Will VG keep on getting development? His lifts are still shit but he's gaining aesthetics.
He has traps now, Veeky Forums
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Won't give view, sry
BJJ sounds fun, too bad i cant find any local places/dojos
> toy-collecting manchild
> autistic vegan that wades through hundreds of studies to cherrypick those that match his point
> unemployed
> schizophrenic edgelord curlbro
> Canadian
> got badly cucked by his now-fiance
> who lives on another fucking continent
> entire life revolves around shrieking into a webcam
> audience composed solely of other deranged vegans
> cannot bench more than 1.5pl8 after TEN YEARS OF LIFTING
> implying his getting traps are going to fix any of those
You already saw him in the thumbnail though :^)
>those toys
YT is his job. And gets enough to train in 3 separate martial arts classes a week, so it's probably a respectable amount to life on.
cucked by his fiance ? backstory pls
> you already saw me in the thumbnail though :^)
stay green ( as in your skin colour ) you fucking mentally ill faggot
first this:
then this:
and he still married her after
I only heard this from Veeky Forums but the gist of it was (if I remember right)
> the Green Goblin starts an online romance with some other vegan chick ( youtube.com
> plans to marry her
> she randomly breaks it off
> El Hombre Verde is devastated
> of course posts numerous videos about this because he's an attention-seeking sperg
will try and find links to back this up
Will you just fuckoff with this already?
Have a shred of respect for yourself and stop shitposting this Prick whose only claim to fame isn't even his body but is just saying controversial things.
can you stop viraling vegetable negro here?
noone cares
Friends reminder this guy wanted to photograph his grandfather's corpse and put it on Facebook to further his agenda and he couldn't figure out why this would upset his family.
> he makes inflammatory youtube videos for a living
Man you guys are jealous of him
Stop being so butthurt and get on with your lives
He knew why, he was just an asshole.
>he makes more money than you
Fucking love vg. Truest definition of alpha.
He's sitting with his shoulders rolled forward and looks to be engaging his Traps. You sound like a Traplet.
no he doesn't
Prolly went on steroids, the stupid green fuckier
No, this is what his shoulders look like when rolled forward, jellyfag.
He's skinny. When skinny people put on any muscle they looks muscular.
No that's called flexing your traps you fucking mong.
yeah it's called "being muscular" you sophist
Holy fuck I left fit 3 years ago and there's still threads about this guy. I think that confirms that it's actually he himself posting these threads, all the other spammy posts don't last 6 months, trolls are usually onto the next hot meme by then.
Jesus Christ
VG please go.
Can some insane user please kill this faggot already? Just do it. For the sake of the board. Vegans are the worse thing to come out this whole effeminate male thing of recent years.
>implying you can flex you're traps without moving your shoulders
>implying the trapzius doesn't insert into the collar bone
>can't bench more than 1.5pl8 after 10 years
how is this possible? I bench 260x3 and I still look dyel @ 5'7" 165 lbs after less than a year of lifting
not trying to brag I just don't understand how someone can be so bad at hoisting. It's not complicated.
His address is on the internet. Go and kill him yourself if you're so "manly".
Oh wait, you're not manly, you're just as cowardly about killing VG as you are getting your meat. So you want someone else to do it like the pussy you are.
>being a hillocopter
He didn't call for a manly user, he called for an insane user. Don't misquote him
He started uploading videos in December of 2014.
He got dumped by a chick who looks like Harry Potter and then came back together
Virgin gains pls go. If you weird taking roids you still be a skelly faggot like you were 5 months ago
And here you are shitposting while he rakes in YouTube money aka getting paid to troll and lift.
Feels bad right?
>aka getting paid to troll and lift.
he has to take off his clothes like a gay green stripper and get his body dysmorphia confirmed by a billion shiggydiggys a second, all for what, 50$ a day? and he has to do it day in, day out, with diminishing gains because 1. he's a green lmao nogains vegan and 2. he's just gonna look shittier and shittier
>Dude she obviously found a real man that eats meat and has real gains and pounds her pussy instead just tappin it light like you did with your gut full of lettuce and broccoli.
normally youtube comments are trash but it's amazing on that video
Wow you are a really tough guy
That nigga will never have those white master race gains though.
Where are the gains? I see the vegen but where are the gains?
wheres your evidence he only bench presses 1.5plates? Ive been lifting for 3 months, am 6foot 5(terrible levers for bench press) skinnyfat, and even I now bench press lmao2plates. find it hard to believe hes that weak
you call those traps? lmao
>there arent any meatheads there who are just trying to take your head off and break your limbs
this guy will get his wake up call soon enough
there are meatheads in ALL fighting sports
I'd honestly like to see where he is in 10-20 years. Once the YouTubebuxs go - and they will - he'll be left with an employment gap that rivals the size of his chest gap. Adding to that, unless he's actually studying or doing something with his time other than shitposting /vegan/ vids, he's just digging himself a hole.
