>Meet qt girl online
>knows i lift
>knows i hit those squat's hard
>asks me today if i do cross-fit
How do i even respond to that? should i pretend i've never heard of that abomination?
>Meet qt girl online
>knows i lift
>knows i hit those squat's hard
>asks me today if i do cross-fit
How do i even respond to that? should i pretend i've never heard of that abomination?
Other urls found in this thread:
"No, I don't. How about you?"
>qt girl
Just say you don't and start dating men instead
I was thinking of saying;
>No i do not, i do similar lifts but i actually do it the right way.
Is it wise to write half an essay on why it's bad and how dangerous it is?
Give her the dink
>How do i even respond to that? should i pretend i've never heard of that abomination?
"I prefer to customize workouts for myself."
No because she won't care dickhead
Must be rough living with autism, Op.
>Is it wise to write half an essay on why it's bad and how dangerous it is?
yeah it's pretty bad if you only write half an essay, it'll show her you can't complete anything. Also, be sure to include references, bitches love references
This. Phrase it in a way that portals yourself as independent.
She's trying to be interested in your hobbies. Use this as a chance to improve her view of you, then turn it back around to her and let her talk about herself more. She'll like that.
>Is it wise to write half an essay on why it's bad and how dangerous it is?
Is it wise to immediately inform someone that you're a negative person that jumps at the chance to start hating?
How about you get negative nancy tattooed on your fucking forehead to go along with your debbie downer sundress
This entire thread is autistic insecure and overthinking a simple question
threads like this should generate an auto permanent ban
1.Be a total twat about her asking an innocent, friendly question.
2. Make no reciprocal attempt to engage with or understand the activities and pastimes that make her happy.
3. Find that despite farting your way through kg after kg of disgusting protein products, misery-inducing cut diets, workouts you secretly dread and hours engaging with the toxic crab-bucket that is /fit, women don't react to you in the way you'd like.
4. Blame feminism.
That's what I'd do anyway.
no because its a class and nomatter how strong I am I always wind up getting molested by the instructor
>qt girl I like ask me if I crossfit
>passive agressive reply will get me laid 4sure
Just be honest you fucking retard.
Jesus you're fucking dense.
>Nah I don't. Et toi ?
Don't be such a bitter passive aggressive cunt.
"Haha, nah I just go to the gym sometimes"
Just hell her you lift heavy and you don't personally like crossfit. Don't go autism-mode about it.
Try giving her an honest answer not some strangers, but lets be real this didn't happen.
Dude, wtf a 500 word essay is going to take you all weekend.
Women get nervous and have trouble making conversation too, you fucking autist.
Why didn't you use the chance to educate her on lifting, so she might join you
When people have that goes of capitalism I immediately know they are fucking retarded
Is english your first language, mate?
I have no idea what you were trying to say there
Just go and have fun
sorry, what?
Jesus guys I'm USA.
Not "goes"
Fucking autocorrect.
I just hate people that view capitalism as his tattoo. Fucking retarded.
Free enterprise capitalism is by far the best system (note that NO system is perfect tho)
You still sound retarded, i understand though.
You're USA
explain in length why you don't and why what you do is much better. go in depth on your program and it's logic. then analyze why crossfit is shit.
don't rush it, make sure she understand everything. communication is very important.
>or you could just say no, and realize that non lifters just don't care about this stuff.
>half an essay
Is she a high school dropout? Write a whole essay for Christ's sake.
are you trolling?
>hfw she can't find a reasonably doubtful claim that is also unreferenced
As an honors accounting Bachelors, Finance MBA, and CPA,please explain to me, in fiscal terms, a system that has produced more value/wealth for society as a whole than capitalism.
dont take anything a girl says/asks seriously
"sometimes i do some pushups before bed"
"nah i just play wii fit with my little bro"
See above. CPA/FinMBA guy here. Not trolling.
That tattoo is the bottom of the barrel ignorance detection system for those who do not understand simple economics.
>more value/wealth for society as a whole
If you were 10% as smart as you think you are you would've stopped typing there and realised your mistake.
>there is anything wrong with crossfit except the few full retards that get sometimes posted on here.
Well let's see...
>Im 25
>I make 79k Sal plus bonus at a fortune 500 company.
>The closest person to my age in my level of position is ten years older than me.
>Got a full ride MBA and college from my high school grades and 35 ACT score.
So either I got "lucky" literally every step of the way throughout my life, or I am that damn smart.
I base my arguments only on numbers and facts, not Bernie Sander's opinion.
Elaborate then, rather than a snide remark, as to why I am incorrect.
