Will lifting get me a high test Muslim gf?
Will lifting get me a high test Muslim gf?
delete this
buying bombs will get you a mudslime gf
to aquire muslim gf
you must bomb out on snatch
Lifting + Money + Car + Status + Family background
these insults are so stale & tired as fuck, please kill yourselves and stop posting.
just goes to show that sluts will be aluts no matter where they come from or what they wear...
idk how islam works but is that pic right there grounds for a stoning?
This. Muslim girls especially in the West are bigger Staceys than Stacey. Find yourself a nice blonde qt3.14 gf if you're brown bruv. If you're white or black sure bang some brown muslim club slut. Those bitches are dirty especially the hijabis.
You're so retarded I bet you think Catholic girls are all sweet virgins who don't have sex before marriage. Kek.
Why is it that I see the same old recycled posts for when it comes to hijab qts? Like the same 10-15 every single fucking time. It's weird compared to everything else here.
If you actually go out and mix with people of all backgrounds instead of autismally reading about them online, you'll realise people are pretty much exactly the same world over other than what end up being stupid small differences that don't have much impact in your interactions or emotions. Sloots gonna sloot. Bros gonna bro.
Spotted the suicide bomber
No you stupid fuck, your parents choose your wife.
so this is why the women pray in the back of the mosque
Why would you want a GF that not only pretends to be religious, but pretends to be part of the most shit-tier religion available?
That's actually true. Supposedly women have more self control than men and won't start trying to hump dudes if they see them bending over to pray. Whereas dudes would.
No but will make stronk for remove kebab
>le Veeky Forums Christian with superior morale
Getting tired of mudslimes too.
Stop killing people and the jokes will stop.
So will the drone attacks.
>You're so retarded I bet you think Catholic girls are all sweet virgins who don't have sex before marriage. Kek.
At least the ones that have sex before marriage don't get stoned to death
just max your explosive strength
>tfw ex-gf was a qt muslim with that there 2:1 hip to waist muslim genetics
fuck dude my ex gf was muslim too. she had such a banging body and worshipped my dick.
kinda miss her now
ask her if her father is a terrorist
because she is da bomb
> 100% will get u hurka in the durka
Why is their religion relevant? Do you guys just like brown chicks? Why do they need to be muslim?
why is any religion relevant
people need something to believe in, its all the same shit anyways
Lol fucking REKT
Wearing a jilbāb whilst taking these photos is the epitome of cognitive dissonance.
I wonder what the Prophet would say (probably, he'd say they ought to be rightfully lapidated by their father or elder brother)
>not stoning whores to death
and you're proud of it, cuck?
They should
The prophet would be too busy making up more rhymes and claiming they're from an angel to care.
There are a lot of big women in the Middle East.
probably not- most of them get married off to muslim guys
I'm gonna ramadat ass.
> tfw still have oneitis for 8/10 muslim co-worker
> even after she rejected me
> tfw i will always be a kv
I know these are fake as in they're not really religious but I can't enjoy these pics thinking if their family knew they'd be killed or jailed in their country
>lifting for 1 year
>get muslim gf with nice fat ass
worked for me
That's why you bring her to your own country, away from danger.
More like grounds for a boning.
Wew ladz amirite?
If the obesity rates there are that high, that means virtually all the other women should have some curves.
>tfw you will never get to rape and pillage sweet muslim booty
>>tfw you will never get to rape and pillage sweet muslim booty
>Hero-worshipping a 1000-year reich that lasted 10 years
The Nazis are fucking garbage, only worshipped by meth-addled hillbillies and 14 year old upper-middle class teens. Did you forget how Germany's entire history is all about how it ruined everything for everyone? Ranging from the germanic shits constantly messing with the Roman Empire, to the creation of the >Holy >Roman >Empire, to Prussia?
Seriously, the only culture worthy of hero worship are the classical Romans. At least they had the decency to tell you if they were gonna fuck you up the boipussi. They also left literature, civilization and technology.
The Nazis left behind a bunch of dead kikes, the support for an independent nation state for jews, a far stronger USSR, and liberalism. Good fucking job
>wants people to stop making bomb jokes less than 24 hours after his raghead brethren blowup a plane
Literally every non-muslim ethnic group hates sandturds... The entire fucking world would be infinitely better if your race would cease to exist.
Post more fag
this picture is just..the epitome of stupidity.
leave this place of "filthy western culture" and go back to fucking your goats abdul
i honestly fucking hate these hijab fuckers that wear this shit and are completely oblivious to seeminly everything, spouting 'muh religion' while they wear their headgear and take pictures with their iphones of their asses. i saw one of these fucks driving a mercedes and it made me angry as fuck, they all have that dumb fat face and i just really hate muslims desu nothing else to say senpai
I kind of want to fuck a Muslim
But I don't
But I do
Maybe I can just make my gf wear a hijab one night
More like High Ex.
that's a sick bruno mars tattoo
That's the long cloak and is better used to refer to what is colloquially known as thawbs/thobes. A woman's cloak is usually called an aba'ah (abayah colloquially). Hijab or Khimar is the headscarf (the former more in use w/ Arabs and the latter w/ Iranians) and niqab is the one that only shows the eyes.
That's actually Michael Jackson dumass.
What are you, retarded?
Do you seriously think any of these countries have put on "less" weight in that time?