Is anyone gonna fast for ramadan? Im not muslim but is Ramadan good for cutting and losing weight?
you can do whatever you want as long as it's in your own desert pisshole country
The first few days are the hardest desu.
Fasted for lent
gonna fast for ramadan too
Hopefully gonna be cut asf
Depends on your appetite. You usually eat one meal after fast breaking but that meal could be anything from 2000 to 4000 calories. Some of my muslim friends lose weight, some gain. some stain the same. If you just want to cut you could intermittend fasting or just count you macros and eat at a deficit. The 'no drinking water' part is also very hard and when you are no muslim there is no point not to drink water.
For hating fat people so much you pussies sure do complain a lot about not eating, even during a cut. Just don't eat, you idiots.
i need to get rid of the extra fat i recently gained bulking.
i went from 12% to 15% bodyfat in just 3 weeks.
If i fast for 30 days with only with 2000Cals a night how much bodyfat will i lose?
I'm not religious so don't fast but yeah everyone I know loses weight on it as it is essentially Intermittent Fasting.
There's a slight danger you would put on weight if you do it in a traditional Arab/South Asian/African/Central Asian/Whatever household as from experience there tends to be a lot of fried and high calorie food for the evening meal where you break your fast, if you are sedentary and not trying to have a normal routine/exercise amount while doing it that could lead to weight gain rather than weight loss.
Fasting is ok, but not drinking water while fasting is pretty stupid.
Water is essential to keep the skin healthy and the metabolism running.
Drinking constantly a lot of water is the most important thing when doing fasting diets.
back to /r9k/
muslim here, i love ramadan, it has this special feeling that i cant describe, its really fun eating at dawn with all the family n stuff is just amazing
>Body needs constant protein intake to build muscle
>Literally eat nothing almost the whole day.
I'm a softcore muslim, I used to starve myself out in Ramadan because I used to be a skinny fuck and ate nothing anyways, but now that I'm regularly working out and trying to eat even more every day, I just can't do it.
You guys bomb shit later for family bonding?
>30 day fast
>allowed to eat as much of any food you want when the sun is down
Wow, what an utter waste of time
Depends on your activity level but I would say 3-4 kilos. Usually a deficit of 7500 kcal is equal to a kg of fat, but thats not 100%. Next time try not to bulk on such a big profict and you wont need to cut so soon.
Ok I take that back. Sorry Shitty morning.
Happy Ramadan
bulk up at night bruh
So you would easily be able to have a normal routine if you couldn't eat any food or drink anything including water, in typically countries with 18 hours of daylight, between sunrise and sunset for 30 days and searing temperatures?
Nigga I ain't religious but it'd be a complete bitch to do on the water part alone.. Are you actually retarded?
Thats the thing...
You become more of a man during ramadan
nice to know that racist pieces of shit have no reading comprehension.
Ty. No worries dude it's Veeky Forums. Everyone shit posts. And Veeky Forums is still probably the most ethnic minority and gay friendly board here since all people mainly care about is if you lift and being bros.
>So you would easily be able to have a normal routine if you couldn't eat any food or drink anything including water, in typically countries with 18 hours of daylight, between sunrise and sunset for 30 days and searing temperatures?
>Nigga I ain't religious but it'd be a complete bitch to do on the water part alone.. Are you actually retarded?
where the fuck did I say anything about how it would affect your lifting routine?
>Gay Friendly
Criticism of ideas is racist? Dumbass
You're in the wrong board then newfriend. Might I suggest something for your kind?
im muslim bruh
i don't like gays and fuck /pol/
>no food
>no water
The last time ramadan that came around, i lost 4 percent bodyfat and added some lean muscle. I wake up early enough to have a huge meal and lots of water. After I open my fast I manage to get 2-3 more meals in and start gripping iron in between there.
Reminds me of the warrior diet.
