General questions thread
If i train AxBxAxA, can i take yohimbine on off days with Cardio? Or do i have to take it everyday?
General questions thread
If i train AxBxAxA, can i take yohimbine on off days with Cardio? Or do i have to take it everyday?
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How do I stop being so wobbly when doing OHP?
Tighten your glutes.
Keep ur ass tight as Hard as u can
Thanks lads
Not only glutes but abs too.
I have weak as shit quads and stronger glutes and hams. This imbalance has caused tendonitis. When I squat I notice I don't really use my quads properly, since they're too weak and knees hurt. What do? Isolate quads for a bit until its even? Or squat and push through pain
I just injured my lowerback on deadlifts. I tried 185 lbs and felt some pain, I stopped and now it hurts. I can walk but the pain its there. I took some meds and now I'm resting. What can I do? How do I know if I'm fucked up or its just the muscle? I was planning to start a cut but now I don't know what to do.
This is borderline Veeky Forums but Veeky Forums are the experts on oats.
I'm planning to use this guy's methods to cook my oats:
As per the method, I'll be storing some oats in storage jars overnight.
Does Veeky Forums have any recommendations for what types of jars I should buy? I'm giving Barnett's a visit later today.
Not OP but I've been struggling with this too. Thanks.
Where do u get ur steroids or test or whatever? Illegally? Are they expensive? And do u gotta inject it yourself or are there some good edible ones?
>can i take yohimbine on off days with Cardio?
You can. But I hope you realize that it's a pointless supplement unless you're already pretty lean.
If it actualyl is tendonitis, then that's NEVER something you just push through. The tendon hurts because it's being irritated - if you keep on doing it it's just going to get worse and worse.
What makes you think it's due to a quad weakness and where do you have tendonitis?
90% of all back injuries/pains heal on their own. Just remain as active as you can while avoiding the things that seem to provoke the pain. When you do go back to deadlifting, revisit your form - Often when people tweak their low back it's because they don't know how to hip-hinge.
Patellar tendonitis. Have big fat ass and basically zero quads after around 2 years lifting
I don't mind the pain, I can walk and all. I'm just worried about a hernia or something. When should I go back to the gym? My next day is on sunday, but I'm on ICF and I squat everyday...
Was physio who mentioned muscle imbalance. She thought it was weak glutes though which doesn't really make sense. She also thought it wouldn't be damaging to keep playing basketball while injured.
My squat is around 80-90kg and deadlift 175kg
Could be a bunch of things causing it. You definitely don't want to just push through the pain.
One of the things that seem to work really well is eccentric training - as often as you can. Very slow eccentrics on quad dominant exercises. But it's a delicate balance to train this kind of thing without making it worse. Remember, training to rehab and training for max performance aren't the same thing.
>I'm just worried about a hernia or something
No need to worry, hernias heal on their own too. As long as you don't have trouble not shitting/pissing your pants and haven't lost the ability to feel anything on the inside of your thighs, you'll probably be fine.
If you experience pain radiating out in your ass and legs, you may want to seek out a physiotherapist. It's not necessarily dangerous, but they can help make it go away.
I'm weighing in for a fighting tournament today. I'm roughly two Pounds underweight. The weigh in is at 6 in the evening. Probably not going to eat anything till then.
But what should I eat after I weigh in and the next day ?
Complete newbie here. Just wondering what exercise I should do for my calfs? My initial plan was to use the calf machine at my gym but I'm too tall for it.
Carbs and drink water.
Shit, how tall are you?
You can use the Smith machine to do donkey calf raises. Find a step bench for your feet and an incline bench for supporting your upper body. Then just push the weight up and down on your hips.
Squats and your cardio should cover calfs. If you're really wanting more than just that then weighted lunges or weighted step ups.
Thanks, anything specific though,Or just some pasta or somthin?
How often should I take BCAAs? I currently take about 3/4 tbs split 3 times a day (morning, prework out, post). Am I memeing myself mixing a little BCAA with a post whey shake?
