Daily reminder that if you didn't achieve this in your first 2 years you might aswell give up because you lost the...

Daily reminder that if you didn't achieve this in your first 2 years you might aswell give up because you lost the genetic lottery

How sad of a cunt do you have to be to be making threads like this? Please answer us honestly, on a scale from 1 to 10 how miserable are you?

>5'2 manlet
>won the genetic lottery

Top kek m8 who u think ur foolin?

1 1/2 years

pretty sure he admitted to using.

>everyone who looks better than me is on le juice!

Yeah he took anavar


you got 6 months to cut like crazy and fix those shoulder bud


i dont want obliques that look like a gymbros arm reaching for my dick

>skinny dyel faggot
>won the genetic lottery

this nigga

Kek I'm a legit manlet and found him quite inspirational but using tinytrip as a making it example is just stupid. He got harassed into leaving Veeky Forums because of constant trolling & abuse and admitted to taking Anavar ffs. Also he was lean but big. Some people want to be huge freakbeasts.

TinyTrip hasn't posted here in what 3 or 4 years?.. What kind of faggot is OP that he has a naked picture of a tripfag from nearly half a decade ago saved?.. Does no one else just find that sad and creepy?

sure you don't. you're perfectly fine with those love handles and your 2 abs :^)

those are not nudes. not saying i don't have em, just cant post em

achieve what

skeleton + some delts?

what's the point of cutting this hard if you don't compete?

Predictable response.

Probably that yeah

How do I fix delts though?
I already OHP 1pl8 for reps:.

OHP 5 kg more than you weigh
>whats the point in looking good if you're not a model

shiggy diggy

Can we not talk about how much of sperglord autist OP has that he references and had pics of a tripfag who once posted on the lifting & feels forum of a Mongolian basket weaving bulletin board 4 to 6 years ago?.. I mean even by Veeky Forums standards that's some hardcore autism.

Your comment was full of more autism, congratulations

Like how much of a failure and how little do you have to have done with your life to still have pics or reference a Veeky Forums tripfag from half a decade ago? Jeez that's like depressing in its loserdom.

Seems pretty normal to me by Veeky Forums standards. Are you from misc?

Is there anyone who still posts on Veeky Forums from when Tiny used to? Why haven't you moved on with your life and done things with it? Why are you still here?

I've been here for 2 years which is embarrassing as fuck and he had stopped posting a year before me at least.

After 3 - 5 years shouldn't someone have made it at least psychologically and moved on from Veeky Forums to better things?

based adie
stay jelly

It's supposed to motivate you. You pathetic cunt.

Not saying these old tripfags don't look great. It's just a depressing thought that 5 years from now instead of being a sik cunt with a qt3.14 gf who's swole as fuark and doing things with his life, I might be talking about Supermang or Trappychan on Veeky Forums.


you have a lot to learn

Then why don't you become a cool tripfag cat and be a part of Veeky Forums history so people can post about you 5 years from now?
If not then leave and go live your life, you miserable cunt.

Well ok. That's what I thought Veeky Forums was for.. Self improvement to eventually make it. Not sitting around talking about half a decade old memes and tripfags ;_;

yes he does. nothings gonna motivate a lazy fatass like you.

Post cock

Why dont you shut the fuck up and post a picture of your self?


sorry m8, sfw board :^)


the fuck did this faggot lose all his gains?

im ashamed

wow, he looked like a mongoloid.


nigger Nigger

isnt he like 5'4"

He looks mentally disturbed now and I heard he doesn't even lift.

1.5-2 years ago so he still lifts. he's a PT

If this face belongs to any physique ITT I feel so sorry for him

i feel sorry for you


Tinytrip was on anavar you dense retard.
He is also like 5'7

he was never ever on anavar and he was 5'4. watch his interview, he says 5'4.

No need to m8 my face is pretty well liked by the ladies and me alike

Everyone knows he did a cycle of anavar.
Yes, sure maybe he was 5'4 I just guessed some low number.

everything i've seen he claims natty and literally no one has any screenshots of this magical anavar cycle he did. i don't believe it.

There is a picture of him holding up a package of anavar. I was also in the threads back then when he claimed that he was about to use it.

Will do. Thanks
Left is me after cut about 6 months ago

18 months

>tfw good genes

Holy fuck you look just like me. Even the chest gap is the same.

>good genes

Daily reminder that not everyone's a manlet. :^)


lets see yours

Why you drool over this dude so bad? Fit turned you ultra gay or what

also if you do look like that guy after 2 years of lifting, you lost the genetic lottery.
being a ottermode midget is not a valid goal

Did I say I had any? Faggot.

Word, how long you been lifting?

How to fix shoulders? Ohp like a mad man?



A 5'5 manlet telling people they won't make it .... kek
Tiny plz

Dat gyno, and that fish is half his size

Shame he gave up lifting and lost his gains