>you can go back to your own shitty country
>"criticism of ideas"
yeah ok
>is eating 10000 calories after sundown every day good for you
muslims only fast until it's dark and allah can't see them munch
Yo this looks swole asf
might try it
>Hey guys, Ramadan is actually kind of cool and super healthy! I'm not saying Islam is good, but this will benefit you!
>Hey guys, I'm not saying Islam is great or anything, but turbans are super comfy. Maybe you should give it a try ;)
>Hey guys, I'm not saying Islam is the best or anything, but they really push family values. Perhaps we should just borrow some of it to benefit our own lives ;)
>yfw the quran actually uses this logic as proof of God.
This is why I lift.
Fasting serves many purposes. While they are hungry and thirsty, Muslims are reminded of the suffering of the poor. Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind. And in this most sacred month, fasting helps Muslims feel the peace that comes from spiritual devotion as well as kinship with fellow believers, to feel the pain of their fellow man. And to remind us that one day that we will be 6 feet underground with nothing...
I've been poor, I don't need reminding of it.
Resisting temptation is self control. Resisting sustenance is stupidity.
Spiritual devotion is a term without definition and can be used to justify anything.
I don't need to starve myself to feel kinship with my friends and family. And I certainly don't want to feel the (self inflicted) pain of my fellow man.
Feeling hunger would only be a good reminder of death if what follows is a period of eternal starvation. I happen to know that according to Islam, it is not.
Fuck Islam
It has no place in western society
What the fuck is this ramadan meme?
Why is scooby and my nigga elliot haluse fasting for ramadan?
> No water 30 days
> No water
> 30 days
>Im not muslim but is Ramadan good for cutting and losing weight?
Depends entirely on how much you eat in your one meal.
No water during daylight
u can drink all u want at night til dawn
they caught on to the meme
That no water shit is dumb as all hell. I've met muslim's who've tried to do that crap during summer while taking track.
Can't tell if racist, IIFYM joke, or racist IIFYM joke.
if elliot does it, im doing it senpai
>Muslim is now a race
You are the problem.
Ramadan is retarded.
There's nothing racist about you stupid kuks
>Tfw live close to a medaterrarian restaurant
>Tfw the owner and I are good friends and he gives me leftovers every night during ramadan
Lets thank Jesus for not beeing so stupid and not stealing our glorious gains
Oh sorry hope you don't think I'm islamophobic
Islam isn't even a race...
All sand niggers need to die of slow cancer
>if you don't support stupid dumb fucking sand festival with no water and no food
>then you're a racist bigot
Fuck off to Reddit
Wait are you talking about Ramadan or coachella?
You can hate the living fuck out of muslims, degrade them and treat them like filth you should
People don't fast for Ramadan though,
When he sun goes down you're allowed to eat, drink, smoke as much as you want.
There is a morning bell in Arabic countries that signals first light and you stop eating and doing all that stuff till the next night.
Anyone who says they are fasting are just doing some new age shit.
Hi brother. It's cool to hear that
But plz don't force we do the same as you do since you come here voluntarily. We don't hate your culture. But we don't want your culture either so stay in your line
OP didn't even call anyone racist, all he did was post a thread about intermittent fasting for 30 days (which is what ramadan is). You guys turned into some kind of religion/race war. I'm not a muslim sympathiser or anything, but honestly you guys are as dumb as them. I wish /b/ would stop spilling into other boards and they'd stay in their own containment board.
>Salam friends! I think you should on fast on Ramadan because it will help your gains alhamdulilah. I'm not saying Islam is good but Muhammad (pbuh) fasted and made great gains. Allahu akbar
of course they fast
"Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. "
>come to western country
>literately abandon their home
>hurrr durrr we're the best culture
>knee to Islam
>you don't?
>ok racist piece of shit don't tolerate us wahhhhhh wahhhh muh racism muh evil oppression
>op literately typed out you're racist piece of shit
Ok liberal I know you can be blind to minority but this?
