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1st for ab wheel rolllouts after squatting today

How many reps can /plg/ do on that evil thing?
(all the way down chest to floor)

I've done 4x10 after squats

i usually lose count after 30
I'm doing 3 second pause reps now

>chest to floor
Rip lumbar
I put a pl8 on my back and do sets of 8-10 and pause if it's too easy

I have never seen so much asspain and protesting too much as this

Ladies and gentleanons of the jury, my evidence is that seen is so vigorously denying these accusations that they simply must be true.

In addition, the affirmations of my good character and ofc the fact that sparrow said it was him

The keg details of the face (arched eyebrows and large nose) fit perfectly in both cases.

>rip lumbar
then yorue doing it wrong desu lad

>It's like if someone was put on trial for a murder he didn't commit, that would bother him more opposed to being put on trial for something you did

You could also say that someone innocent would just calmly wait for the case to resolve, knowing all the evidence is in his favour.

Even if you consider your statement to be the absolute truth, it's still far from being 'the only thing' that would bother someone.

Either way, your post just shows your stupidity and that you are so hell bent on denial that you forget how logic works.

>If i posted the pictures and if it was me why would I care?

Because you don't like to be called ugly. If you admitted those pics were in fact you, everyone would just spill shit on you and ridicule you for eternity. Right now you can just deny it and emotionally deal with the minor blows to your fragile ego once in a while.

I can't really think of any reason for you not to post your 'real' self with a timestamp and face covered, especially when you are so desperate about it. Other than those pics actually being you.

Nice. I've tried them for the first time today.
Completely fatigued after first set of 8.
Got only 5 reps and 3 reps in the second and third set, should have taken longer rest periods desu
Did another cheat set afterwards with knees on floor with 14 reps... My core is completely crushed now.
Long rest weekend ahead lads

I've come to a conclusion.



>Knees on the floor
>Cheat set
If you got 8 reps starting from your feet, then you're much stronger than I am lel

Jude doesn't make that decision you imbecilic fuck

Yes he does


This site just gave me a bunch of malware

No the jury does

However the judge would have never brought this to trial since there isn't a shred of evidence that those pictures are Sean

kek I thought standing was standard way to do these.
I'm patheticly skinny though atm... 185cm 81Kg So these might become easier.

Not in a small claims court. Which is where this case would be accepted.

I have very flat feet is there anything negative about this and should i do some kind of mobility work to counter the possible negatives?


I have week 5 deadlifts for my first C6W cycle. Feeling pretty good and think I can hit all 4 reps.

No that would depend on what I'm charged with
No it wouldn't be a small claims court
I am a very important individual so it's best to assume it would be decided by a jury and not you because you don't understand law

deads and bench

This is a minor case with little evidence on either side. It would be settled within 15 minutes in a small claims court.

I watch Judge Judy and I know these things

Most people can't do them standing. I haven't been able to get a single rep standing yet.

1+ sumo, pause squats, BBB squats, ab wheel, and leg curl

Missed you bby

We're on the same day, I moved my max squat to today, gonna max it if 95% moves nicely

Can I have a form check?
Also are you gay?

y-you too
>Can I have a form check?
I suppose, but take it with a grain of salt, I'm no expert
Also are you gay?

Good luck redeeming yourself from your squat fail a few days ago. Since you're maxing your squat, are you moving your DL day back or just doing both?

Nvm I was trying to trigger you
I was told that's why you left :(


Doing both today if 455 moves easily enough

Can I get a form check please?


Sorry about the angle

Hell, maybe I should try that after my deadlift if I'm feeling up to it. I really want that 3 pl8 squat (got a really shaky 295x3 a few days ago). How long do you usually wait before starting a new cycle? I was planning on starting over Monday.

We shall settle it in a democratic way and put it to a vote

Naturally After 12 Votes cast the poll ends

Keep in mind the guilty verdict must be unanimous and even if a single vote it castes as not guilty then he must be acquitted


Welp that was fast

Innocent it is then

the process isn't done this quick + it's rigged

You're not going to do the optional week? I don't know if I'd recommend what I'm doing at all. Idiots only, man.

Anyway I just start back up that next Monday

Nah, not doing the optional week. Okay, I guess I won't be an idiot and test my squat max after deadlifting. I might work up to a single at 295 to see if I can do it with better form though.

Hello laddie. Working towards your dream?

bit by bit

Form check


First time squatting. I think I go a little too low.


Can't tell if the angle screws it up, but you look crooked af. Leg length difference? Is the bar even on your back?
Other than that, looks fine.
Still a long way to go?

