>all hail your twink god edition
Current Body Thread
Mirin. What's your diet like?
Natty? Either way, how long? Height/Weight?
Pizza ;^)
the lesbian is back
frequent intermittent fasting, no snacks or dessert, try not to drink your calories, and really protein heavy. i'm really flexible with it and intermittent fasting allows me to cheat fairly often at social events. it's simpler than people make it out to be.
natty, 5'5 145
and you're still mirin brah
how long have you been lifting? whats your workout
Do you track your calories? Last time I cut I was tracking my macros/calories eating meals whenever I wanted. I always thought IF was a meme. But desu I'm kind of sick of weighing out my food all the time. I only do it because I'm afraid of over/undereating.
5'5................................ 145lbs.......................
older pictures
over three years and it's like PPL with two extra days for whatever i want to hit twice
i don't track calories. IF isn't a meme, it's so simple, it just limits your diet to what you can stomach in a smaller sitting. it also prevents me from grazing all day due to boredom or the munchies. i smoke so much weed.
IF'ing is pretty awesome for cutting/maintaining, 9/10, would recommend.
So you eat twice a day 7 hours apart? That's all there is to IF? I'm really interested desu senpai
You can take this one OP. Plz help this gentleman.
Post lewds this time, before you leave after being bullied by meanies here.
>5 foot 5
Two months old but my latest progress pic
Mirin leanness and overall physique. Happy trail is pic related tho.
Mirin hard, nice proportional physique
Fuark nice seratus and vascularity
Just hit the gym for the first time in 2 months, shittiest workout of my life but it felt good. Did a little bit of everything low weight high rep and did compounds with just the bar to get back into things slowly instead of going to snap city
145 I think
need some more pecs work.
2.5 yrs of lifting
do you think i can make significant size gains after this cut is finished? been lifting for over 3 years now
19 years old, 5'8 and like 185-190lbs currently. i want to lose 15-20 more and then do a clean bulk. i learned my lesson with the last dirty dreamer bulk.
i dont want to use any gear but still want to get much larger
150 lbs
I feel like my body looks weird as fuck
Doesn't look weird, looks entirely average dyel now. Grats on the weightloss though.
nice arms. where r ur lats m80
Most aesthetic here.
Mirin hardcore, any new pics? Also how long lifting + lifts?
Are you retarded?
5' 10.5"
Kill me
you skipped nipple day
mirin hard
right here
Thats my body mode ;_;
Also I am at 6 feet.
We Make it??
You'll make it soon. Needs a lot more mass but good baseline aesthetics. Most normies probably think you look perfect already but we have higher standards.
post hair dude u looks sick all around
Any rough estimate on how many daily calories you're taking in, on average with respect to fasting and whatnot?
How long have you been lifting and what are your lifts?
Trying real hard to lose some weight, and feel like a new person before i end up killing myself.
Doing the lp workout along with 30 minutes of cardio and cut out all the shit from my diet.
Wish me luck Veeky Forums!
Can I be your twink prince?
6'2 195, 5 months lifting
> tips brehs
Intermittent fasting? That's what I call the span between cheesecakes. Eat big to get big you "twink".
you're gonna make it bro
>caring what women think
>nu male detected
>caring about thots opinions
Kek brother dont fall for the manlet meme
you need to clean your room desu, it's stressful to even look at.
>implying womens opinion matter
5'5 125lbs
3.5pl8 diddy
2pl8 sqwat
1.5pl8 bench
Nearly 1pl8 the press
Tfw only made CNS gains and Arms are tiny
Bulk or cut? 6'3 195
definitely bulk.
And focus on lats man, they ain't even there
Bulk all the way, baby
>trying this hard to make an anonymous person on the internet feel bad about themselves
you'll never make it
>just hit the gym for the first time in 2 months
That explains why you're wearing pants and a sand tee to show off in your tech school. Fuck off, boot
Only about a month of lifting, but I'm determined.
Already feelin it
Do you shave your legs/body? Got any tips?
Never get any replies or feedbacks on this shit. Fuck.
Same bro
You're definitely goals tho
is me
Bro carl sagan was the shit
fuck man nice arms. Natty?
Yes I'm natty. I run lift or train muay thai 6-7 days a week. I feel like I eat a lot but it's difficult for me to put on weight. I almost want to cycle something but I don't think I will.
Nice fuckin traps, bro.
220 lbs
Just started lifting a few days ago. I've cut out soda and junk food completely and I'm only drinking water. Have just dumbbells and barbells and I'm going to attempt squats today for the first time. Planning on getting a bike today so I can work on cardio. Read the sticky but any other tips that helped former lard asses?
6'5.5 me on left, my m8 is 6'4
You and your m8 must not be very good friends
I mean people who were fat but aren't fat anymore friendo
Don't get discouraged. It will be some time before you see any results, and even then you can't let up. Lift, bike, run, play a sport, do whatever you want just do something and stick to it. Oh and eat less. Exercise is half. Diet is the other half.
He didn't say he's a former lardass, he asked for tips from former lardasses, learn to read.
If you feel like binging from time to time, decide a cheat meal and plan it with your family, so whenever you feel like, you can remenber you will have it.
This is a long run, you can do it.
Sweets are pretty easy to cut you loose the urge after a few weeks. I wouldn't quit junk food entirely or you might burn out after one or two months. Just make sure you're staying calorie deficient and drink diet/zero coke instead of normal soda. Honestly to begin with just hammer gym into a routine and you'll make it brah.
Holy shit your retarded
a little over a year. finished my cut a bit early and not sure what to do from here.
Was it all cut? Your before pic looks exactly like me, never seen a body match mine more. Will be very happy if I can get like you after a year.
4 month cut > 6 month bulk > 3 month cut.
you can do it bro gL.
Do you have any pics from after your first 4 months?
Thanks, just like seeing how the dimensions change, worried I'd end up refrigerator mode but this, yeah, more than worth all this.
>more than worth all this
learn to enjoy it, my dude. i have friends on faceboook and shit that always talk about how "hard" it is and are so melodramatic about it. i don't understand that mindset, going to the gym is fun as fuck. once i started my second cut i started lifting in the mornings because i could eat a big breakfast and lift with a lot more energy, and it was a struggle at first because i was so excited to get up and lift i couldn't fall asleep, even if i knew i wasn't going to be making progress on my lifts.
find fun and enjoyment in the process and it will never be hard.
wew you're friends with Daniel Faraday
pussy slayer/10
nice proportions nigger
also looking kinda swole for 185
What do fitizens?
Wow great man. Is you are real OP then I swear you are greatest person in this board.
It's because you're a manlet brah. It's the reason why nobody gives a fuck about feather weight fights. Building muscle as a manlet is easy af.
welcome friendo
Go to germany enjoy welfare and rape sluts.
those shorts make you look like a homo
just saying
well its 2016, good for you
Tfw under 6ft and still laughed at these comments. Been dating the same girl for 8 years now and she's taller than me. Has an incredible body too. I'm skynnyfat dyel that just started working out a few months ago, Im not rich either. She honestly cares about me. Also why are there so many overweight women posting shit like that? Is it that they try to create a high standard (pun intended)to explain why they don't have boyfriends?
How long and how much weight should i lose to get to see the abdominals?
I have no idea how to cut...
I'd like to see a moderately hairy chested version of something like this. Anyone?
Hair don't look good on sculpted bodies. If u go bear mode it's ok.