>morning bell in Arabic country
Good for them cool story Muslim friendo. But keep that shit in Arab country please
Don't make me come burn your cigarettes and deal out some lashings for all that shirk
Ramadan is the ultimate proof islam is bullshit. In my country the sun may never rise in some parts of the year. Mr. Allah obviously didn't account for that.
But go ahead, don't eat. I did a voluntary starvation one summer (too lazy + too much work), and I lost ~10kg. Didn't have ANY muscle either before or after doing it though.
>Starve most of the day
>Keep the gains
>Choose one
Edit: The sun may never set aswell in other parts of the year.
I lift for Allah, not an idol.
>Mr. Allah obviously didn't account for that.
B-but he is the creator of everything, so he knew what he was doing, right?
Or Muslims in those areas would return to their ancestral home or do the Hajj for a month or literally thousands of more sensible options than starve to death you dip
I've done this for the past few years and I'm gonna do it again now...
>part 1/2:
As-salam alaikum brothers,
>Cut? Bulk? Or maintenance?
It's wholly inefficient to bulk during Ramadan - if you were thinking of doing so, stop now. All you can do is MAINTAIN or CUT. So far I've done all 3 - bulking will fail hard, maintaining is very easy except you will absolutely be exhausted 45 minutes into your workouts (so end them at 45 min). Cutting works fairly well except your strength gains will fall and it will take you about 3-5 weeks to get them back to where they were after the month is over.
>Sarcoplasmic vs Myofilbrillar hypertrophy?
While bulking should be avoided since it will end with largely fat gain, your routine's emphasis can still be tuned to your goals. If you're a noob you will still experience all of the gains unhindered - probably best time to start is Ramadan for noobs actually. If you want to maintain your strength then continue your 5x5/3x5/7-5-3 routines. This is doubly the case if you are on a cut. Your gains as a natty are reliant on your strength, so if you're cutting then you'll be exhausted ergo cut your workouts short but make them frequent (4+ days/week). For those that want to hold onto your size, then feel free to do PPL or whatever mass-builder or split you prefer. This is much easier to do with nothing in your stomach - just chase the pump. tl;dr: Strength + any diet = difficult, other combinations are doable for anyone.
>part 2/2:
>Fasting & Exercise
I am approaching my 30's, am married and have children. My stats are ~1100 lb total 195 lbs @ 183 cm, ~15% BF. I'm religious while living in the U.S. but you really can't tell I'm religious (I had a lvl 60 toon). During Ramadan I go to the gym ~1-2 hours BEFORE BREAKING THE FAST. With such timing I am able to push myself as far as I can go - once the sweat starts to pour from my head just stop and head on home - you'll get there, shower and soon enough break your fast. It's a terrible idea to workout 5+ hours prior Magrib prayer - basically a setup to failure. I have also hit the gym AFTER breaking the fast - simply eat 100-300 calories along with a pre-workout and then hit the weights. DO NOT stuff your face like a pig (you heathen) or else you'll grow lazy and probably call it night. Make sure your Sahour (last meal before beginning the fast - prior to Fajr) is packed with complex carbs as this will make fasting much easier. It also helps to not drink anything other than water during this time (whereas you can go ham [you heathen] after Magrib).
Bodybuilding nutrition essentially assists you with the hunger issue - I've personally never had this issue and have several times done all-nighters for exams (STEM) where I return home and sleep through the entirety of the breakfast time period. That's right - I ended up fasting two days in succession without food nor water... several times in my life actually. The last time I missed a day of fasting I was 12 years old. Every year these threads are filled with whiny weaklings and it's quite sad honestly. The purpose of this month-long holiday is to teach you willpower. I sure have it. Do you?
