Addicted to Pot

I tried to stop smoking weed but I found myself taking puffs from my blunts that still have tobacco in...

I know its hella worse. What can I do to stop the craving?

>addicted to pot
Nice bait

I'm addicted to getting high then?
Yeah, its not crack but I feel the need to chief.

Im not addicted to pot, but I am addicted to jerking off high.

Learn to form coherent English sentences please.

just don't. That's literally it.

There's no physical depency and if you're strong enough to lift weights, you're strong enough to keep your mind off of cannabis.


Find the reason why you smoke so much. I discovered I had ptsd and was smoking to numb myself. Now I'm learning how to deal with it and I smoke a lot less. I wake up and I feel excited about what I need to do today rather than just wake and bake like I would for years. You might have some issues like that too

Sometimes I hold in a big puff and cum at the same time. Its amazing.

What was hard for you to understand?

Go to an NA meeting. Once you're exposed to people with real problems you'll realize how much of a shitbird you are and will have an easier time quitting.

I distanced myself from my dealer and the crowd I was smoking with. Had cravings for about a year still, gave in only once after 4 months. 2 years later and I have literally no cravings.

I did start smoking normal cigs more often though, sated the need of needing something in my mouth(no homo).

Thanks man, I wish I had an excuse like PTSD, but I'm just a loser.

ive gotten high 4 times so far today

once before the gym
one more time immediately after
45 minutes later
45 minutes later
now im about to go do it again and i have work in an hour

I smoked nearly every day for 5 years and for some reason just stopped cold turkey at the beginning of this month (well, not 100% stopped. I've smoked 3 times with friends but that's it.)

I realized that it had more to do with me just being bored, discontent and stuck in a mental rut/habit where I would just pack a bowl even if I didn't feel like smoking. I don't really know if you can force yourself to get over that feeling or if it just has to come naturally like it did for me. Even two months ago I would have thought only a few days without smoking sounded crazy.

Damn bro, this is me.
Thing is, I am self employed and work at night, so if I get high, I'm probably not gonna work.

So I end up just working the bare minimum that I have to to pay bills and get by.

check out the /r/leaves subreddit

I definitely fell for the weed is harmless meme. Over a decade of daily use later and my memory is shit and I smoke to feel normal. Currently 16 days smoke free. The first few were hell. The constant headache has only recently subsided.

Some people will probably talk shit and say weed isnt addicting and I'm weak, but i dont really give a fuck. If I have weed, I smoke it. I cant control myself with it. I cant moderate it. So i had to give it up. I wish I was one of those people who could just smoke a bowl after a tough day once or twice a week, but I know myself well enough to know Id fall right back into heavy daily use.

Same thing here man, except I'm successful enough where I can allow myself to have a vice. It doesn't put a strain on my money or health really (i do concede that smoking any substance is potentially harmful to lumgs) but you do what you gotta do to balance your hard work

I think I'm going to have to try this tonight.

You're addicted to the escape then, get yourself a hobby if that's what keeps calling you back.

Weed to me is my "triple mocha latte supreme heavy cream wet dream". Weed is my late night binge on chips. Weed is my splurge for myself. It doesnt have calories either, and can improve other aspects of my life (motivated me to lose weight, open up to new experiences, become more social)

OP if you can find a way to maximize what ever you have to do than smoke weed i don't see what the problem is

Maybe also check out /r/petioles

Its more for management as opposed to quitting entirely

I smoked weed every day from 15 to 19.
I live in Canada and bought an ounce of it every month. (it's cheap in Toronto if you know the right people). Once I entered college I realized only losers and degenerates smoke weed on a daily basis so I stopped. The end.

Good way of looking at it. I definitely had a really strong habit (I hesitate to call it an addiction but maybe it was) and was smoking every day. It's a lot better to see it as a treat instead of another mundane part of the day.

It also just feels so much better and kind of empowering to not have another thing you just HAVE to do every day. Now if only I could get to that place with coffee...

Just because it's not physically addictive, doesn't mean it's not addictive at all

Sam here roackafella familia; I cant ration. I'll smoke everything I have even if it takes me all day for a week. Then I'll grind out work and repeat as soon as I re-up. Sad, senpai, sad.

I'm mixed and I was watching this movie with my white uncle and my little cousin was like, "when I grow up I wanna be a nazi!" lol, My uncle went on a rant about how its wrong.

