Hey Veeky Forums
What is your solution for acne? Would accutane actually help or will it make things worse in the long run?
Hey Veeky Forums
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Dont eat any diary or foods with diary ingredience
>but yeah you won`t do that, cause you are a lazy and weak fuck.
So go to the doctor and get something prescipted
Not quite, bro. I've avoided diary foods for 1 and a half year now. I also don't eat candy, fast food and I also only drink water.
Drink about 3 liters of water a day
Don't touch your face
That's what did it for me
Been on Accutane 3 times. Completely cleared up each time but always came back months after I stopped taking.
Nowadays my face is almost completely clear doing the salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide routine. Clean and clear blackhead remover and then a 2.5% BP spot treatment. Both twice a day. Throw some moisturizer on 15 minutes after the BP has dried.
I still drink half a gallon of milk a day, but I'm still clearing up. I cut out peanuts though. May have just been a coincidence (or maybe it's the salt/extra fat) but I started clearing up around the time i stopped eating a ton.
So after dropping accutane it didn't come back worse, just the same as before you used it?
That's like my main concern. That my acne becomes ultimately worse after having used accutane and dropping it
It's called proactiv you fucking faggot it's all over the commercials
Always had slight to moderate acne, but since i started taking test it went to the next level. had big, painful nodules and it was getting worse.
so i just started accutane a couple of weeks ago. it's a fucking miracle drug, my whole face has dried up and the spots are dying. got lots of redness though.
i was wondering how long you should wait before stopping accutane? is it ok to stop for a couple of weeks (holiday) and resume again?
Didnt come back worse. When it came back it was better. But still there.
food has no correlation with actual acne
I had cystic acne. Took accutane almost 10 years ago for 6 months and haven't had bad breakouts since. I have maybe a zit occasionally, but never anything as bad as before.
So in my experience, it was a cure, not a temporary fix.
Not really that simple, different things trigger acne for different people, when they say acne is based on genetics it's true. Certain things cause flares. For me however what causes flares is foods high in saturated fat e.g. junk, pizza, diary etc. My skin is spotless until I eat those foods then after a few days they come then subside as I start eating normally again. Try certain things and eventually you'll know what causes your acne.
I heard vitamin D can help with your acne, is one carrot a day enough? do I have to buy supplements?
i've used pic related in the shower every day for about 4 years and it's fantastic for acne
Legit just go to the doctor.
it will end up being cheaper than trying all different voodoo home remedies or storebought snake oil.
doctor consultation fee + meds and youre done.
I've done everything short of accutane and it's helped a lot but I still get pimples and I'm almost 28, it sucks.
Tons of water
No dairy
No refined sugars
Good skincare routine
Clean pillowcase every other day
Don't touch face
It's so frustrating, I keep thinking I'll have to grow out of it soon. Been thinking that since I was 13 LOL
I have a related question so I'll ask here. Are there any better ways on getting rid of the hyperpigmentation (dark scars) that my body acne leaves? I exfoliate regularly but I can't see that much progress.
Just prevent it by never touching your face, keeping your face clean, keeping your skin moisturized, and staying hydrated, really. Unless it's severe then go get professional help.
>Just prevent it by never touching your face, keeping your face clean, keeping your skin moisturized, and staying hydrated, really. Unless it's severe then go get professional help.
you realise this is the medical equivalent of
>just be confident bro! works for me!
Eat more fiber, veggies and fruits, seemed to have helped me a lot.
Prevention is better than cure. Besides, a lot of people have answered the same thing already.
You're comparing different things.
It dries out the skin, causes all the bad shit to come out and heal.
>t. someone with a history of bad bacne and face zits
i put aloe vera gel on my face after showering, after 2 weeks most dark spots were gone
nope, accutane is still in your system for a while after you take it. If you're thinking of drinking more than a couple beers a week I'd advise against it
Persistent acne is almost always caused by excessive sebum. this is a result of genetic and hormonal factors and rarely has anything whatsoever to do with cleaning your face, eating fibre or anything at all along those lines
i don't really drink these days, but i was hoping to come off for the holiday just because of the general discomfort and because sunburn is worse apparently.
i read that the half life is 24 hours so stopping a few days before would clear most of it out, i was more concerned about the efficacy of the treatment because most guidelines insist on not missing a single dose but don't explain why
That's why I said if it's severe, then they should get professional help. They'll give them a more suiting treatment for the patient.
No dairy. Clean your face twice a day with just cold water. As cold as you can get it from the tap. Use soaps only when you shower and shower asap after workout. If dry, use oil-free moisturiser. (Aco for example)
how long were you out in the sun per session? I stay out for like 10-15 minutes every other day cause too much exposure isn't good for you.
Ask your dermatologist for medicine advice because they can properly diagnose different types of acne and your face sensitivity. Veeky Forums can't do that for you.