OK guess I shouldn't worry too much then.
you're memeing yourself taking bcaa's unless you cardio fasted. dont fall for the supp shill
>BCAA supplementation is not necessary if enough BCAAs are provided through the diet. Further research is needed to determine valine’s optimal dosage and reason for supplementation.
>How often should I take BCAAs?
Never, except if you need to train RIGHT AFTER getting out of bed in the morning. In literally every other case, regular whey is better. Not just as good - Better. And there's no benefit adding BCAA to whey.
There's more and more research showing that while BCAA does have an effect, regular whey and other complete proteins are simply more effective (and cheaper).
I just won a raffle from my gym and won 8 fucking kilos of soy protein powder, pic related.
Never tried eating soy before. When i google it it seems people have mixed views about soy proteinpowder. Some sources say it can negatively effect your endocrine system, fucking up hormones. Others say it better than milk protein, and contains less hormones than milk/meat protein.
Is is alright to eat a scoop a day, should i eat it once every 2 days or should i mix it 50/50 with my whey? I don't really wanna throw it out since it's like 150 dollars worth of protein.
Just take the dam soy protein
If you're worried it will fuck up your hormones and make you a little bitch don't worry, you're already a little bitch.
The studies that suggest a fucked up hormonal effect caused by soy are hopelessly outdated and have never been replicated in later studies.
It's bullshit.
Soy protein thickens up a LOT though, i have trouble getting it down.
I just turned 40.
6ft, 224lbs and office job.
Is it too late for me?
Are there any websites aimed at older people?
It's never too late user. And fuck, you're only 40 - you're not old enough to merit special advice.
im escaping skeleton mode: my left pec is starting to get some shape while the right one is still kinda flat... is this normal? i am left handed and i dont have back issues as far as i know. I want to fix this at this stage if possible
oh go on, you know you want to
so apparently to properly hit my triceps i need to do overhand AND underhand pushdowns (used rope attach for underhand, dunno if my gym has a suitable dedicated attach), and skullcrushers to boot?
what about biceps? i've been doing hammer curls+non-cheaty normie curls; do i need anything else?
and what about forearms? how much forearm work do you guys do? i want phat armos
Housemate moved out, left his whey (chocolate flavor.) He ain't coming back for it so I want to use it (I'm on a cut but could use more protons). The expiration date says 2015. I put two scoops in a 3 serving pot of oatz this morning. The result was lumpy and chewy bits, sort of like egg texture. I haven't shat my pants yet. Is the whey bad or did I just cook it wrong? How do you know when whey powder goes off?
>properly hit my triceps
These are what you need.
Close grip bench ruins my triceps
my binch is stuck at 185 for 4x5, how do I progress to lmao2plaet for working sets?
Most of your arm size will come from your compounds. Isolations are just accessories and one per muscle group will suffice. Do triceps pullovers, like suggests.
For biceps, do chins, lats pulldowns and whatever curls you want.
That tends to happen when you cook with whey, it curdles.
That said, it's probably bad, I'd chuck it.
What accessories do you do? What's your periodisation during the week?
>underhand pushdowns
This is the dumbest thing anybody ever came up with. It doesn't change anything except making it harder to hold on.
dB incline flyes, close grip dB press, per deck, face pulls.
every week I try and add reps to my final sets of 205 so I'm at about 3x3 at 205 come the end of my workout. I'm cutting as well and can't seem to go up in weight only in reps
>it's probably bad, I'd chuck it.
Oh. That's a shame... Thanks.
How many days a week do you bench?
I stalled at a similar point, and started benching three times a week
Day 1: 3x8
Day 2: 5x5
Day 3: ?x5
Every other week I'd add another day where I did triples. All the weight should be challenging in the final set. If it isn't then add an AMRAP set after a 5 minute rest.
Paused bench helped be a lot. I stopped doing flyes and replaced them with close grip bench.
Should I weigh myself after I take a shit or in the morning right after I wake up?
When's the ideal time to weigh myself for the most accuracy?