Stop shilling your videos on here, clerance.

It's intimidating to realize that Hancott could take most anyone's girl no problem. I don't think even Aaron, with his superior height, would stand a chance against Hancott's advances towards his girl.

>Still a long way to go?
The dream was always meant to be a work in progress, something intangible, but only just. Otherwise it wouldn't be a dream.

In a civil or lower court case the judge would decide. Juries are for higher criminal courts

Is Clarence Kennedy British? I'm going to abduct him and force him to train me.

Depends what nation the hearing is in.
England still uses the inquisitional style of trials right?

Oirish he is

Actually I really don't know

Also wtf is this

[spoiler]hope you're not talking about the career dream now[/spoiler]

I've watched enough Clarence Kennedy videos to now say fuck powerlifting.

Fuck it. Jesus why can't I be Clarence.

It's a lifting meet for bikers.
Where they have a ton of sex.

If I can do weightlifting and don't want to train specifically for the power lifts anyway more what should I train?

Overhead press
Bench press
Barbell row

I'm presuming. Problem is I don't know how to progress OHP and bench at the same time.

LOL it says SEX-ton xD

haha, no. career is taking an unexpected side-step atm, but for the better overall.

>290 wilks score
A-am I strong yet? ;_;

He is 50/50 Irish and Filipino. One of the most powerful combinations on earth, no wonder he's so strong and athletic.

Lmao, no. I'm weak as fuck and 305. Anything sub 330-350 is not strong at all.

Ah shit nigga.
At least I outlift pretty much everyone in my """"""""""fitness""""""""""gym.

Yeah, same here. Normies think I'm strong as fuck because I can deadlift over 410 at a bw of 170.

>Normies think I'm strong as fuck
That. Hilarious as fuck really.

275+ wilks is impressive to normies
300+ is impressive to people who regularly go to the gym
350+ is impressive to people who go to the gym and know what they're doing
400+ is impressive to (casual) powerlifters

>275+ wilks is impressive to normies
390 wilks here, and people dont even turn a head
not a pl gym either

Sounds about right. It's possible to win smaller powerlifting meets in my area with around 350. Looking to compete sometime next year I guess, found a good weightlifting club already.

500+ wilks isn't even enough to make you competitive in open.

Well I'm talking about in a university gym setting. Maybe in the real world it's different, but 390 wilks is really good if you're not around powerlifters.

Notice the (casual). I'd say 450-500 is impressive to most powerlifters. But to be seriously competitive at the world level you have to be over 500. There's a huge gap between being impressive and one of the best in the world though.

So help me out, we confirmed that sean is:

Ugly and mostly make believe?

im at 350~ and people (normies) are only impressed when i squat 4 plate

>There's a huge gap between being impressive and one of the best in the world
Some people learn that the hard way.

>get sick
>just finally getting back into it
>knees are feeling funky as FUCK between squat sets
Ffs lads wtf?

Then maybe you should petition your government to remove all jurors and have a communistic country

does a pl total include ohp?


Yeah it includes the press

Guys, I'm stagnating with Madcow eventhough I'm gaining bodyweight. Only progressing at Deadlifts right now.

H: 177cm
W: 77,5kg

B: 100kg
Dl: 170kg

Should/can I switch to Wendler 5/3/1 already? I just want to get stronger.

how tall is haack? Is he a manlet?

Greg Nuckols 28 free programs.

Do you want in on the treehouse yet?

Meh session today. Nothing felt awesome but nothing felt bad. Got a little bit further away shot of my bench and I think my heels are coming off enough to be red-lighted. Looks like heeled shoes it is.


yep, you can buddy :3

Looking into it, thank you.

I don't even have a treehouse account

mah nigga

No, 5'9

What makes you think I'm not trying?

What makes you think you know how to program
What books have you read

>275 (82%)
When did you bench 330?


I benched 335 a few weeks ago

I've read a number of books

I'll think about making one, but I'm not a very big fan of social media

>that anime pink hair girl and her bf lmaoing at your arch


Grats though I now have to up my game. You're next on my "outbench" list. And then it's boardie and benchie.

>multiple 7 rep squat sets every friday
I miss sheiko

maybe im ugly cus im smiling to make it

>You're next on my "outbench" list
you'll still have to go through me lad

What are the benefits of doing 15+ reps squat sets?

That feel when you actually get strong and realize you will be in constant pain from doing this shit

My "soon" list

My >soon list

My meet him in the middle list

My never ever list because a slower object cannot catch a faster object