how did it end up like this
How did it end up like this
dude's gay. he's been through his own "persecution." he sees it happening to another group and sticks up for them.
his that type of arrogant gay thats going to get btfo the moment the islamics feel comfortable in numbers
i dont even know why i care anymore, im not gay, not degenerate, i'll be perfectly fine
Hes a fag
Now hes a leftist liberal
Hes just mad any normal person would disapprove of his homosexuality fetish.
I have no problem with what he said. But using 'problematic' unironically, fuck me i'm triggered.
He's the typical rich boomer. Wealthy, lots of vacations, always happy/positive, and completely fucking dumb. These are the type of people that sold out the US in the 60s and 70s, supported Bush in Iraq, and now laugh at young people weighed down by debt with no chances of finding jobs whilst they cruise around on their yachts.
Maybe he'd like to come to one of our European Muslim ghettoes to show how truly tolerant he is? Or is he all talk?
Scooby wants everyone to make it. He even still likes Veeky Forums despite what happened to him.
Even 1% of 1 billion is 10 million. That's a pretty significant threat.
>2 individuals compare to the constant shit kebab pull
no wonder you guys cant get a girlfriend.
Anybody who thinks a facebook fitness page by scooby would be a good place to discuss islam is clearly a sperglord and /pol/ thinking their freeze peach entitles them to explains why everyone IRL does not want to associate with them
try to make some social gains once in a while
Who the fuck cares? Acknowledging that Islam exists and some people who follow its traditions need bodybuilding advice is not the same thing as advocating Islam or terrorism.
More than half of his post was talking about muh islamophobia and muh hitler. He could have just given the advice straight, but he chose to make it into a political post
>dude you have opinion? You have never seen vaginaxDDD
Why would any gay person in their right mind even acknowledge Islam? Islam literally wants them dead.
Scooby is a good man and a bro to all. Good job, Scoobs.
I guess being gay and self-hate go hand-in-hand.
Last time I try to understand what goes on in the minds of these degens.
Yeah, no.
I'm a megafaggot and i had to stick up for myself quite a few times, but i feel no sympathy for any other minority, especially mudslimes.
>it's an abstract kind of nausea
it's like "this cant be real"
yet it is
You only have the right-wing to blame that everything gay-related is full of SJW tumblerinas.
Leftists realised we, fags, are a crucial minority that has a significant voting dynamic and they hopped onto that wagon.
Shillary was anti-gay even till like 2009 and now she's gayshilling like crazy.
Just as not every Christian hates gays not all Muslims hate them either. There are moderate Muslims. Unfortunately there are doing jack shit to condemn the large number of crazies in their religion.
do you think this guy even has a cock anymore
considering half the threads here are about tfwnogf i dont think thats a reach
>completely fucking dumb
He built his own airplane.
>not an absurd kind of nausea
Do you even existentialism
>significant voting demographic
Do faggots even make up 5% of society?
5 to 10 percent of people are estimated to be homosexual to some significant degree (i.e. more than incidentally homosexual)
The worst part of it is that the argument he's using is not only factually inaccurate (Hitler wasn't a Catholic, but an atheist) but it's nonsense. Hitler wasn't chanting "IN THE NAME OF JESUS!" when he gassed the jews, and Timothy McVeigh wasn't praying the Our Father during the OK City bombing.
Meanwhile Muslim terrorists are literally acting "in the name of Muhammad" and "for Allah", explicitly, every time.
Does scooby realise that in a perfect "Islamic State" poofters like him would be thrown off a cliff?
Estimates are 5% to 10%, you realise why this can't be accurate.
Take into consideration blacks in murica are only 13% of the population.
Would you classify us as a non-significant demographic?
>literal faggot is a sandnigger apologist
Am I meant to be surprised?
The thing is, homosexual males vote. So if that's 5% of the population, and only 65% of the population votes, the gays could be a swing.
I guess you don't pay too much attention to the mechanics of elections.
Based Gooby is right, fuck Islam AND Catholicism and every other organization of delusional retards
Religion is a cancer on humanity. We should just ship all of them into the Middle East and let them kill each other for worshipping the wrong Easter Bunny until no one is left.
But that's not what he said, like at all.
why do they like this word so much
fuck liberals, sucking the fun and joy out of everything. Nothing is fun anymore, not even the internet.
>triggered by a word, used in any kind of context
You're worse than trannies.
>implying im triggered and not just pointing it out
whatever you say lad
I'm worse than people denying the laws of biology :^)
It's what he really means. No true intellectual faggot would argue for religious tolerance in a world where religion is the primary driving force behind lynching the homos.
Islam may be mostly not terrorists, but they ARE mostly bigots, same as the Evangelicals and the Jews
He's just being subtle, encouraging people to compare Christianity and Islam and realize the only difference is the towels on their heads
>Hitler was Catholic
I how he is also willing to blame the Jews from all the atrocities of the USSR then
Are people forgetting Scooby is a Jew?
Jews are as bad as the rest. It's all fucked bro. They're killing each other because they have different imaginary friends.
