is not a hypertrophy exercise, period. Cardio may improve strength training, resistance training and even hypertrophy training. But cardio (HIIT or not) is not a hypertrophy exercise.
Suggesting that HIIT replaces squats is inane per se. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Get the fuck off Veeky Forums already.
I did a 5k in 30 minutes yesterday, I am 255 pounds if that's any exuse
>squats 600 pounds
>rides a bike
>is wrong about riding a bike
You poor little babby
>Fiance ran out of the house crying yesterday
>Its fucking rest day bitch what are you doing
>Have to hurriedly throw on shorts and shoes to go catch up
Unwanted cardio. Not even once.
>having a fiancé
/R9k/ please leave. This board is not for you.
>I can squat 600 freedom units because I ride a bike
Sure, sure.
Running gets the other muscle groups, by the way. You should try it. If you run correctly every muscle up to your man titties will be sore.
i run windows
Windows does not respect your fundamental four freedoms. I urge you to install GNU/Gentoo
IGNUcius' blessings be upon you child.
Jokes on you, I'm almost 35
I ran 5km in 17 minutes yesterday
I fucking hate running though
/me tips
anyway, vim > emacs
(St. IGNUcius pls forgive me, for I have sinned)
Do you have any proof, user?
Yes, everyday I work out
Although recently I've been feeling like I'm not getting enough calories to run at a surplus, so I'll occasionally skip the running part and go straight to lifting
For me the hardest part about getting big is eating big
Yeah right
I'm training for a marathon. I'm currently hovering around a half-marathon. I'd eventually like to try out for special operations after I finish college
sub 4 hour if you push yourself? either underestimating yourself or that 5k time is actually a 2.5 mile time...
you can definitely run a 3 hour marathon, at least, with that kind of 5k.
>they weren't running long distances
lol talking out of your ass there bro. it's a known fact that hunters have been known to track animals for upwards of fifty miles until the animals tire out. after all, humans only really become the fastest animal at distances above the marathon