How to deal with people calling you average looking?

I don't consider myself average looking, but I know for sure I don't look as hot as Ryan Gosling, Matt bomer, etc.

The other day some chick I barely knew, that I'm not even attracted to, said I was average looking in a Facebook argument over a topic that had nothing to do with looks. She called me "average looking and conceited" ofcourse, a person that KNOWS they're hot wouldn't be affected (imagine a boy calling Megan fox ugly- she probably would laugh) but because I know I'm not on that male-supermodel status level, I feel inferior automatically and end up thinking less of myself which affects me going to the gym on days I feel like shit..

I know there's a chance she's just saying it because she THINKS I'm conceited and wanted to bring me down but anyway, regardless of her intentions, how do you deal with insults?

>arguing with girls on facebook about your looks
>caring this much
It wouldnt matter if you did look like ryan gosling. You'd still be a huge faggot.

delete your thread OP

Fucking faggot

Nah we weren't arguing about my looks, she threw that in at the end of the argument and I didn't acknowledge it

OP bring your maxilla forward. You can't be ugly then

>caring what people say about you

There's your problem

>many girls have said im pretty handsome
>self esteem still shit

how to fix it

>I'm so insecure the post
But I call bait, anytime I see caps in a post I'm hesitant because i'm expecting PIZZA, CHAD, GYM, HARD.

ryan gosling was hired because nicholas refn specifically looked for an unattractive guy to play the role. 90% of A-list celebrities are average looking. the other 10% just have something unique about their looks. just think about benedict cumberbatch. if this cunt wasnt a celebrity do you think people would find him attractive? he looks like he has down syndrome.

its their social status and money that pushes them above average. being average looking is the best you can ever hope to be unless youre smart and get a well paying job.

there was also a youtube "study" where women were given photos of guys and gave them a brief description of who they are - including how much money they make. that was the gimmick, as half the women got told the model-tier guy made more, and half got told the fat nerd made more. the women who got told the fat nerd made more rated him the exact same hotness as a low-paid model. one women even admits that she rated him so high purely because she knows how much he makes.

Post your face and body and we'll decide whether you're average or above average.

This is why, op

Two simple steps

Don't be negative
Trust yourself

post pic

>Ryan Gosling
Pick one.

Srs though OP looks don't matter a whole lot. Not to the extent of what you probably think.
Me personally, i'm going to spend about 10k on a hairline lowering procedure and maybe one other thing, and then i'm going to be a model.
Applying for modelling gigs, etc. Maybe male stripper, topless waiter, etc. Idgaf as long as I get exposure.
BUT, I can tell you right now, looking good isn't a fucking cheat code.
I've had girls come up to me and ask me for my number, but thats EXTREMELY rare.
Tbh the most benefits you get from being physically good looking is people look at you more. That's it. srs.

Everything else, you have to work on. Personality and shit like that is what actually gets you places.
Ryan Gosling isn't attractive AT ALL on a base physical level, but due to the kind of movies he starred in, and being famous, he is suddenly some extremely attractive guy. It's because he can adopt the personality of one.

This actually pisses me off, mostly because I'm a vain prick. I've slept with a few models, a former Mrs. South Dakota USA, etc. and they usually fawn over me

Some girls comments
>you're not even attractive
>7 at best
>Oh you work out I couldn't tell

I know they're probably just trying to annoy me or sour grapes-ing me but it still actually sucks hearing it

>Using facebook in current year
>Talking to girls on the internet

You've already fucked up

>I've slept with a few models, a former Mrs. South Dakota USA

Why don't you retaliate you spineless average looking autist.

It has more to do with than looks for guys to be attractive. This is why you need to get over it. Men forget that because we value looks the most that it matters the most to women and it just doesn't.

