Can you really "make it" without roids?
Can you really "make it" without roids?
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Google motherfucker, do you use it?
The short answer - yes and no.
The longer answer - good natural gains are of course entirely possible without roids. It's hard work, and takes an awful lot of discipline and time.
Without wanting to spark the usual shit from brainwashed Yanks, roids offer a shortcut. If done properly, they're safe and extremely effective.
Good news for Zyzz worshipers is that his type of body doesn't require some crazy stack, but your diet and lifting needs to be on point. Roids work, but they're not fucking magical.
Also, inb4 "Zyzz died from taking roids" - he died from an undiagnosed heart condition, and was also on dangerous amounts of weight-loss drugs and recreational drugs that exacerbated his condition.
holy shit man
no one will look exactly like zyzz, everyone is unique, you might have potential to look better who knows
>you might have potential to look better
delete this
Is this pasta?
Can we make it pasta??
It depends. On this board almost all of the goal physiques posted are on roids. But to most normies/girls a natty physique is impressive enough.
>Look like a god in 3 years
>Look like Scooby in 30 years
Apparently Jeff did according to this video.
I've seen people mention focusing on athleticism if natty. How can this be defined or achieved? What would make you athletic?
should have put more emphasis on 'might'
One of the popular tripfag here is natty and is making it, no one believes that he's natty and it's shame.
Aside from height and face, most people have the potential to get pretty close unless they've got some crazy weird insertions or oddly shaped skeleton.
Not pasta. I might start copypasting it every time stupid fucking "is this possible with roids?" questions are posted though.
This too. While contrary to what many on here say (our views/standards aren't normally "unnaturally high") anyone will see a body like Zyzz' as better than your average buff-dude, the vast majority of newcomers to lifting can get 50-70% of the way there without gear.
Alot of guys who want to start lifting are either skellys or fatasses, and roids won't do any good at first. You'll look normal to slightly-well built simply by lifting and fixing your diet.
Bear in mind too, Zyzz wasn't that good looking before he hit the gym and the gear.
He was a cheap pair of glasses away from your bog standard creepy Asian dude who freaks girls out without even opening his mouth due to the aspergers leaking out of him.
The body helped a lot, but he also tanned well, had a good hair stylist, and although I'm not a fan of them at all, the tattoo suited him. He also clearly looked after his skin and without wanting to sound like I'm having a cheap dig, he appears to be wearing some make-up in a lot of photos.
apparently he got jaw implants to
Yes. Normies have low standards. Hop off Veeky Forums for a bit and realize that.
normies have low standards for body, extremely high standards for face
>normies have low standards for body
Endurance and power (force in a short time). Choose a type of cardio and git gud at it, incorporate oly lifts into normal routine.
Or go for aesthetics+endurance. Just don't be a faggot going for nothing but aesthetics really.
Here nerds
Fuck you and your crab in the bucket mentality
>Roids work, but they're not fucking magical.
Yeah they are
Thanks for clarifying that. I'm currently focusing on endurance sled pulls and a minimal routine of weighted dips/chins and deadlifts. I'll see about incorporating some oly lifts.
Roids are cheating, you'll never know your natural potential and won't know what it means to work your body up to a point of elite physicality
you'll have to stay on them for life because you WILL lose all motivation once you're off and realize your phony little balloon body was a facade the whole time
You know what I meant.
They're mind-blowing in terms of how well they work, but you still need to lift and eat right.
Pump a 120lb skelly who eats 1000 calories a day and never lifts, full of test, and nothing will happen.
And, a little later than billed, here come the brainwashed Yanks. "Cheating"? Cheating who exactly?
You know who you're cheating. Physique is a large part of what people, and women, judge you by. That's why you're paying money to take a shortcut you fucking faggot. Don't play coy.
Not only a shortcut, artificially buffering your upper potential, like a tranny taking testosterone to make it seem like she's a man. You're a fag taking steroids to make it seem like you're physically strong and desirable when you may very well not be.
I think you are lost friend. This is not Youtube or Facebook. I think you'd feel more at home there.
Widdle /fraud/ babby feeling a little upset that his meager sense of self esteem is being assaulted in his safe space
They are still somewhat magical , there was a study with 4 groups of people.
-group 1 got roids and trained they made 5kg gains
-group 2 got roids and didn't trained they made 2.1kg gains
-group 3 got a placebo and trained they made 1.8 kg gains
- group 4 got a placebo and didn't trained and they got shit
they did that study for 3 months.
t. lifting less than 1 year
is it cheating that you have a lifestyle that means you can get mroe sleep than me?
is it cheating if my mum buys be whatever food I want when yours buys you shit?
Is it cheating that chad's test is near the natural limit naturally while mine is just above TRT levels?
All these things influence your gains but are invisible to the people looking at your results.
If you love making gains, getting stronger and getting mires then roiding makes a lot of sense
I only see a problem when you blatantly lie about it and gives natties false expectations
>roids over 3 months
* 6 years
okay i'm getting tired of this so i will ask
wtf does it mean to "make it"
literally what the fuck does that even mean
So assuming you've been training properly you're likely somewhere near your natty limit or at least making legitimate gains extremely slowly these days. Why not run a small cycle and surpass that?
