>your girlfriend starts lifting
> she starts posting pictures like this on her instagram
What do Veeky Forums?
>your girlfriend starts lifting
> she starts posting pictures like this on her instagram
What do Veeky Forums?
Dump her and date gym bro
easy, dump her attention whoring ass
Does she look like that? If yes - let it bee.
Its over now OP, she will screw Chad behind your back now.
Insecurity: the thread
What are you, a cuck?
No, I just don't care. Dump her when she cucks you. Don't obsess about all the anti-cheating precautions, this is paranoid.
>not preparing yourself for the emotional toll from being cucked
Its like you want to commit suicide.
I'm not so fragile
ok, maybe not dump her but pull back emotionally. demote her to fuckbuddy I guess.
A girl posting pictures like that while in a relationship is a huge red flag
>implying these pics prove that she is unloyal
My first gf was a virging when I met her and her profile was loaded with simmilar pics. Was realy surprised then actualy, now I've learned such pics mean nothing.
>Like her pictures.
>Invite her to the gym with you.
>Get some pics together onto her insta.
>Witness lonely boy rage.
Is this your first gf or something?
It might as well be. But until she remains faithful it's a non-issue. Worry when she cheats, not before.
depends if she was always like that then i wouldn't care. if she used to be nice and wholesome and is now acting like a whore I'd tell her stop acting like a whore. if she continues then I'd dump her.
Slap her ass and put benis in bagina
Make her feel like a whore for needing so much attention. It's not really self-respecting.
Lets say you meet a fit grill that tries to make it on instagram, just like the girl in OP's pic, would you demand her to stop instantly?
lol, do you actualy think op could even speak to a girl of that caliber?
she lied about being a virgin you fucking dense motherfucker
idk about you or your relationship but if MY gf started doing that shit, I'd tell her to stop and she'd listen but my gf wouldn't do that shit.
Shit, she got mad at me for posting a selfie with my tank top on. I didn't give a fuck though.
>Shit, she got mad at me for posting a selfie with my tank top on. I didn't give a fuck though.
You must be so alpha
10/10 OP
I like looking at Instagram fitties.
I wish my GF was more like them.
Would I want her to actually be like this?
I really have a confused face now.
what do you want me to say? i slapped the fuck out of her?
>girl has instagram
Red flag.
>putting the pussy on a pedestal
There is no difference between talking to a gymbro or a girl, regardless of her attractiveness
For starters, I'd like you not to be in a toxic relationship where you constantly surpass each other in insecurity and jealousy. But if you unfortunately find yourself in one, I'd like you not to brag about it.
Instagram is like normiebook now you fucking fag
It's a red flag if she doesn't have it, because then she's a fucking weirdo like you
>he doesn't date church girls
By that point its too late
even church girls have instagram
are you that autistic?
they want EVERYONE to know they worship the lord!
too late for what? dumping her?
I'm not that stupid, girl was absolutely inexperienced in sex, had to teach her everything and also there was blood and everything.
For a normal person, we're talking about the sperglord op here.
oh look its this thread again
>tfw never fucked a virgin
Is it disgusting?
What degenerate shit hole town do you live in? I don't have an instagram, and the only people I know that do are either using it for art (illustrations and paintings) or are giant whores.
First post is always best
Nope, its not like she will be gushing blood, you'll find some blood stains on the condom and the sheets where she laid when you'll be done, you wouldn't even notic it in the process.
>I have never fucked a virgin: the post
You realize you can feel a virgin's hymen, right?
>liking a girl's picture
Beta as fuck desu
You're probably socialy retarded, even my trucker friend has instagram.
Reminder to not go raw in a virgin
Don't want blood on my dick senpai
wowh a trucker? what a loser lmao xD
Fuck her and her twin sister
Probably so he can follow the lady boys that blow him at the truck stops.
>he never fucked a girl in her period
You shouldn't go raw on anyone except you long term gf who's on the pill or if you are planning to make a baby.
Not him, but I've tried it with 2 girls a couple of times and every time they got dry 5 minutes into the process, one time it even cause the condom to break so I just ask my gf for a bj or a handy.
probably too stressed out about it
Not even in the pooper?
