Family Sucks

My 400lb sister-in-law has started another diet and is spamming Facebook with how easy losing weight is and bragging about how she cooks now and how easy not eating is. Everybody thinks it's great, even though this is the first week of the twelfth diet ... Meanwhile I've changed my lifestyle over the last few years, am actually down from 330 to 265 and all I get is shit because everybody is mad I didn't tell them I was "dieting".

So I'm here quietly suffering and losing and she's blathering on about how easy it is- and SHE gets all the support. Pic related, it's my dinner.

Hold me bros.

Fuck off with your weak ass blog post

Here's my philosophy user, fuck 'em.

>using toddler's utensils

Small bites bro.

Your family DOESN'T suck user, believe me. But fuck them either way it's usually the ones who do something instead of yapping about it that make it. You gonna make it bro.

Nice blog post you little betafag

Also post pics of sister

why do you eat so little?

Also this


70 lbs in Years?? Years?? Really nigga.

>That tiny plate
> took more that 1 year to lose 75 lbs

Hmm, looks like someone is trying to live off 500kcal a day to "lose weight fast" and then inevtably failing and binging every fortnight.

Hey faggot user, losing weight is easy and you wouldn't be suffering if you hadn't been such a retard. In fact if you'd just counted calories and kept to 500 kcal less than your TDEE then you would be losing 52 pounds a year.

But keep acting like you're any better than your retard sister for sticking to the same shitty diet instead of changing to 12 shitty ones.

>So I'm here quietly progressing and winning

Fixed your spelling.

Keep at it.

t. former 389 current 210 bulking from 187

>Everybody thinks it's great,

news tip, they don't actually think it's great, it's just that she is still deathfat and needs more help than you do

your family is probably a big toilet, fuck em

good job at taking care of yourself. you get to choose your second family.


it's your fucking family bro, have some love you self-induced-suffering little shit.

yee OP leave lil bitch fuck off to another place

that's the saddest excuse for a meal i've ever seen

cooking is not difficult you retarded fat faggot

what a cut actually looks like

embrace vegetables you retard

you'll make it...but please grow a pair

>retarded fat faggot

Whoh watch out you might insult someone kid