What does he look like now?
What does he look like now?
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pretty sure he's recovering from spinal injuries
Just found a recent picture. Jesus
he doesnt even try and eat anymore
please be fake. What the fuck happened?
This is more attractive to girls anyway
Isn't that the guy who's gf/wife left him as soon as he lost his gains after he got injured?
No its not dummy
Seems legit
Google search OP's image
Apparently he got into a bad car accident that left him permanently paralyzed.
His family apparently gave up on him and then his fiance followed.
Wow... that's fucking horrible Veeky Forums I saw OP's pic a long time ago and that was like my goal body.
That's sad as fuck.
I'm sure I remember Zyzz posting it
holy crap. I genuinely feel sorry for him, bro
>Roider detected
Just admit bud, you ruined your body for nothing
He does youtube videos sometimes.
He is a devout christian now a days.
holy shit, it's been like 2 years since I've seen that pic
breaks my heart man
Daily reminder not to invest in things that are fleeting.
a fag
o shit, didnt realise that he was the guy that got paralized, my bad. I feel sorry for him now. Never wish that bad shit happening to anybody.
Like what, legs?
>tfw you make it and then the life takes all your gains away
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
> in a wheel chair
> still has better muscle def and lower body fat than most of /fit.
thats fucking awful, holy fuck
Brah and apparently he was only a passenger in the accident, not even his fault... Life is so cruel fuck
poor guy
dude was even more aesthetic than zyzz
this is ridiculous, being in a chair is a permanent upper body work out, I lived with a guy that lost his legs at 16 and he was 24 years old with literally the best torso and arm development I've seen natty. his arms looked like a sack full of pythons having a fuck
Who the fuck is it anyway?
>He dislocated the C3 and C4 vertebrae in his neck, and fractured C5. He had surgery and doctors are unable to say if he will make a full recovery, but Pietrowski is determined.
good luck with that upper body workout
Shit, can someone find his email? I want to send him a nice email.
you can look him up on facebook. he posts a lot there. maybe try and shoot an pm
Everything is fleeting. Invest in what you enjoy
six words in the whole song
Good. That's what you get using roids
Uh are you sure about the girl leaving him? She's in all his recent photos
Awake my masters!
Truly heartbreaking.
Avaken mein masters!