Doesn't matter too much, just make sure you always weigh yourself at the same time
I have back issues - specifically degenerative disc disease.
Is it even safe for me to lift? Should I get a belt? How much of a fucking tool will I look like if I'm doing SS in a gym with a belt?
How can monster ultra/zero be marketed as "zero calorie" when there's 11kcal per 500ml
getting a stronger musculature around your trunk will massively help your back in the long run. Any doctor who tells you otherwise is just being myopic.
Take it slowly, don't deadlift like an idiot, as soon as you feel discomfort stop. A belt may help, but only because it allows you to engage your core better.
When I have my hands in a neutral position and curl
eg hammercurls, my left elbow clicks
Any idea what this could be? I've had it for years and years, possibly as a result from breaking my wrist as a child (caught my self while falling)
Can I run a A-B-C-A-B-C-B restless Split If I eat +400 Cals a day and sleep 9/10 Hours ?
Currently training my girlfriend with SS on 3th week.
How long should we stick to the program before she should switch program to a more girl/ass-oriented workout?
The shitty doctor I saw basically told me there was nothing I could do and I'd just have to wait until they fused my back, which may happen anywhere between 5 and 10 years from now.
I have a decent core from a lifetime of manual labor (which also brings me to the world of back pain, it seems) but I've been wanting to do SS and specifically to improve my chest and core.
Thanks for the tip. I may pull the trigger on a belt and see what I can get done.
bench is at about 2x a week, I always do a burnout set of 135 and I can usually get that up for about 20-25 reps but I probably need to go heavier. I'll try the close grip since I've never implemented it and thanks again man for the advice!
Well, if you have pain without a belt then the belt won't stop the pain
Add another day of bench. There is no reason not to. It'll immediately increase your volume by ~1/3
More volume = more gains
I only have sporadic pain. When I was lifting before (for sports or whatever) I never experienced back pain.
I started getting problems after I stopped lifting. I'm just wanting to make sure I'm not gonna fuck up my lower back anymore, and checking if anyone knew if a belt would actually help.
just think its some nice juicy cum from rich piana, it'll make you swallow real quick for some nice gains,
Do more reps. I know this sounds like a meme but do reps up to your max or 95% 1-2 then sets of 3 to 5 about 185 or 85% then sets of 8-10 about 65% then rotate without break between the reping 135 for 8 - 12 and 185 for 3 to 5. Take a small break and do it again. You want 10 to 15 sets at least on bench. Use incline bench tricep work, and flys to supplement.
More sets is a much better way to accumulate weekly volume.
You should be aiming to get as many working sets into the week as possible.
me again, you want at least 15 working sets a week
pls respond
You're gonna want at least one rest day in 10 in my opinion, ideally one a week.
Under recovery will reduce your ability to build muscle.
YES; you can but you should rest once every 7 days.
Also, you can if you want to skip the split entirely and go full body every damn workout if you don't go to fail. This is probably only useful if you're preparing for a competition tho.
If you're an intermediate lifter, Your muscle ONLY needs days of recovery if you go to fail as that will tear out the nerves as well as the muscle fibers.
You don't need 9-10 hours of sleep, you need 8. No more.
So, I've been meaning to ask you guys this, I've been going to the gym for the past month, I'm fairly young in age and a beginner at lifting and general gym workout.
Anyways, due to my hyperlaxity I've been doing exercices that consist of stretching and shoulder presses and all that stuff since my shoulders are very stiff and my articulations are fucked up.
The thing is, when I try to do dumbells (I've begun lifting like 7kg each hand) everytime I curl my arm there is a spot where the elbow is but inside of the arm, I cant explain well but its where the forearm meets the upperarm I think, that place feels so fucking tight its not cool, and when I stop doing strenght that part of the arm feels super stiff, as if the muscle doesnt want to bend and if I try to stretch my arm I feel this weird pressure like the arm doesnt want to stretch.
It doesnt really cause much pain, its more of a tight feeling which feels unnatural, is this muscle growth or some problem??
