5'11 146 lbs. Cut or bulk?
5'11 146 lbs. Cut or bulk?
train and eat slightly above maintenance you dyel
you already got nice definition, after the cut you will be ripped and juicy as fuark
Bodyweight with weighted backpack because I'm a sperg
Lift. Do recomp if anything. Get gains
Shit I assumed bulk. I just recently cut all the bullshit from diet (besides bagels) so I'm guessing I'm entering a cut if eating whatever I want got me this far.
People here have unrealistical high standards when it comes to muscles. You already look quite good. No reason to ruin it by gaining mostly fat. You almost have abs showing, so a bit less bodyfat and you will be good.
heh, you look a bit like me when I started lifting.
I started at 130 though, 5'11 too
Cut [spoiler]yourself[/spoiler]
If you actually want2git swole then eat above maintenance and lift actualy weights
If you just want ottermode/look better keep doing what you're doing. If you eat at maintenance you'll eventually replace the fat with muscle.
Damn this looks like goal body material for me. I don't know if my wrist and frame genetics will allow it.
>replace the fat with muscles
quality advice lel
brotip: that's not how muscles work
your frame definitely looks like mine. i have meh wrists
How the fuck do you guys weigh 130@5'11? I'm 5'5 at 156lbs and I barely look better. Have you guys never trained legs before?
Op here I literally just started. I do uh dumbbell squats and go for 4-5 mile runs
i'm 170 in that pic
implying you look better. But yeah its mostly legs
maybe you have some naturally big legs
anyway, looking good brah
How about you start lifting weight. It doesn't matter what you eat if you aren't building any muscle your body is either going to store excess calories as fat, or you'll shit it out.
>probably never lifted anything besides his fat ass out of his mobility scooter
>comes to a chinese doll sharing board to tell others to lift
dude OP already looks better than 98% of all the men in the world
...is this a huge troll thread?
aight brofessor
Let's say his current caloric intake for maintenance is 2000kcal
He keeps working out and eats basically 2000kcal every day, not more or less
As he continues to workout his muscles will grow and increase the daily demand for caloric intake, so it grows to require, lets say 2100, he's still eating at around 2000, maybe 2100 because he's more hungry than he was before.
The body will burn stored fat for the energy needed for the daily maintenance over time and for when he works out.
Didn't you read the fucking
This is a troll. At 5'11", you are already about 10 lbs below what is considered a healthy weight range. Check any TDEE calculator site.
I'm 5'11" and on a cut at 174 lbs. My goal is to hit 155. You should be eating.
Stop asking Veeky Forums whether you should cut or bulk. Do some fucking research.
>his muscles will grow
How exactly? He doesn't get the energy required for this. The rate at which his gains will come will be fucking abysmal. That's why you still do bulk/cut cycles, it's a fuckton more efficient.
My bad, my reading comprehension is that of a second grader's
I did SS, legs are all I have desu
Just stop arguing with him, if OP can't do basic research then let him waste his time
Nah. If he was that far below the normal weight range he wouldn't still look kind of chubby. Not every body is the same, you probably just have a lot of water retention.
that's why I originally said eat above maintenance and actually lift you dip
If he wants to be a dyel he can continues as he is and he'll lose bodyfat % eventually after doing his 1000 crunches every day.
I did a BMI calculator and I'm supposedly average. There is a lot of conflicting stuff online about fitness, just wanted some opinions.
fucking troll never read the sticky himself
see Your shape is already quite nice. Just lose some more bodyfat and you will have solid abs, they are currently still covered by fat. You can amplify the effect by doing some toning excercises, like russian twists.
>toning exercises
>trying to make him lose the slightest hint of v-taper by encouraging oblique growth
Don't listen to this retard OP. Look at the number of unique posters, it's all the same guy. Lift, get your noobgains maxed, cut. Then you'll have a bit of muscle mass and will be able to decide whether to continue lifting or just do your meme exercises. This is still about a year away. Get going now or you'll never get there.