How bad is coffee and tea for you?
How bad is coffee and tea for you?
Coffee takes away your appetite and gives you caffeine addiction
Tea contains antioxidants and can improve muscle endurance
But tea is nothing but carbs, coffee actually has some protein (I drink it black)
>coffee actually has some protein
The only protein you'll get in coffee is from the small amount of milk you put it in
Tea has like 0.4g of carbs per serving
Are you retarded? Tea is zero calories if you only add water
They're both actually quite good for you
huh, extrapolate.
they are both good in moderation. they are both derived from natural ingredients and as such will contain those benefits there within
They are good for you. And the caffiene boost is great for mental and physical work. Also helps digest a big meal. Drink 1-3 cups a day. Coffee is the largest source of antioxidants for the average american.
Herbal teas are better than coffee and can add a lot to your life. Green tea has a lot of anti-oxidants and contains the amino-acid L-theanine, which increases concentration and relaxation. It stimulates appetite and has been found to increase fat burning even greater than coffee. It also contains a small amount of caffeine.
Chamomile tea promotes sleep, and suppresses anxiety. This effect is long last, and people who stop drinking still have traces over two weeks after.
I'd recommend you try it. Keep in mind that green tea is sensitive, and needs to be brewed at 80 degree Celsius for best amino acid yield
This. Going on 3 weeks now with no coffee and caffeine pills. I sleep better, faster, wake up earlier with no grogginess. I would recommend having a glass of oj or a small breakfast over coffee desu famalam.
Tea is 0 calories senpai
What a gay thread.
Both of them are fine and can be good for you as long as you don't overuse them like a retard, like with most things in life.
But how to get off the coffee? How to deal with the 3 day migraine etc? TELL US HOW MAN!
I'd like to add to what this guy said that white tea is great for anxiety, doesn't make you sleepy, and mixes well with Caffeine
Plebeian crushed up non-organic bag teas are potentially bad for you because they often have heavy metals in them.
Whole leaf tea is good for you and has limited amounts of caffeine.
>white tea master race
Herbal tea is a complete and total meme except for matè and camomile
Rooibos is also quite good for you and has no caffeine
See thats where I cant help you. Ive heard people say they get shakes, migraines, stomach pain like actual withdrawals after a few days but I literally never felt anything man. I can tell you Ive been eating alot more than usual (summer bulking anyways) and I dont get depressed mid afternoon like I used to. I guess I was addicted to a point.
I'm this user You think green tea is a meme?
Wean yourself off of it, when you're at about a small cup per day you can stop completely, or move down to green tea
Read his post
>herbal tea
Usually refers to teas not from the tea (camellia sinesis) plant.
how much coffee are you drinking to get headaches when you don't have it? I have one or two cups a day during the semester and then I always take a break right before finals so that I could get the most awakeness/cup while studying for them. Never had a problem with withdrawals, but I assume that's because my intake is babbytier compared to those of y'all that actually get addicted.
Semantics, I'd say
Most of the time, the people who talk shit about tea and coffee are the type of autistic manbabbies who will request hot chocolate when someone at work goes on a coffee run.
Why don't we all just agree to call them tisanes?
Sounds gay
Mm I love hot cocoa brb gonna go hot chocolate run
Green tea is totally fine, i just prefer white tea.
Herbal tea is a meme that only exists for white people with dreads who want to seem healthier.
Coffee runs the American economy you fucking faggot
lmao nobody is gonna get addicted to caffeine from coffee
try preworkout. lots of it. there's your addiction.
well, my addiction ;_;
Not semantics at all, Camelia sinensis is totally different. People just call anything that you brew in hot water tea, herbal "tea" is totally different gay ass hippy shit
FDA allows companies to round down to the nearest 5 or 0 for calories
terrible, you'll die of aids
how in the world does having breakfast compare to a caffeine high
i mean, i eat breakfast daily but how am i supposed to be hype AF off oats?
no idea, all i know is that this nigger said he abjured it
any substance that makes my heart rate go up bothers me. coffee, adderall, dxm. i don't mind downers like pot or hydrocodone though
Neither is harmful is you limit your intake to only 4-5 cups a day if caffeinated.
Coffee has a ton of benefits, for less than 1 calorie per cup you get 11% daily riboflavin needs.
It has a few other vitamins and a few minerals in it also, all around a great drink if you leave the sugar out. Add some 2% milk if you can't drink it black.
Tea is roughly the same, though I believe two calories. It has a lot more antioxidants.
Caffeine is also healthy, don't let the fags tell you otherwise, we just aren't suppose to have as much caffeine as the typical 1st world diet has.
Drink decaff if you want, you'll still get all the benefits.
Yeah, I'm not talking about what you see as nutritional values. Most teas you find in stores have sweeteners so they aren't zero calories. Im saying that the actually tea plant has no calories, which is a fact
opposite here
hate pot, love stims like caffeine or coke
2-3 mugs a day. I've quit before (only lasted a couple months or so before going back because of nostalgia and needing a pick up) and went through the migraines for days then weeks of feeling tired and depressed as fuck. Now I drink 2-3 mugs a day and feel just as fuck but in a different way than being sober.
I guess I just need to man up and let it go and get past that 3 month mark to get my normal self back or something. But I'm truly scared of going through that 3 day headache a 3rd time.. like not to sound pussy but I'm truly scared lol
Herbal tea is denoted by coming from a herb, correct?. Would camelia sinesis not qualify as such?
Thats kind of a dumb technicality. If it's qualified as herbal than it means its not camelia sinensis. Hot beverages that arent camelia sinensis are widely varied and typically not as healthy as CS and are also largely untrustworthy/not well tested/a cash grab on people who are edgy
Nothing will compare to a caffeine high without coffee dude. Anything for breakfast will give you a moderate dose of energy (not caffeine energy) but enough to get you lifting or without feeling like shit in the afternoon.
i think the lazier people prefer downers and more active people prefer stims
whenever im not in the gym, all i want to do is feel as relaxed and pleasurable as possible, and that usually involves cannabis indica, sometimes diphenhydramine as well like 50-75mgs
lol coffee won't give me a caffeine high. i couldn't stomach enough of it.
a few scoops of mr. hyde does the trick tho
Sure it does, because camelia sinesis is a herb
Personally, stims work strongly on me. Caffeine makes me feel really great and energetic, I know some people aren't quite so sensitive to it.
i hate feeling sedated because i'm not actually relaxed. i'm just bored. stims ftw.
but i'm also the kind of person who can't focus on anything unless i have my body engaged in something stimulating. probs adhd or someshit.
I feel like my tea bags don't filter out the larger particles because they taste... scrappy? What if I seal them in coffee filters?
Well I just tried that and... it definitely seemed to help. Yay.