>been living the Veeky Forums life for nearly two years now
>use to be chubby slob
>now well organized and tight bodied
>can't really tell if body is ugly or anything, I feel like I'm at least decent looking
>try to dress well, have an ass and good thigh game, breasts could be bigger but they aren't so small it's a big deal or anything
>face is either busted as fuck or I have such a bad personality that people just sense it right away
I've seen groups of guys walk up to me and my group of friends, watch the guys hit on all my friends, but casually just leave me alone.
what the fuck
one of my friends is a chubby slob like I was, the textbook definition of freshmen 15 syndrome. yet she's gotten with some cute boys and has a bf right now
I am alone and have been since I was a freshmen in high school
what the fuck is happening and why is it happening to me

smile at the guys you like when they walk near you

they should try to pick you up later

Im trying dude

I already smile at people, I've worked pretty damn hard on fixing my flat emotional expressions for the last ~2 years also.
I've done a lot to myself to really shape up after I got truly sick of my life and who I was.
And yet I don't think I have gotten my just rewards for all that work.
it is seriously pissing me off

Do you have resting bitch face? I have resting bitch face.

my eyebrows grow pretty straight across my face and I don't glare much so I doubt it. no one has ever said I have one either so
I dunno what the deal is. Is it because I don't wear smelly perfumes and stuff? I've very self conscious about smell so I try to just not smell like anything. Maybe that is the problem.

Why would a girl randomly insult you? op said they were arguing and she insulted him, so who knows if she was saying it to be a cunt. but if a person randomly insults you, could be average?

This is some stale pasta

Women always say shit like that after they have sex and find out the guy wants nothing to do with them.

Looks don't matter a whole lot for men specifically or are you speaking for both genders?

Okay kiddo, here's a tip. Stop giving a shit what people think about you.
You'll avoid a huge headache for the rest of your life.
People tend to forget how important this mindset is.
Just think about how to improve your life, test your limits and try things over and over.
Just do this and good things will come to you.

Just depends, maybe your body language seems off putting. I wouldn't think lack of a good scent would really matter in that circumstance but could be worth trying out some nice perfumes. But something tells me if it isn't really a face thing then it definitely is your body language and how approachable you maybe.

I know its easier said than done but you just have to lighten up. Your attitude and body language is probably whats turning people off.

perfume doesn't really matter, i mean you don't want to be smelling rank, but it's one of those things like getting nails done that girls pay a lot of attention to but guys do not give a shit about

>men rate most women as average
>women rate most men well below average
>the women don't rate any men >4

Why are their standards so high and how do they not understand the concept of "average"


The latest shitpost... the average looking meme.. i wonder how many newfags and summerfags are going to fall for this one

Bruh, I get insulted every day just hanging out here trying to get advice on my physique and pass on knowledge I've gained to others who need it.

>needs more chest
>too tan
>wtb glutes pst
>small arms
>toothipick legs
>basically anything you can imagine regarding looks

The list is endless and idgaf. Some of it, despite the negative demeanor, isn't unreasonable like needing to focus on chest and glutes. Some of it is literally the opposite of true due to the nature of still 2D images/angles/lighting. I filter out the stuff I know is BS/trolling, the same way I do anything in real life that doesn't feel like well-intentioned criticism. If you get the sense they are trying to bring you down, not up, then don't give it two thoughts and get back to controlling every facet of your life you have the means to.

>replying to pasta

>How to deal with people calling you average looking?

I thank them on my way to the gym and ask if I can buy their friend a pizza sometime

I like pasta tho...

> complaining about what a girl says on an Estonian basket weaving image board

Tripcuck pls go

I drive home in my leased Chevy Tahoe and stare excitedly at my post on fourchan Veeky Forums on my Android, with my fingers ready to speed-dial my mom, she's not doing so well these days and would really like to hear replies on my internet threads, it brightens her day.

Looks don't matter AS MUCH for men.
Let's be honest brahs.
Men are typically the ones that pursue the girl, earn the money, etc etc...
Girls are typically the ones who need to look good.
After all, I can fucking GUARANTEE YOU, every single girl out there is insecure about how they look, simply because looks are basically the most important part of a girl.
Guys don't go for ugly girls, they go for the hot ones.
Strippers, escorts, pornstars, cosplay, etc...
All that shit is making money SOLELY on how a bitch looks. Sure men can do it, but they won't make NEARLY as much money or get as much attention.
Men are the ones who need to have the personality, charisma, confidence, money, etc...
But sure, looking good helps too, but most girls get intimidated and only want to date guys uglier than them to make themselves feel better.
A 6/10 girl doesn't have the self esteem to date a 8/10 guy without having serious mental trust issues and ultimately being obsessive and clingy until the 8/10 guy dumps her bc of her fear of losing him caused by her low self-esteem.

Sorry for the long post but things get kind of complicated with the whole sociology and social structure of attractiveness and dating etc...