Some face products, including face washes, can be too harsh for your skin. Even exfoliates can sometimes make your skin worse.
Dermatologists will normally just prescribe you some type of cream that you would apply for about a month or longer. Should cure your acne problems.
There is no clear cut answer because everyone has different skin, different acne now stop being a retard and just see a dermatologist
If it's really really bad acne, go see a dermatologist.
If it's just pimples here and there (like your pic), try these things:
>drink lots of water
>eat more fresh whole food instead of processed stuff
>cut out dairy, chocolate and other high-fat or high-sugar foods
>don't touch your face
>regularly change your pillowcase or sleep with a towel on your pillow
>do cardio
>wait, maybe it gets better by itself
>skin care routine (check out /r/skincareaddiction)
I always had pimples when I was younger. I'm 23 now and have basically none.
Instead of fuckimg your body with accutane just get laser done
The problem is, I do all of those things and more and still have acne. Sure it's not as bad anymore but I can't do this shit anymore
If accutane is actually as effective as I keep reading it, I hope the dermatologist will prescribe me some or at least something similar.
I highly recommend actuate if nothing else works. I was on it for about half a year back in high school and I haven't had a single breakout since. My face is completely clear other than some scars from some bad cysts I had. The worst thing is that you get really bad mood swings and makes your skin really dry. I still use Chapstick everyday because of it.
Look dude, they're going to try to give you lots of bullshit meds before you get to accutane, especially if you have acne like the person in your picture. So be persistent and REALLY ask for accutane if you really want it, because they're gonna try to make you buy stuff for a long time.
how old are you?
And I would say cardio or exercise (sweating) is probably the most important thing
that shit may work for random pimples, but if you have actual acne (which is determined mostly by genetics - hormones) you NEED to see a derm. there's no other way.
He/she might not prescribe you accutane at the first visit -- I personally tried 3 different antibiotics (I got better, but red scars on my face are still there and I still have a lot of red dots on my back and shoulders). I have my next visit in September (can't take acne drugs in summer because sunlight just make it a lot worse) and I will ask for accutane
The half life is like 24 hours for one capsule/dose or some shit. But since it stores in your liver and you take it every day it can take many weeks to clear up completely.
Don't fuck your shit up bro.
The discomfort (dry lips and shit) took me like 3 months to clear up so i think it can be stored for even longer than a few weeks.
Also just use sunscreen. THE STRONGEST TYPE. I fucking burned myself through a thin shirt.
Also my skins consistency changed after accutane. It's really dry now? And i have to moisturize a lot so i don't get wrinkles from laughing and shit.
Still worth it though. I can basically eat what the fuck i want and can touch my face with a shit stained hand and i wont get any blemishes or zits.
It also helped tremendously with my scalp seborrhea (cured it basically) since my scalp and skin don't leak oil all the time nowadays.
My acne is a bit worse than in the pic, but yeah I already thought they would underestimate my condition because it turned to light acne now with my torturous diet I'm pulling of for a year now
Will do
and I went to the sauna today, is that good too?
Stop eating dairy and meat. Srs.
Not even a vegan shill but as soon as I stopped eating dairy my disgusting back acne went away after one or two months. Not eating meat helped the last bit of acne go away from my face.
You could just throw the cream or other shit their prescribe the first time to garbage bin.
I tried that shit myself and it burned my fucking skin and soiled the bedsheet/clothes. It helped a bit but it was a fucking pain to use.
At the second visit i got the accutane after i said the cream is piss and not working. I think they have to offer the "lighter" method the first time by some rule and after that they can give you the good stuff.
If you wash that black shit that comes up right away.
Also if your acne is "bad" just get on accutane. No reason not to if you don't have a liver problem.
No need to cut meat or dairy if you get the root of the problem sorted out.
Btw, what are the requirements that I can use accutane without it fucking up my body? You said if I have a good liver it's okay? Because my liver is absolutely healthy. Anything else?
I would hate to be one of the few people where the side effects are so bad I'd have to not use accutane
dairy clogs your pores m8
how bad is my acne?
some days I just don't go outside because Im embarassed of my own face -- I have little zits on my arms too, that really sucks
i went on accutane once about 1 year and a half ago. Doc said it could potentially return but my skin is perfect and no signs of it coming back
Take accutane asap
My mother didn't let me when I was underage and now my face is fucked with scars
Roaccutane is the greatest thing ever, 1mg/kg for 6 months and you'll not starting it in your teens
recently got chickenpox i dont know how to get these marks off (i didnt scratched)
>It dries out the skin, makes your glands produce even more oil and ultimately clog your pores, resulting in worse acne
great advice senpai
stop sleeping on your face.
Impossible. I've only slept on my back probably less than 5 times in my life and I know I snore when I do