cheating frauds general
>weekend edition
cheating frauds general
>weekend edition
Got a new pic of my fav. techno DJ.
Her waking up after a festival. Ultimate bedhead look. I dunno but she looks quite... uh... groggy.
those eyes aren't even working properly at this point.
Fuck what great opportunity for easy moola though I'm way too lazy to seek that kinda deal out
>sturdier, stringer, tougher
>supple and soft
S-stop you're seducing me again
i've heard dbol and tren is the best shit ever together, but I really don't want to take too much shit for my liver.
I'll up the dosage to 30mg daily next week. 20mg is fine though, r-right.
It's not "easy" just different. I would rather do this than retail though.
It has it's ups and downs like any job. Being cool in camera can be tough and nerve wracking, but the director was actually surprised id never modeled before. Apparently I have good presence or nature on camera. Probably just experience from posing class or posing for cosplay shoots.
Unless you have history/prior health concerns you're probably over worrying about it
20 is like easy preworkout mode. I really don't feel tren is toxic to the liver I've stacked over a gram of different tren esters with 100/100 var drol and had a fine liver.
whats the best combo for 1st cycle
Test and dbol.
250 test e e3d
20 dbol preworkout Ed
what happened to whatsapp though? Too busy with opiates?
Gf is getting into fitness competitions and has a few friends that are into it as well. They're all competing in a natty competition.
Was over at one of her friends places helping her move and had a box split open while I was lifting it. Box was full of diuretics, ephedrine and anavar. These chicks are bikini competitors and are competing just for fun. They get drug tested if they place and have never had a positive test result in the 10+ years of the organization.
I never realized how prevelance juicing was until the other day.
Maybe he wants your benis
Hahaha yeah there are obviously going to be some cons but I agree it beats retail and I'd go for it over most conventional jobs
My boss offered to relocate me to a new job in Ontario because he might be buying into some new company so I might stick with this just for the adventure
my question is do you people on steroids openly admit you abuse them? or do you try to pass off as natural to the public?
Yes I'm lazy to open it
Wouldn't be a very good 'soppypath' if I was reliable would I
Figured as much, not really something I worry about
I mean duh, he does.
The biggest thing is not getting taken advantage of but they slapped a fat check in my hands. Two weeks of retail worth of work just to masturbate and pose.
I admit if it comes off but I know lots of people who don't
Half the time it's just too annoying to explain because the odd person wants to go off on some moral justice muh natty card rant as if not doing roids somehow makes them socially superior
You can really feel the deep seeded insecurity with those ones though, you usually know it's coming because they jerk themselves to the opportunity
This is bait.
Jajaja knew you'd understand
We're kindred spirits or whatever at the end of it all
Yeah I could accept sum hungry eyes for the right pay cheque, I feel yeah
steroids are for manlet faggots
I sort of expected them to want to go on a troll rant which is why I covered it in my reply kek
Who knows though
Oh hey I told my ex to fuck off finally. We spent three nights together this week, and she was in some sort of crisis. When I first saw her she broke down. Said she needed me and was I was back. Told her id drop the hardcore scene if she was serious. She revealed she'd been thinking of killing herself. I got off the plane yesterday and shed sent s message saying she feels nothing romantic for me and to go away. So I told her to fuck off, fix her priorities and that she can suffer alone. Thought you'd be proud.
Porn selfie looks baller
nah. I was seriously curious. I don't come here often, and I know little to nothing about your subculture (or whatever you want to call it)
>Firewomen calendar pls.
People know. They aren't stupid but it's 2016 and you can smoke weed pretty much zero risk. The private use of illicit substances is just socially acceptable now.
Ig im off the clock and someone wants info I'll hand it out, but I don't verbally broadcast it.
Do you think I could sub out for your partner tomorrow? Dang
No homo
It's supposed to be a threesome lmao
Wow she's actually insanely fucked up
Bullet dodged (kinda)
Yeah I've learned that's actually considered abusive? Weird.