>gave up pot
>smoke cigs

nigga what the fuck. stop smoking cigs and go back to pot

You're right but I should have clarified that I do smoke heavily when I have it. I meant that instead of having to get starbucks to get my day going or a 6 pack to end it (which is nice) i substitute weed for both. I smoke when there's no reason not to

>tfw this is the only current bread on Veeky Forums not crammed with roid rage

shut the fuck up you pussy you don't know what addiction actually is


Me too, about to do this in fact

Fuck no.
When I was high alone weed sped my overthinking into lightspeed, made me insecure and I sometimes even got anxiety attacks. Cigarettes only make me smell like shit and I get agitated if I don't get one for 4 hours.

Cigs cost me 30€ a month. I got about 3g for the same amount, which lasted me for 4 days at most.

I'm an addict, but at least cigs don't make me feel like shit and don't make me paranoid.

>addicted to pot
>Nice bait

Marijuana doesn't have a chemical addiction, it's a mental addiction.

Well that shit is based so that's understandable

Work yourself up and take a tok and hold it in and bust and then blow out the smoke after your pipe is empty.

You'll never jack off the same. Sorry, and you're welcome.

dude weed lmao

hate to say it but you should buy a vape

I usually just smoke at night after I'm done with everything
I don't smoke on days I work or have school or anything. Once I finish all my school work and get home from my job, I'll smoke a joint.
Easy way to get my fix in. I might addicted too but I'm still pretty productive

yea, to pot

I'm not a soft cunt, so no.

I smoke every day, but since I hate sperging out in public, I only blaze at night after 7pm when I've got nothing else to do. Never wake n bake, never when out n about, never whenI actually have shit to do.

5 years on, and still enjoying it. It's like a glass of wine at the end of a long day for me to smoke a bowl. Love working on music while stoned at night too.

Would you look at those hoes

Willpower man, I went from smoking daily for 5 years to clean for the last 3. It's worth it dude. Quit cold turkey and get into meditation, that's what got me out of it.

It's not an addiction if you dont catch yourself sucking strangers dick for a sinstance.

You wouldn't suck a cock for a weed shot, would ya

Broseph, my ex latina put me on to transcendental meditation. That shit is legit. I feel really well when doing it consistently.

Not OP but interested in meditation. Any advice on how to start/ get into it?

Fuck no.

Just make rules for yourself that are stepping stones that's what worked for my friends.
Depending on how much you smoke now start by limiting yourself to once a day. Then change it to only smoking weed if you worked out that day. Then change it to you only smoke weed if someone asks you to with them or at a party. Just gotta ween it down in an organized manner I've seen it work before.

get the app "10% happier"

thanks i'll give it a go

TM you have to pay. But really its just sitting quietly for 20 minutes twice a day.

Just try not to think of anything. And when you inevitably do, just remind yourself to stop thinking, drop it. Have an empty mind.

Its really easy. But at the same time its harder than it sounds.

just chew gum you twit, cigs are a quick path to cancer

yea but they are literally taking years off your life as well as actively damaging your overall health.

same thing with me. insecurity and anxiety when i smoke weed. i guess not everyone was meant to smoke weed huh?

I was smoking plenty during my friday afternoons and weekends. my gf never had an issue with it, and knew it was for my benefit (migraines and eye problems along with anxiety). at the time I was working a getting-by job. Now that I'm job hunting, I've been weed free nearly a month.
Let me say I'm fucking miserable. my gf is getting fucked over at her work, so I try not to bother her with how bad my job search is going. either everything is paying low or wants an M A but still pays low (I have a B.A in Administration ). I have my rec but trying to stay clean for decent jobs. I stay up crying and losing my mind.

I just flushed my weed down the toilet. It's the same shit with junk food--don't go to the store and buy junk food and don't go meet your dealer and buy from him.

I'm quitting weed for good. I really respect those of you who can smoke and stick stay disciplined with work, lifting, and your diet. I really do hope you're not lying to yourself like I was though.

I'm quitting weed for good, personally. I still fucking love it, but it makes me a lazy fuck who can't get his life together.

Dont know why but I have a feeling shes bad at wiping.

Respect brotha. I had this same issue and haven't smoked for 2 months. It takes alot of self awareness to realize if it impacts you negatively. I was constantly a lazy fuck while smoking and it really hurt my grades in college. Quitting for good

>Addicted to pot
You're either a shitposter, 12, retarded, or a shitposting 12 year old retard.