>that shit tier gif
>best post
this meme sucks
Fake hymen, man
You got played
Share them until shes insta famous, make her sign a contract that gives me half of all profit made by her photos, proceed to fuck girls and party with profits.
Actually, it's not always the case.
Girls have differences in their hymens, and occasionally the don't break completely.
you're new here?
but im a chadwalker. im a shit posting NEET by day and a sauve chad at night.
Actually the homoness of this board has decreased
>unfollow/unfriend/unwhatever her
>start following and liking chicks hotter than her
>post shit on their pictures
>ask her what's the problem when she brings it up
>break up and cry
She's becomming an attention whore. Ask her to stop. It's not asking much from someone you're in a relationship with. If she doesn't respect that, she doesn't respect you. The next step is obvious.
>wearing a condom when a girl is on period
what kind of grown ass man is afraid of blood.the reason the condom broke is probably because she was disgusted at the fact that she let a girlyman into her bed. had gf for 4 years and we always fucked raw on her period. actually more wet and she would be in heat for it begging me to fill her up.
your not a man yet ,grow up
Accept my future as her beta-provider cuck.
makes sense
Bury my face in her ass.
Bro she poops from there
good one amy schumer
i dont get it
>when girls post their progress its attention whoring
>muh emotional barriers
yeah I've fucked so many bitches cus' of this, they were all like "omg I love the way you go out of your way to not like any of my pictures, gets me so wet"
Sarcasm detected
>not being proud of her
>not encouraging her to post more slutty pics on her insta
>not taking pics with her to put on her insta
>oh, why should I invest money in this building that looks like it's about to crumble any moment
You are the definition of cuck. Or a retard that can't comprehend that the girl in topic has a status of girlfriend, not some random whore you bang from time to time and invest barely anything.
Fuck off to neogaf.
You seriously have a very twisted idea of a relationship if you made that analogy.
She might cheat or not cheat. There is no way to predict that with certainty. Always picking the safe option is the definition of being a beta shit. You should consider not getting into a relationship at all, because there is always a risk.
And even if that happens, so what? Boo hoo, she fucked up. Say goodbye and move on. Nobody is fucking dying, you don't lose money. What happens is exactly the same thing you propose, except you are now sure she's not worth your time, and you're not just making assumptions based on whatever arbitrary reasons you paranoid mind comes up with.
>you don't lose money
Are you serious?
I would feel guilty as fuck if I posted pics like that online, with my clear identity in them as well. My bf might not even be the type to give a fuck but I wouldn't feel right and there's no legit reason for it. She's not seriously going to start making big $ and is more likely to end up as jerking off material for a bunch of creepers.
>tfw caused my gf to bleed even when she wasn't a virgin
Big dick or tiny cunt, if it's a tight enough fit blood doesn't prove virginity.
>Make her feel like a whore for needing so much attention
told a girl to stop being such an attention thirsty whore once. Didn't work out well, she left me. Probably better of as a virgin anyways
No but it will be painful for her and awkward for you if you feel any sympathy.
Yes, why wouldn't I be? Did you write some agreement that you have to pay your gf money when you break up with her after she cheats?
That sounds awful.
That's fucking awesome. Internet high-five.
This guy gets me
I don't feel like I'm a prude but the point of a picture like this and the type of attention it will get are fairly obvious for an adult, and therefore it would feel megaweird and questionable to post something like that.
Though I guess how open she is about it and how normal this is with her/your friends would definitely affect the acceptability of such pics.
U grill brah?
encourage her
get a guilt free pass to fuck other girls when she inevitably cheats
>Mediocre is ok because it's average
This is not the Veeky Forums will to power attitude
Wew lad
>it's another thread preying on the insecurities of betas
>he still feels guilt
But she poops from there
What's wrong with that?
I ain't got a problem with it. If my girl looks good she should flaunt it. People won't know how good you have it if they can't see. Posting a picture online for compliments doesn't mean she's gonna cheat. Y'all are insecure as fuck.
it's getting pretty stale
Bro invent some new memes then
Or revive the cocoon mode meme again kek