Liver of steel
Tri tren hurts my ass whenever i inject it though.
I'll up to 30. Good enough?
Not sure how to divvy it up at an odd number though. With 20mg i take one in the morning and one two hours before workout at night.
Guessing i'll take 10mg in the morning and 20mg before hand. How about it bae?
That's solid
This picture makes me irrationally angry
I made it.
u mad?
Found out I'm not knocked up but I'm still insanely hungry
Fighting the urge to rek diet as we speak
Gotta stop bringing money to work
I am proud
Use her as a cocksleeve at best, she's just tryna use you anyway
Glad you didn't end up giving into her
Though if you did and went through giving up hardcore scene I'd be extra proud if you kept it up in secret and just told her that kek
>just noticed you have a nipple ring
Was that in all the other selfies?
Sincere curiosity does pop up sometimes
Just rarer
Call it this is why I'm hot
Do a yolande page
Its her face
I want to punch it so bad
Yes it is. I took it out for the shot tho.
She is a user and manipulator. I enjoyed cumming in her the past few nights though. I don't feel super bad but I'm going to miss fucking her, so nice.
Intrafasting can't be unseen now
Watch out for when she tries to claim you preggo'd
Looks like you need more thickness overall brah. Looking long and wide at the mo. Needs more 3D
Actually I got a sperm count done recently, motility is gucked thanks to tren. It won't happen. Plus it was her period,
Should I order a pizza for sodium pump?
happy for u btw bro. wish you the best
Any UK guys got a source of pharma test they want to throw at me? I've been spoiled by Gal, but my last batch is running out.
Thanks dogger I appreciate that
Any of you ever get paranoid the feds will intercept your supply?
> met girl off Tinder
> she got cold feet
> "you just didn't look the same"
> "and I realized that just wanting to hook up with someone is kinda fucked up"
> "look really old"
Last girl said I looked older 4 years older in pictures and 4 years younger in person. This girl thinks I look older and pictures and much older in person. What the fuck? Is it the beard? GH deficiency?
post a pic of the girl, I have theory because the same has been happening to me. It's something about those girls.
fatass detected
kill yourself
but for real shave that shit dude
Ya but that doesn't mean she ain't coocoo cocopuffs enough to claim it
Also I thought grills were more likely to get knocked up on/around their period
Fuck idk should've paid more attention in childhood health class
sounds like a polite excuse to me, you probably weirded her out and age has nothing to do with it
how feminine is the penis?
did you use snapchat with her at all?
how do you own genitalia and not understand its basic functionality
My uterus doesn't come with a fucking manual
Fuck my vagina doesn't speak to me and explain when I'm more or less fertile it just hurts and bleeds every where inconveniently once n a while christ are you retarded?
check your email :*
You'll find a new one buddy - a solid girl who won't fuck you up inside
Yes this is Veeky Forums
I get free wifi here I should install Netflix
shoulder span 3x your waist.
mirin hard
netflix and pizza. life of kings
That's the exact reason I have Netflix
Watched everything that looked even mildly good though
Honestly think they'd give more selection if they're going to crack down on Canadians using American Netflix
Obvz we were stealin it for a reason
Dammit i thought you finally got bred
She was really really pretty and let me abuse her hard in bed. I'm certain she comes back because I'm the best fuck she's had.
Thanks duder
What to watch tho
>tfw made over a grand just to masturbate
>tfw the rest of the day to eat junk and chill
>tfw free upscale dinner tonight
Porn is weird
dat waist makes me look like dogshit, damn
tfw wide shoulders but 36 waisted pants at 10% bf dexa, fuck my life
I would probably breed ESTP if shes legit a woman. I want stronk child. Plus it's a dope fetish.
Tygod my grandma bod lives to see another day
Narcos is pretty good would recommend
watch archer
Do you think it'd come out /fraud/
Like if I gave birth via squatting new highs do you think stronk babby would vicariously get the gainz?