I know a meth head on that same salary because his parents know someone
Oh... And I'm still waiting on your example of a better system. As I already duely noted that capitalism isn't perfect, but the best system based on feasibility.
Again. Deflecting.
I have nowhere to go but up. My goal is to hit 150k by 30, seems attainable.
So instead of deflection. Give me your answer to a better alternative and explain why it's better than capitalism...
Lol user, this dude is just trolling you. He has no answer.
If he did he'd have said it by now.
At best you might get an opinion from him, senpai.
the answer is always zumba & wii-fit
Haha all good my fellow Veeky Forumsizen.
I just like to drag these idiots through the mud if I can.
>muh capitalism is evil
>muh look at Europes social programs doing so well!
>muh Denmark
Completely ignoring the fact our GDP and production keeps the world turning
I bet it's some 13 year old foreigner who thinks he knows shit lmfao. Based on calling me stupid for being a fit/biz guy
>my threads still up
>taken over by bigger auists than myself
Also i'm sending this;
Elgintensity seems to be particularly critical the poor form that Crossfitters tend to use in performing their lifts. Crossfit has developed something they call "Crossfit Slop"; which is what they deem to be an acceptable degree of departure from form in technical lifts. Their theory is that if you are performing with perfect or near-perfect form, you can't possibly be pushing yourself to your limits. This goes in contrast to most established weight training theories which emphasize form and movement efficiency in order to mitigate the risk of a training injury.
The best way I can explain the value of strict form is by having you think of someone performing a bench press: most people can press higher amounts of weight by raising their butts off the bench and engaging other potentially stronger muscles into the lift, but by adhering to strict form and keeping their butts in contact with the bench, they train the intended group of muscles to work efficiently in conjunction with each other, rather than allowing the strongest of the group to bear the majority of the load. Compound lifts are supposed to train multiple muscles simultaneously for a singular effort. If any one of those muscles are weak, that will be the bottleneck of the effort, and it will become the trainee's sticking point. Strict form will allow for more accurate identification of the weakness, which will help to prevent injury in the future and to direct where the training program needs to go.
Crossfit does not account for any of this. Because the emphasis is on reps performed for time, it's fostered a culture where any rep you can walk away from is a good rep. Injuries happen in all sports, but Crossfit seems to invite them.
Good post my man.
You're an insufferable cunt, holy shit
And you're an ignorant idiot lol.
Please prove me station capitalism wrong imbecile.
I actually am doing quite fine with my life and successes. You're the idiot who can't simply provide an answer to the protagonist. Lol plebian
My statement*
he's right, you are literally an autist. You're strawmanning left, right and center, and the arrogance you exhibit is thick AF FAMILIA
Haha thanks senpai!
That dude had to be trolling.
Either way there is no good answer to my initial question
Capitalism is best, but not perfect.
May your swoles be gainzful, my friend!
It's all good gym brah.
Let the European invite more "refugees" to his country. Soon enough you won't hear from him anymore.
Just say you know of more effective workouts than Crossfit. Don't try to litigate all of the problems with it. Criticizing just makes you look weak. Be positive, affirmative. Say you have a better workout, and leave it at that.
I summarize this principle as never say something sucks. Only say how awesome the things you like are.
Get that shit pimped up in LaTeX
>Free enterprise capitalism is by far the best system
>When you have a scarce resource like water, the right thing to do from a public policy perspective is to find ways to conserve it - right? - to make sure there is enough water for everyone. That's the right thing to do. But the market incentive is to use as much water as possible before your neighbors do. You should plant nuts while nut prices are high. That's basic economic logic - go, go, go.
>And you know how this ends. You go deeper and deeper. You take more and more water out of an aquifer. Eventually, it is going to go away. And when we talked to the water scientist, we asked him how much is left at this pace. And he said maybe 50 years, 50 years' worth of water in the aquifer - at the outside, a hundred years.
>The water goes away. The wells go dry. And all of a sudden, no one grows pistachios anymore. No one grows anything anymore. We're talking about functionally a dust bowl happening in the Central Valley.
This is but a microcosm of the problem with free enterprise capitalism. Short term gains clouding the judgement of rational humans, pretty much the reason why regulation from the public sector is necessary most of the time.
It's totally bizarre someone from the USA would promote free enterprise capitalism when the USA itself has super watered down capitalism. Similarly it's strange that a learned citizen from the USA would be for *more* capitalism with 08 still fresh in everyone's memories.
dr pavel im usa
Just link her to this thread. There have been so many amazing responses here she is sure to find one perfect for her. Then she might even let you see her.