Congrats on being the first with the official callout. I was content just being namefag until an user pointed out that some troll (probably like you) who has a problem with life might try and intentionally give some newbie bad advice with my name on it just for the sake of soap opera mischief on the internet.

80/20 rule fella.
Girls do nothing but fantasize about a zac efron franciso lachowski model looking dude all day.
They get hella thirsty faggots trying to fuck them 24/7.
So to them, they have options. They don't have to work, they let the guys come to them.
So with that being said, they can afford to be pickier.
And when that guy who they've actually been trying to find comes along, every other guy might as well be a 0/10 srs.


Just post a picture of your face so we know what kind of help you need. Last time a fem complained like this it was terrible.

Can confirm, I was in that thread. Thanks for the help btw brah, did as you suggested and added some seated rows to my C day today.

I hit back today as well, was good'n. And thanks for the input on name/trip.

Are u handsome. -femanon

>Is it because I don't wear smelly perfumes and stuff?
i would strongly advise against using loads of perfume, or even any at all. if you do use some, use just a tiny dab on you neck, dont take a bath in that shit, makes you look like a skank or 12yo buy that just found out about axe body spray
if i can smell it and im not giving you a kiss on the cheek its too much
>t. a guy

That's when I ignore their insult and just tell them they're still wrong.

But femanon, you know isn't my face right? Most peeps have only seen me from neck down, save for one two year old pic in my 125lb twig days that I accidentally posted when high the other night. No biggy, but i'm not here to see if I can win prom king, just for feedback for my own fit life and to help others with theirs.

>tfw when you out angle yourself and end up just doing jazz-hands like a fucktard

Yeah, I knew. You have one of the best bodies I've seen on here.

dude. you actually HAVE TO BECOME conceited.

solves so many problems.

hide it well, tho. only let the confidence shine, not the self-obsession.

Also I think you have a great tan. Your lips are the thin type of lips that i like, too. Do you have any other social media that I can follow you on or something? Something public, not anything private like Facebook.

Thanks. Now end convo before "this is why trips should all die" tards swarm.

Are u seriously hitting on a guy on Veeky Forums? Nobody's gonna give anybody their Instagram on here. Wow.

shit man OP is this u?

then ffs bro you have every right to love the shit out of yourself. you are hot af.

I meant like a public Instagram where he posts pics because I think he looks nice, not a personal Instagram. Sheesh...

Holy shit, ur right. A truly conceited person never suffers from self doubt. So how can one become conceited, tho? Like genuinely conceited? Any tips?

Not anything public, only ones tied to personal stuff, and you know how that goes on Veeky Forums. Even google reverse image shit can fill up some sad anons time trying to find me, which is why I only post unique images here.

In my 2 years of lifting I've posted a grand total of 3 "fit" pictures on my social media. I'm just not that kind of guy, very introverted when it comes to my personal life. I'm not against the idea of a quasi-user/faceless instagram seeing as it would be more or less the exact same as hanging out here so often, but with the benefit of stuff lasting longer than a day or two. Then again, some things are best left transient. RIP my man scoobs, Clark Kent, Tiny, Adi, countless other trips to have come and gone.

yo can I have your stats?
Routine, time lifting, lifts, height/weight and natty status?

Well....that's cool then. (; You have a fan in me. Even though your faceless, I'll imagine you with a good face, I suppose. You also look like you have a big dick haha. Okay that's not appropriate but I had to say it.

I'm literally watching White Collar right now. What a coincidence.

If you don't post face theres nothing to be said about this post

i know this dude is trolling, but this is actually sound advice. The psuedo-confidence can be an incredible boon to all aspects of life

Yeah how does one become truly conceited? I don't think you can force yourself to be truly conceited if you have somewhat of a low self esteem, which Op has cause negative comments affect him badly.

It's like forcing yourself to be happy, you just can't do it.

No I didn't create this thread, just jumped in to offer my 2 cents from personal experience as a nearly 30 year old dude who's gone through the same self-validation drudgery that most Veeky Forumsizens must go through among their teens and twenties. I rarely create my own threads, for the same reason I mentioned here . Not a fan of going out and seeking attention.

The only thread I've OP'd was me showing how shitty I looked during peak bulk season compared to now (same pic here), just to give new lifters an idea of how drastically different real life bulking/cutting can look for an average lifter like myself, not pro athletes or bodybuilders. It's not realistic to always look on point in the pursuit of long term physique goals, something I wish someone told me when I started.

