Hey, Veeky Forums, who here unable to go to the gym because of work/studies?

Hey, Veeky Forums, who here unable to go to the gym because of work/studies?

I've been to the gym once in the last two weeks.
I have no life outside of work and the gym.

>at least the broz on the chonz will understand r-right?

Also, let's check out where everybody is on this outdated chart!
>tfw B2 DYEL fag

E5. Don't want less fat. Only more strengh and agility.

G4 or 5. Still a long way to making it.

You need a home gym phamo.


Straddling E-F and 5-6

starting my cut again after mini bulk D4? started at G4

another angle

D6 I am alright with my size just not my definition

I don't have any money for homegym, I'm at a uni gym which is dirt cheap for students but not open on the weekends.

But uni and work at the same time sucks.

that chart is shit

I've had finals for the past 6 weeks now, my last physics exam is next moday, if i pass i'll be done for this semester since i've killed the rest (this one is hard as fuck though). I've worked out maybe 8 times total the last 2 months.
Most students are excited for summer so they can party and chill out. Im excited about getting on a 6 day a week PPL routine again!


Send help

I thin'k i'm either C6 or D6.
I'm 5'8(174cm) at 180 pounds (81kg)

Mode me?

Manlet mode

fuark goal body A4

m-maybe in another year, right Veeky Forums? ;_;

I at one time was 306 lbs, I'm now 255, I'm also 6'2".

If I manage to get to 200 will I have abs?

5'9" I have extremely long legs and retardadly high hips.

>not waking up an hour earlier so you can lift with a busy schedule

Goddamn you people make me rage. I've had almost two weeks off now because I messed up my finger and physically cannot lift. It feels like shit, I don't know how you bring yourselves to use fucking "b-but muh engineering major" to not lift.

depends on genetics
usually for 6'2 is 180-190 breh

The frank zane frame

Bububu muh finger. Do other lifts fgt. Go do legs. Go do chest. Figure it out.

Started on A1, now around A3. Thanks for the help bros.