Is it absolutely necessary to take Omega 3 and a multivitamin when lifting or can you do without? Also What is the difference between taking caffeine pill or drinking coffee?
Is it absolutely necessary to take Omega 3 and a multivitamin when lifting or can you do without...
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If you eat a balanced healthy diet, supplements are a waste of money. Just eat fish and flaxseed for omega 3s
Vitimins are a waste of money, if you're eating mildly healthy you'll be fine. Coffee is cheaper than caffeine pills but other than that they're basically the same
Multis make me nauseous for some reason. Tried different brands too and only fizzy drink multis dont mess me up, so i dont take that.
I take fishoil pretty religiously. I notice more joint clicks and clacks when im off fishoil.
Actually when i swim i can hear my bones making a pop sound underwater unless ive been taking fishoils for a while or took a longgg break from lifting.
This is purely anecdotal, but caffeine pills don't do shit for me. Coffee is useful though.
You don't need supplements if your diet is good. I think coffee bean oil also has some anti-oxidant effects not present in simple caffeine supps but I can't find where I read that.
They could possibly have negative hormonal effects.
Try chia seeds instead.
rolling for aaliyah
Rolling. I guess I'm watching ebony porn tonight.
>God I love beautiful black women
Need a black cutie!
Need a white man
You only need to supplement omega-3 fatty acids when you aren't getting enough from your diet. There's probably a ratio on the web somewhere of omega-3 to the other omega fatty acids (ie omega-6, omega-9) that you should follow, but the general idea is to maintain equilibrium among the omega fatty acids.
The multi-vitamin supplements that contain not only multiple vitamins but minerals as well have always been controversial due to the inherent nature of the vitamins and minerals having a tendency to cancel each other out in the human body due to competition for absorption.
Go see a doctor to determine if you have a deficiency of a certain vitamin or mineral. There are tests to measure the amount of a vitamin or mineral present in your body.
>Also What is the difference between taking caffeine pill or drinking coffee?
this, altho why just take caffeine? so many other stims that give you that jacked-up feeling without using illegal stuff. dunno about anyone else but i prefer exercising when i feel like i could be bouncing off the walls or kicking someone's ass.
also, isn't it obvious that multis aren't necessary if you get enough nutrients via diet? same with fish oil if you don't eat enough fish? tbqh i would rather supplement my shit that have my diet on point because i
I'm taking:
Fish Oil
Vitamin D with Vitamin K
5-HTP with L-theanine
Not sure any of them are having an affect, really. Still got the sads something wicked, lolz.