>so richard, we googled your name and found a substantial list of character flaws, unfortunately we can't give you this job
I just don't see how burning this many people on social media and becoming an incredibly divisive figure is good for his future.
the thing about fighting sports is when you're a beginner you'll inevitably get your shit pushed in. and then you're left thinking 'man that was so mean, i'm just trying to learn, i would never do that'.
fast forward 6 months and you do the same thing to the new guys sparring. 1. you don't know your own strength. 2. you have now normalised fighting hard
they are pretty big for a natty tall guy faggot
a few thousand views on youtube actually pays a fuck ton of money. you can make a living off it if you get 300 000 views+ a week.
I've got no doubt it's a great income, especially when you're as popular as VG is. I'm only questioning the long term viability of what he's doing. How long before his views start to slip, before he says or does something extreme enough to wedge his viewer-base? There's also the fact that YouTube is pretty inconsistent when it comes to paying their content creators. What will happen if a new director radically shifts how creators are paid?
I don't know man, these are just questions I have. He's earning far more than your average Veeky Forumsizen right now, but how long will that last?
That's not really being cucked. Unless she fucked Jamal and then broke up with him.
Is Jamal a black equivalent of Chad?
He looks, sounds and acts like he's a 15 year old going through late puberty.
He can't control his emotions and tries to hide them, but fails. Remember when you were a kid and somebody bigger than you pissed you off? Remember that shaking in your voice, when you tried to not get you ass kicked by an older and bigger duchebag?
This is how he sounds like. Like a fucking weak kid.
>the can't even bench 2pl8 after two years of lifting.
At least I can deadlift 3pl8 and Press 1pl8.
I'm sure he'll try to get sponsor deals and or start new channels. A lot of old school you tubers have done this and they still make a decent living despite not g thing a fraction of the views they once did.
>how is this possible?
No phospocreatine in his muscles.
No L-carnitine, no HMB - nothing.
All the supplements that actually work come from meat - hence why they get a bad rep for not working. Every body has enough of them. Except vegans.
who cant deadlift 3plates? 12 year old girls?
90% of my college gym have never deadlifts or even squatted three plates.
Can everyone in this thread please kys
There are several roiding dudes in my gym who cannot deadlift 2pl8.
And I'm not saying that they roid, because they have '3D delts' and 'giant arms', I'm saying that because the gym owner pins their ass with 250ml test every five days and sells them orals.
The best they can do is 5-8 reps of 2pl8 on the bench and quarter squat 110kg.
Some people are just pathetic, no matter what they do.
less than me poorfag
LOL at vegans getting BTFO
Your gym owner scams them and pins them bullshit.
It's virtually impossible not being able to deadlift 4 plates minimum on gear.
Even if you never do the movement.
Lol bs.
3 plates maybe, 4 no retard.
Dude, they are literally roiding.
They'd muscle up 4 pl8 easily.
half-breeds are so degenerate, I hate everyone of mixed race until proven otherwise.
> implying
not to mention I still have my self-respect
You don't make over 17k a month wagie
wait I can be vegan and get gains? well fuck yeah this diets gonna work out
LOL This picture has me dying
Fuck you
brandon, go back to /mu/. dont you have a chvrches thread to be in?
Our bodies create those nutrients you utter moron.
I'm sure you have a 200k a year job while posting on Taiwanese scroll internet board.
>white master race
His white mother is why he looks like an alien.
He met Lex Fitness in person
But doesn't he live with his mom?
Not that hard to pay for three gym memberships when you don't have to pay mortgage/rent
Yeah, he does and that's probably because he's a self-admitted sociopath. Not only would he have trouble getting employed by someone one else (because who wants to hire someone like him for... anything really), but he is probably better off in the hands of the person who raised him. He probably has the least chance of causing her harm and probably shouldn't be left alone or with a room-mate.
This is all amateur opinion, but the thought of this guy being on his own actually worries me. It is probably better to have someone around who can maybe reign in his worst aspects. He is also self-employed this way and doesn't need to interact with the general population on a regular basis.
Still feel bad for his mom, though.
He's a photographer as well
martial arts are a waste of time senpai, you aren't faster than a bullet or stronger than a boxer
So he makes anywhere between 13k and 218k a year? That's... quite a range and not a very helpful indication of his actual salary.
I don't find living in your moms basement while in your mid 20s and making a "living" off of talking shit over the internet to be very respectable
>lifting for nearly 10 years and only just beginning to look like it
Wew lad, either juice or now eating a sensible diet. What a colossal fuckup of a person.
>cherry pick studies
yeah the lipid hypothesis and recommendations from WHO is just cherrypicking.
>not killing animals without justification
hurr durr im so alfa cus i cause suffering when there is no need or justification durrr pls see how manly iam
vegans never get BTFO
unless you wanna give me a justification for stabbing animals in the throat? Be sure that your justification cannot be used on your loved ones and then you reject it
Weird, I always thought he was lying about that.
He doesn't look like he's on juice.
this place has ruined your perception....take a break
ayy lmao
>can't even bench 185 for 5
fucking pathetic.
The 1/2/3/4 standards of Veeky Forums are pretty rare in real life, unless you go to a powerlifting gym or something. The most I've ever seen someone DL in real life at my gym is 3pl8. Most people do less than 1pl8.
whats up with that dude's pecs
With a neck like that this faggot is going to get his ass absolutely handed to him when he fights someone with experience.
everything is wrong with him.
its because he puts so much strain on his body and doesn't supply it with enough nutrients to repair itself.