What if it comes out g4p
But don't take her back she's garbage
Damn I should do porn
I should find a girl that's cool with me doing porn. I've got a two queen bed suite in a 4 star hotel, hella cash, and all this time to kill.
It's like a paid vacation 1-2x a month.
If it didn't come out fraud we would make it fraud. If it were g4p that's okay too. Strong w/ easy money is better than cubicle weakling.
T-take me now
Kek I should just give in to getting a sugar daddy
The ugly one. I just wanted an easy blowjob. It seems like ugly girls think I look older and hot girls think I look younger.
I pull off the Bjorn (Vikings) look well.
No penis.
>get email
>new 3-meat and ranch pizza at Papa John's
M-muh diet
Yeah sure we should do it hmu
True. We could always go spartan style and just throw it away if it didn't come out stronk enough
Gotta try for your best yknow
Guys I have some doubts, im pretty amateur on roids, just made a 4 months 600test+40tbol last summer.
I started 500 test today and i wanna add something but I dont really know what, will I see better results from 400 tren+150test weekly than my lasty 600test and tbol cycle? Also is Boldenone worth buying? And for last, I've got a doubt between test+tren or sdrol/drol + test.
Ty in advance
probably better off getting it cut out rather than natty, especially if you're old and get prego
would have to swim in lotion and maybe some peptides so you're not stretched to shit
or squirt eggs and man juice in another woman
Wasn't your ex okay with the porn? I thought you said she was into it
Pizza and Netflix man keep it simple and good
How long did it take you to make a grand from tapping on camera?
I love bold. 800-1200 weekly. Gives dope look and my sex endurance was crazy.
For your needs I'd go with test npp and bold. Gives a solid look, but isn't harsh like tren is notorious for. Throw in a dry oral and you'll be stellar.
How much does getting bloods done cost for you guys? Never done it before, hope doc doesn't start asking questions. Not sure if insurance covers it.
mirin and jelly at the same time. It's funny that so many are not aware of the fact, that's harder to put muscle on a frame like yours, since you're quite tall.
good job breh.
No no my fuckbuddy is cool af with it
About 20 minutes of actual fap time. Met up at 830 was done with the entire shoot at 10.
>disaster averted
Genetically stronker test tube babbies when?
No child of mine having a belly button
Fuck that girl then
bimbo you're silly
That's no fun, I gotta pump her from behind til them ovaries come back to life
>belly button
I like to play with those tho can we manually install one?
I could never do porn for the soul fact that my pool of ladies would shrink down to only ladies that are okay with me doing porn
Thanks dude idk why you mire tho you look 10x better than I do.
She's fun and an actual real person like down to earth; but I just don't feel the physical click.
pump the babby full of gh and low dose anavar
form your own xxxspartanwarriorxxx
Yeah the number of women that are cool with their partners Fucking other men on camera for money is obscenely small. It's like they don even want a free vacation.
>ovaries come back to life
Yeah I'm actually impressed I even still get a period and those cunts haven't atrophied
Well, yeah
You can do whatever you want it's not like I'm going to be doing any actual parenting until it starts making me money
I'm low test, I want to start my cruise on 250 mg's test-e a week. I know it is a bit low, but my bf is around 25% (inb4 fatass). due to low test I almost can't slim down.
I can slim down by eat almost nothing (like fasting all day long and only take quark like once a day) but after that I only gain fat.
I want to start pinning 250mgs test e every week, dus to get to normal test levels.
Doctor won't give me TRT, that's why I want to start pinning myself.
Do I need AI? and what kind of? and what for dosages?
You could open up the first babby cross fit/day care.
Well bimbo is like 6'4 or something insane right?
So add some gh and there's no way that baby ain't a giant akin to a Norse God
>giving ESTP responsibility
i wouldn't trust my kids with it
Jerrbears confirm it we need to make a god
>crossfit daycare mean for the unwanted ones?
So I got a couple free goodies today. Aside from buying more, what can I do w
>50 25mg anavar
>50 10mg tbol
I'm cruising btw