Many of you reading this will be of those who do not pray and those who do not abide by the rules revealed to you. For those who actually do follow the religion and aren't mentally DYEL, be steadfast and you'll be rewarded and Ramadan Kareem.
first time i tripped since '08
>not drinking water for 30 days
wew lad, no wonder muslims are fucking crazy in the mind. Normal people die after not drinking water for 5 days. I can't even imagine what happens when you somehow survive for 30 days without water
most moslems actually get fatter during ramadan due to their nightly binges.
it's not a "fast". they just change what time of the day they eat.
if they are so peaceful, why are they tryiong to take over the world with violence, raping people, murdering non-believers, having more than 1 wife, killing fags and trannys that could be very nice people? Are the poor the only people they can feel empathy for?
I would lift for Darwin if it pleases you. But I share your sentiment
I'm muslim and have no issue fasting, just hate not drinking water. Most Muslims I know consume like 4 meals when they break their fast which defeats entire purpose of fasting. Most don't even give food to the poor or homeless.
What a pointless fucking thing
I thought these fags just didn't eat the whole month somehow. Now I find out they can drink water and eat half the fucking day? The hoops being jumped through to make this make sense are ginormous.
Sun doesn't go down until 9 this Ramadan expect a shit ton of angry Muslims driving
Wat? All he said was he likes Ramadan how is that forcing you to do anything
Actually this just proves you guys ignorant on Islam and only hate out of ignorance rather than knowledge.
He did mention what you should do you retards. If you live in an area where the sun may not rise or set then u follow the time of either the nearest city to your location or Mecca times.
Don't be ignorant.
I'm Muslim and have a ton of gay and racist friends. Gotta tolerate errbady
Hey man I used to be a Muslim too and i'm not fasting. It's impossible to walk to the gym and workout walk back home then not eat.
>I thought these fags just didn't eat the whole month somehow.
Oh my god I literally cannot fathom this level of stupidity
>Muslim will usually eat a meal right after sunset called Iftar,
If you're eating or drinking, you're not fasting.
Fasting is going days without eating and drinking the minimum amount of water needed to survive.
Don't fall for their lies.
>thinking i'm a liberal
The fact you think knowledge automatically equates to liberal ideology shows how retarded you are.
Fasting a few days for a cut is fine, going an entire month without eating adequate portions is fucking retarded.
It's the kind of shit high school girls do and trannies.
Talk to isis habibi
if your closer to the north then u just use the mecca time standard.
Your a fucking idiot....
>being this dumb
No Water from sunrise to sundown.
You can drink all the water you want from twilight to dawn.
Don't be that stupid...
You get the same amount of calories. It's pretty much Intermittent Fasting with the water fast thrown in there. Please stop attempting to explain things you do not know. Who cares about your definition of fasting
>no true scotsman
Are you Poo In LOO?
>Fasting is going days without eating and drinking the minimum amount of water needed to survive.
Literarily starvation/gandhi mode
>people fail to see the proven benefits of intermittent fasting
>people are pro intermittent fasting but anti Ramadan because it has a different name
Pretty much this.
>knowledge automatically equates to liberal ideology shows how retarded you are.
Considering studies show people with higher levels of education support more liberal ideologies I'd say you're the retard here
shit thats in 18 days
>Islamic nations aren't shit
No you just follow the Mecca time standard in those conditions
Not drinking water is fucking stupid, just like the entire warmongering, paedophilic, bronze age religion of islam that was founded by a lying, paedophile con man for his own benefit (piss be upon her).
Islam is fucking dumb as fuck and bluepilled and this just fucking proves it.
Did mohhamed not know you can't fucking survive 30 days with no fucking water and food? Fucking dumbass retards.
And fuck all you numale cucks who you to fucking try it. Your ancestors must be fucking LAUGHING at you.
How fucking dare people not eat food in the great land of the USA.
>If you're eating or drinking, you're not fasting.
>Fasting is going days without eating and drinking the minimum amount of water needed to survive.
>Don't fall for their lies.
>being this retarded
>thinking anyone cares about your personal dictionary
>advocating nogainz