No he wasn't trolling. He's saying you actually have to be conceited to have high self esteem and not let insults bring you down, especially insults from people you barely know. Not everyone is "trolling" when they post a comment, fyi

I honestly don't care if user was trolling or not, I now want to become truly conceited so insults don't affect me. If anyone has good, non-trolling tips, leave them here.

Don't know If I can help but I am pretty confident and what helps me is believing how intelligent I am / can be. I got dux of my high school, easily learn things that I am interested in, win arguments with logic and accept that things (especially things to do with science, politics, ethics, bodybuilding etc) aren't black and white and having a definite stance is likely to be wrong.

Call me a fedora I don't care just trying to help

i'm not trolling, dude.

loving the fuck out of myself basically saved my life.

also, feelsgoodman.

Nah you can't.

You can become conceited. It's something that happens naturally, like being social vs antisocial. My advice is to stay around positive ppl because negative ppl are more likely to insult you. When you find a negative person, distance yourself. If you can't, example: co-worker, then speak to them as little as possible. Avoid people who have blunt personalities because they're also likely to insult you. If you can't handle being insulted, don't put yourself in situations where you can be insulted. That's all I can say. Hope I helped.

You can't, not can. Sorry.

So how did you naturally become conceited and love yourself?

How can I become conceited if I've already had like 5 different people insult my looks since several years back?

Read what I wrote. You can't become conceited. It has to happen naturally and if you have low self esteem, it won't happen for you.

Ouch he ignored you. Ignored by balconybrah. Tragic.

5'9 155lbs 29yo.

ABCxABC split. 2 years natty lifting from ~150lb skinnyfat with zero muscle mass, here's pic of day 1 vs present I stapled together for a progress thread a while ago.

I don't do compound lifts so I have no clue on the Bench/Squat/DL #'s. From the beginning I've always focused on hypertrophy, so even if I had a spotter to test my 1RM, 3RM, 5RM, etc, you would be disappointed, trust me. Different goals/strokes for different folks.

thanks man! how do you find you look in clothes?

Did the stress of the incident with the girl "falling" from your balcony to her death, aka after you pushed her off your balcony, affect your gains at all?

Just a tad curious.

It's a good thing he ignored her, unless she likes getting pushed off balconies.


I love my fitfam, I owe the majority of my gains to them. If I can return the inspiration and gains to others, I'm down. I'll try and get it up and running, just don't expect to see much more than you see here.

Can't wait til you cave in and make a snapchat later and you can snapfuck.

Lol. Snapfuck. Who came up with that term? Genius.

Having sex with girls through snapchat still counts as sex, r-right bros?

I wish a bitch would.

The balcony is a no-girls-allowed fort. I don't mind having a date inside, cook and watch a movie and all that shit, but the balcony is my cocoon safe zone. Only people who see me up here are you guys and the people walking the street thinking "that fucking guy is up there in his underwear and house slippers again".

You are way too into yourself

how do you train legs?

Now that you have a public Instagram I am sending you nudes with balcony_bro written on various parts of my body.

Woukd you like that?

Can I send you my tits thru Dm and you rate my tits? I'll have to make a throwaway ig first. Then send you the pic.

I have snapchat and honestly it makes me feel really bad. There's this one girl I dated several months ago who fizzled out because she lives an hour away, too impractical. But ever since I posted ONE fit picture for summer to my personal FB she suddenly started texting/snapping me literally same day, and hasn't stopped. Pic of her laying in bed with something like "im bored, any suggestions??" She's cute and it's obviously a compliment, but cmon...

I'm no role model for legs. I don't enjoy squats so I don't do them, which is a cardinal sin according to Veeky Forums. In order to compensate my leg day consists of 4 or 5 different leg isolations to hit quad/ham/glutes seperately.

I can't stop either of you.

>inb4 torrent of dick pics instead

Just post your face so we can tell you what the problem is girl

I can't wait to send you my nudes. I get off on sending nudes to my e-crushes. I love the feeling of exposing my tits and pussy to hot, real men online. I like showing them what they could get from me.

Damn. Send those nudes to me too.


yeah, what isolations? leg press, curl, extensions>

You're one of the first new trips around that's actually kinda reasonable and not an attention hungry copy paste spammer.. keep it up, its nice to see you around sometimes.

Pics like that is attention whorish. He's into himself too much.