There's no saving them. Hitler was right, he just wasn't broad enough. Gas em all lads
He doesnt understand the world
>One of the most evil people of all time
Yeah, he sure doesn't, thank Allah you do, after all you've been on /pol/ since 2014 and have a doctorate in shitposting
>Mfw gay
>Mfw my fellow fags are actually this blind
The actions of the few DO represent the religion when they are directly advocated by that religion. Just because most aren't in a position to go full jihad without getting their shit pushed in doesn't mean the religion is peaceful.
>timothy mcveigh
>guy who said he was agnostic
>who blew up things because of the governments actions not his religion
Gooby is going full retard these days
plus why would he like people that throw gays off of bridges
or is he just sticking up for the "moderates" that watch and do nothing about it?
That Chistian Attacks:Dead ratio. Nicely done. Deus vult.
Timothy McVeigh was not religious. Raised Catholic, never took it that seriously, stopped attending mass at 16. It had exactly zero (0) influence on the bombing.
Scooby is a truly fucking stupid person.
If only right-wingers would get their heads out of their asses and stopped being so spergy about fag rights, being gay and right-wing would be more mainstream.
>Christians dindu nuffin
Wew lad
i unliked as soon as i read this. i've already ceased needing his advice 2 years now, i was following him because he was our natty lord.
well not anymore.
it was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
You're right, the bigger problem is that all of Scooby's advice is dogshit.
The fuck is "incidentally homosexual"?
The minimum level of homosexuality required to post on Veeky Forums? No homo.
he is a leftist shitstain, and a faggot. believes in religious and culutural relativism; to him a gay man is equal to a heterosexual one both in nature and under the law. to him islam is equal to buddhism and christianity, in the way that they all threaten our western way of life, our civilization, our culture, history, etc. he believes that the african tribe making the mud hut and eating the other tribe is equal to european (and it's shoot off, american) society and what it has attained. it's all relative, bro. no one is better, we're just different - it's 2016!
>Tfw inna closet
>say something against muslims
>"typical straight white male loooool"
>tfw sometimes I wanna come out just to shut this liberal pieces of shit up but its too comfy in here
I have every right to hate them and their religion, if things were their way I would be thrown of a roof
>complains about factual inaccuracies
>Hitler was an atheist
Did you ever stop to think that Scooby might just be a goddamn idiot?
>m-muh-my invisible best friend is the best don't say mean things about him
If he was real wouldn't I have been smited by now? :^)
What really blows my mind is that Christfags mock towelheads for believing there are 72 virgins when they die, but unironically believe they will be sent to a cloud city of paradise for eating crackers on Sunday and not masturbating
Did he design it and have the parts machined to his specifications, or did he slap together some prefabbed shit?
Because one actually shows a great deal of knowledge of one or two specific topics (though not necessarily great intelligence), and one shows he can follow the instructions provided with a LEGO set.
>to him a gay man is equal to a heterosexual one both in nature and under the law.
Both can recreate, both pay taxes.
Sounds pretty equal to me bby. :3
>he believes autismal virgins on 4chinz are equal to large cocked chads
Are you a degenerate too?
Oh, I'm sure he could find some abortion clinic bomber that's actually a Christian terrorist, but that would include a small spark of original thought and maybe even intelligence, which he doesn't need to simply parrot factually wrong arguments he's heard from other idiots.
I wonder if people who vomit that kind of rhetoric realize that those "Catholic terrorists" don't do it because of Catholicism, unlike Muslims who literally follow a religion that tells them to kill gays, people who leave islam, rape victims, women who don't obey them...
>gay man defending Islam
Pretty disturbing.
scooby used to be pretty neutral if I recall, right? he started slowly getting more and more politcal lately what with his solarpanel video and a few offhand remarks in his other videos. I'd have preferred if he kept those things in their proper place. He says his facebook isn't the place for islam bashing, but is his fitness page really the place for his political opinion? It's just bad taste
>it's wrong with giving dietary advice to Muslims
>implying that means all Muslims are bad
Hitler did it in the name of Germany, so I suppose that means all pro Germans are bad?
if you ask germany, apparently they are because you can't be a nationalist anymore.
Same reason there's Christfag homofags when the bible explicitly states they should be stoned
>Buddhism is Christianity
>Do not suppose I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
>Christianity is a religion of peace...
ALL Abrahamic religions are violent. You won't see Buddha asking his followers to bring a sword to the Taoists. Buddhism and Taoism are the only completely peaceful religions.
Nationalist no
Patriot yes
That isn't an argument. Because they're wrong doesn't mean you are right.
I take you haven't actually read the bible, have you?