Any reason other than the retarded misconception online that it is inherently bad or 'cheating'?
achieve happiness
fuck off chadposter
I'm at peak female interest potential as well as really strong for my weight
You're gonna be stuck using if you want to maintain that state.
Is that some horrible death sentence? Nope, but it is a restriction and one that can come with health issues.
no. that's the only answer
>inb4 buttmad delusional natty incoming
>implying you can look scooby by being natty
>implying scooby is natty
So you can't even imagine someone being in your position and wanting to go further? And if they do they're a faggot who's cheating themselves with shortcuts.
Sound pretty dumb brah
In my position maybe
but I know most roiders aren't in my position
>peak female interest
the very fact you're posting on a Taiwanese shoe-lace manufacturing plasterboard tells me otherwise
I've been here since I was an undesirable little sophomore shit in high school and now I've grown/built myself to a position where girls throw themselves at me as a senior in college
way of the road boy, I can't quit this place
>natty can be this level of delusional
first. Roid is magic. period end of story
many roiders have complete shit routines, completely shit livestyle, do shit training. They all look good.
Guess what? lowered bf + more muscle = good looking. ha!
2. you underestimated how hard it is to be a natty roider-looking. Roid can get you to where natty never ever be, because it plays god and makes you break the natural limit. Yeah of course you want to believe hardworking=payback. But nature ain't working that way. Your body never really requires that much muscle in the comfortable living enviroment anyway
Only the 1% top-tier athletes can compete with roider. For normal people you'd better snap that dream
3. Zyzz have such a relatively small body for abusing roid. He looks sick only because he has good proportioned muscle and very low bf. That's a better version of surfing body at best
And again roid is the fucking magic. I guess you probably don't believe that you can sit on your ass all day and still gain muscle if you take roid...
>girls throw themselves at you
so you just sit there with a blank expression and they waddle up to you and ask for sex?
yeah seems legit
that has happened actually but usually from turbo sluts
I have attempted and successfully built up my personality as well so I'm not a total autist
is right.
i cycled before in the army and whenever id come off id lose all my gains withing 6 months if i didnt cycle again soon. i was also a hormonal wreck and got really depressed and crazy. i went mental for about 2-3 months after all the test had ran through my system.
now i have a daughter, am in a good spot in my life, and have decided to stay hormonized, and never come off. now after i blast, i keep my gains, and i still feel on top of the world. its amazing and ill never come off of hormones, barring that i somehow cant ever get them.
oh. cool. done.
5kg muscle you idiot
Fucking google the study
Jesus calm down and read my post properly dude.
I agree with you, I'm just trying to be less confrontational and extreme than people like you are.
As I've said before, yes, gear is magic in the respect you're talking about. I'm just saying that if you are a skelly and you take gear, you'll end up like that weird anorexic guy whose picture keeps getting posted on here (can't be bothered to find it).
I'm just trying to make clear that while steroids have an astounding effect, they don't magically make proteins or carbs - you still need to fucking eat.
Who the fuck is Corey McCarthy?
Any person that would be committed and dedicated enough to reach their natty max, is going to be the same kind of person that uses roids.
You think someone who would put that much effort into diet and training when roids are there to drastically improve their efforts?
Ironically, Zyzz did. He looked great before the juice.
No he didnt
He got the veni vidi tat AFTER jumping on roids
what the fuck is this video.
Questions for all you guys that take roids: Do you tell your friends/family/people you know that you're on roids, would you if they asked? Do you think they'd see your muscles and gains as fraudulent and ill-gotten or do you think they'd still think your gains were "sick, bro"?
I have been open to everybody. Parents, relatives, little sisters, you name it. None of them discredit me. Only occasional jokes about small balls or high estrogen. I will inject slin or hCG while sitting on the couch or eating a family dinner. Bring syringes out to dinner with me. Dad pays for my steroids. It's pretty amazing
Roid freak can't read. Colour me surprised
Did you not do PCT?
Anyone with any knowledge on roids knows you're on by looking at you. I told my brother and my close friends, my parents aren't stupid so I guess they knew but never said anything, I live a long way away from them, so they'd rather not get into an argument about bullshit when I'm home. I never understood people not liking it because the muscles were 'fraudulent' or 'cheating' sounds like jealously to be honest. If someone straight up asks me, i'd say yes. Nothing worse than a fake natty furthering the bullshit ideas people have about how big they can get.
Everyone was just like oh cool, can I see the roids? How do you take them? How do they even work? Are you're balls small or what? Then we went back to talking about other shit because fitness is not the center of my life.
>I will inject slin or hCG while sitting on the couch or eating a family dinner. Bring syringes out to dinner with me.
What a disgusting lifestyle you lead
>where girls throw themselves at you
Im not buying it, im simply not
roids or no, girls dont need to throw themselves at anyone
Jeff is like a wannabe Zyzz. I wonder if he really is natty though.
>not magic
Pick one faggot
>those delt insertions
Got damn f a m
jeff is listening to a zyzz song. That's from the legacy. Does he know Zyzz roided?
>his type of body doesn't require some crazy stack, but your diet and lifting needs to be on point
so fucking naive haha
dem traps, fuark
>'Fitness is not the center of my life'
>take roids
Pick one and only one retard