>I have back issues - specifically degenerative disc disease
Who told you that crap? Disc degeneration is like getting wrinkles in your skin. It's completely fucking normal and seen in 100% of people (at least as you get older). Only old-as-shit doctors would ever try to blame your back pain on that.
Go lift. Living an active lifestyle is a million times better than lying around as far as back pain (and most other things) goes. Also, strengthening your back is better than sparing it.
These are facts.
Of course, apply common sense. Use proper form, listen to your body - same as for everybody else.
>until they fused my back
DON'T DO THAT! Sue your doctor.
Doing SS. I'm really shitty at squats, shit form and it fucks up my back. Is replacing them with leg press okay.
I know disc degeneration happens to everyone as they age, but I'm 27 and it's accelerated due to my height and the labor I've been doing.
I'm planning on just doing SS and building strength and muscle around my core.
Are there any safer/lower strength/oral/basically easier alternatives to full-on steroids you can take to help your gains along a little bit more than natural? I know zinc, sleep, protein but anything else?
I had a similar thing happen to be, I was about 16 and about 6'3" at the time, my doctor told me my back was fucked and I would have to get it fused later on in life.
Im almost 30 now 6'5" and ive been seeing a chiropractor for about a year off and on, Ive had 0 pain since i started and can lift without restrictions.
Ive found that doctors are usually full of shit when they learn you want to lift
Thanks. This really helped me feel more confident about the whole thing.
5'9 180lbs chinklet here just 2 month into SL5x5
About 1pl8 across the board, with squats and bench as my highest. I've hit the wall on both squats and bench, and it's demoralizing to not make progress.
Is this where I deload?
someone respond to this please.
>it form and it fucks up my back. Is replacing them with
How does it fuck up your back? Do you have hamstring problems?
Not sure but I've been trying for 2 months and squat form for me is impossible for some reason.
How do i know when ive put on enough muscle weight to begin cutting, and not look like total shit when the cut is complete
This is where you start eating and sleeping properly. Fukken do it, you can do more than you think.
Sprained my ankle like 4 times in two months.lifted/ran through 3 of those sprai s.its been like >6+weeks still bruised though no swelling and no pain running is this cause for concern?shit doc said 6-12 weeks but it hardly looks better.
>inb4 rant
anyone fuck up their ankles have advice
I just wanna squat and deadlift.
Yes but they give you liver cancer. Injecting farm grade testosterone is your safest choice here.
You post a picture here.
That's a pump. Work tris on the same day if your arms being tugged inward is bugging you. Also a bit more stretching wouldn't hurt.
How risky is thumbless grip for OHP? Mark Rippetoe advises against it, but personally, it feels more natural
I thought gripping things included thumbs and that's why we invented tools
Guess what'll happen when you lift it above your head
Odds are its tight hamstrings or psoas, stretch the shit out of those and your IT band, in the meantime you could do something like; leg press rackpulls and SLDL to replace squats (and im assuming deadlifts since they also require some mobility)
No problem, just feel it out as you go, dont overdo it, do what your comfortable with, dont rush to add weight, i did SL but didnt add weight every workout, it took longer but it still worked
Get better at squatting.
If you can't squat properly chances are you'll fuck up doing leg press because you're retarded.
It may fall, and I'll step out of the way.
Unless you have a muscles wasting disease you should be able to squat bodyweight doing a linear progression program before you need a deload.
Stalling at 1 plate bench seems common though.
Well, I'm going to ask this, haven't visited Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums for a while:
How come every board is now way faster than they used to be but Veeky Forums is somehow way slower than I remember it was?
Is it proof that people are making it? I myself kind of made it, I'm really close to my goal body.
I want to deadlift more. Is doing it 3 times a week viable?
Better question, how wide should my grip be on OHP?
I'd deadlift heavy once a week. Add a day of sumo's and also do deficit deadlifts on 2 different days
I dread doing daily deficit deadlifts desu
underhand and as wide and heavy as possible
Thanks senpai .
On rest day can I do shit like cardio and Forearms / Abs ?
Shoulder width.