Congrats, you're a shitty human that learned nothing and has no empathy. Proud?
to be fair, it seems like it only came out when he was doxxed, i think that's around the time he decided to come clean and admit that he was gay
so it may be that people are now politicizing things that aren't at all political, like which workouts are best for developing a strong back
he used to be pretty good at avoiding politics, which i imagine is why he kept quiet on being gay
now, yeah, i don't have a problem with him having that view of muslims to be honest, but i do have a problem with needlessly politicizing a page that's fitness, it just seems silly to have a page that is 99% fitness and 1% politics, but, ultimately, it is his page and he can talk about politics if he wants
but yeah, he did have to double down and defend himself and his views when the homophobes came out of the woodwork, so they may have started the overpoliticization of all of this
although, honestly, as long as he doesn't try to sell some stupid diet book or workout plans or ask for donations or something like that, he's still better than most of the other sellouts in the fitness industry and will continue to be even if after every video he asked you to hug a muslim and let him fuck your wife after shitting in your driveway
his biggest advantage is that he doesn't act like he has some holy secret that is worth money, he really wants everyone to be healthy and he rewards the success stories with the contests on his website, i was worried about that sweat4health paysite or whatever it was, but it didn't affect his videos at all
leave that gay man alone you fucking bigot
explain burma then
buddhism has a lot of sects, and not all of them are in agreement
daoism doesn't explicitly lead to violence, but the only religion that explicitly, unequivocally preaches universal peace as an imperative is jainism, that is the central morality throughout all of it
jainism is violently peaceful, while other religions are, at best, peacefully violent
I'm talking about the core texts. Obviously religious people don't do what their religions preach, else there wouldn't have been so many Catholic child molesters.
Not taking a life is a core teaching of Buddhism though.
it's clear that after he came out that he decided to let more of his opinions come out, whether that was intentional or not who can say, and it isn't even entirely out of place on videos like, say, the solar panel video he did about energy efficiency but it's definitely seemed out of place on this ramadan advice post
I wouldn't say sweat4health didn't affect his videos, because I think it affected him very much and it's coming out in his videos, and the fact he's doing all these meet and greets and monday life broadcasts. he's reaching out more and more and not just to give fitness advice. I don't know what that's about
>gay man who has campaigned for gay rights in the past
>defends the most homophobic and anti-gay religion in the world
people gotta wake up from the "islam is harmless XD" meme. its just a genuinely disgusting way to conduct one's life and society.
islam isn't a problem mixing islam into christendom is what causes issues
Well in Buddhism everyone is Buddha. If you hurt someone you're literally hurting yourself
just like all religions
>despite what happened to him
which is?
>islam isn't a problem
go to any muslim country, come back, and tell me that again with a straight face
>tfw just jacked off every ISIS member
fish will find dry land disagreeable, that's natural. but you're asking the wrong christian man to do that, because I happen to have perspective on the issue
I actually go to Malaysia a few times a year. It isn't. Islamic extremism is an extremely far right movement that most people don't care about. Malaysia is a shit hole but that's about corruption and economic factors.
sexism and homophobia is pretty much a part of their religion, and anyone can appreciate that both of those are degenerate
This sounds like no true scotsman, but honestly if you're violent towards people out of anything other than self-defense, you're not acting in the Buddhist spirit. I didn't finish reading the Pali Kanon yet but the Buddha is extremely clear and direct in his teachings and violence is truly a last resort. There are some exceptions in there - of which it is likely they were not even formulated by the Buddha himself - like for example a king can have a standing army in case of invasion, so that he can defend his people, but that's the most "violent" advice you will find.
>Monks, even if bandits were to carve you up savagely, limb by limb, with a two-handled saw, he among you who let his heart get angered even at that would not be doing my bidding. Even then you should train yourselves: 'Our minds will be unaffected and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We will keep pervading these people with an awareness imbued with good will and, beginning with them, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world with an awareness imbued with good will — abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.' That's how you should train yourselves.
it might just be "well, the cat's out of the bag, might as well tell them everything!"
it might also be that the less secrets he has, the less he has to lose in another doxxing incident
considering he was doxxed once, i think it was smart to come out on his own terms, rather than some random people on the internet finding out and maybe telling his homophobic family members or something
although, yeah, he is going a bit out of his way with the treatment of muslims in the west, it's perfectly valid to talk about ramadan because he surely has a few muslim followers, and i guess it wouldn't be that bad if he said "don't leave mean comments for my muslim followers", but he had to universalize it, which does make things a bit too contentious than they should be
on top of that, i always thought it was silly when people say very serious things on facebook or twitter, considering they are such inconvenient places to have long, serious discussions
it's like when you see that some people have been arguing in youtube comments for months over hundreds of posts, is there a more obtuse way to have a conversation?
No, not everyone is Buddha. The Buddha also rejected the notion that everyone is "one". That is a Hindu concept. However in everyone lies the potential to realize their Buddha nature and enlightenment.
what are you saying, that sexism is degenerate or the opposite is degenerate because it's a little unclear. in any case, it's irrelevant because islam is going to 100% be seen as disagreeable to people in christendom, as it should be. but that does not make islam a problem for arabs, or us if we understand that oil and water don't mix
>mfw when they throw him off a roof in 20 years in Ameristan
>mfw when I get thrown off a roof too
Scooby is such a fucking faggot, has he never read the Quran? Being a "moderate Muslim" just means you're bad a practising your religion.
well, i can appreciate hinduism, buddhism, shinto and other religions, but the problem with islam is that it is fundamentally amoral. yes you can say that because i grew up in a christian country i see it in a different light but that's a lazy argument and i'm not impressed by it frankly