Veeky Forums
How do you get dick gains?
Dick gains
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How fat are you?
Aside from height, your dick is the one part of your body that is how it is. Nothing can make it bigger, or indeed smaller.
Sorry dude, you'll just have to live with it.
Daily reminder that 6x5 is the bare minimum cut off point for satisfying a woman.
Just gotta start doin some cock-pushups senpai.
Jelqing. Surgery. Loosing fat.
I also heard that if you "stimulate" your dick that it grows noticeably.
Who /dicklet/ here?
>tfw 5.5x5
I just barely made it
Old bait alert.
the matters of size program works well, plenty of torrents for the dvd.
small dick alert
Are you kidding me?
Of course you are
oh yeah, I've gained a .25" of length and girth with this routine for about 2 months. You need to be consistent!!!! Consistency is key! So is warm up and down.
6x4 pencil
pic related, my aspirations.
5.5 erect, probably 2.5 flaccid
its a hard life but im learning not to give a shit
Actually you can make it smaller by not having an erection for too long. You lose about an inch a year iirc.
I love those pictures of devils with gigantic dicks.
Where can I find more?
Not entirely sure.
I thought they were representations of Priapus, but they are a representation of Satan I believe. I know there's a couple others in this style and series however.
who remember
Actually, and I have no reason to say this to some guy on the internet so inb4 "liar" claims -
I always worried/assumed my junk was under average. I never was around other guys dicks and it's hard to judge by watching porn.
I never really bothered measuring it either, but when I started lifting I was measuring my stats and thought I might as well measure the old chap.
Turns out to be 7" fully erect, I think around 5 1/2" circumference (I forget exactly).
My point is that most guys assume their dick is smaller than it is, and that their size is below the average. The true average is something like 5".
>tfw tiny when flaccid
It's tough when wearing thin clothing.
>tfw seeing dick gains from jelqing + stretching
This shit works bros. Just remember to do it every other day and make sure to properly warm up and cool down.
>he doesn't know about penile lengthening and leg extension surgery
be born european x 10
How lean do you have to get before you start losing the fat around your dick? I'm not really fat but I've got abound half an inch hiding in my pube fat.
Daily reminder that unless your penis is 7+ inches women will always be disappointed by you even if they pretend not to be
It sounds dangerous...?
And what gains?
What did he mean by this?
Nice b8
>It sounds dangerous..
Just remember to always err on the side of safety. Don't squeeze too hard, don't jelq fully erect, only do the exercises ever other day, warm up and cool down is essential. I've seen 1/2 inch length gain after a month, although that is the noobgains.
>average is literally half the size of the large one
Anything 4" / 13cm upwards is good. Technically you won't run into problems with 10cm.
I have a GF taller than me, and she enjoys my 13-14cm very much. Same with the girls before.
Best thing you can do is start enjoying yourself
>tfw only 7x5.5
Just kill me now bros
had to look that shit up. haha
This is why I only do anal
How viable is fucking another man's ass for dick gains? Can Kegels essentially give the same effect as jelqing?
Just curious.
non shopped version i made
also who kegels? I dont do a routine I just do reps repeatedly when Im eating or sitting and remember to do it.
More testimonials on jelqing too?
Designated shitting pussy
6 mins for BBC worship but i recommend watching the whole thing
Isn't the goal to enter the cervix?
I personally do Kegels. I don't have a dedicated routine either I just do them when I'm bored and corssdressing while coding up stuff.
I can grip stuff with my asshole pretty hard desu but I'm not sure if it works like how jelqing works.
Lol tinyweiners
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
You've been reading too much hentai breh.
>tfw you will never fuck a girl's fallopian tube
probably b8 but for anyone wondering
if you've actually had sex regularly / talked to your girl you would notice theres not a huge difference with the last inch or so. You're not going to be going balls deep 100% of the time.
I mean it might just come down to personal preference but my gf would trade depth for speed every time.
>tfw you will never vulva-hat your gf
>Caring about pleasing women
Never gonna make it.
who said it was for women?
4x5 like my reps
>Being a degenerate
Never gonna make it.
Hey you guys watch this.
There's hope!
I'm like an inch soft and 5.5 when I'm hard. It's am embarrassing bump when I wear pants lol
Took me a while to shed the insecurity but I've come to realize that most women don't give a shit. And I used to be so insecure that I went need mode on learning how to do everything else. So I give good head and do all this mind blowing shit that women haven't had done to them before.
My ex liked black dudes too and seemed to be fine with mine so meh. You iz who you iz, guys. Learn to accept what you can't change about yourself.
5.5 bone pressed? Has anyone said bad things about it?
Women don't give a fuck about dick size if you have other issues.
I have a huge cock (for a white guy) and it has rarely ever benefited me.
Having a prettier face is a 1000 times more important.
Idc about dick length, but my piss beam is weak as fuck. How do I get a stronger/faster piss?
this guy gets it, having a big dick is useless if you rarely get to use it and your other dealbreakers arent compensated by having a big penis
>worrying about dick size
unless you've got a micro dick it's not a problem
women have no concept of size so you could tell them your 6x4 dick is 8x6 and they'd believe you
Is 5 inches acceptable without bone press
I have no idea what a bone press
Look, if you manage to land a girl who is willing to sleep with you then it might be a factor. She could be a total bitch, laugh and call up a new guy to bang instead but thats not the point
Dick size isnt a deal breaker, you wont see butt ugly guys get girls simply because they have a big dick.
To get girls you need everything to be perfect and you need a good bit of luck that she doesnt just flake the fuck out like they love to do
Your dick shouldnt worry you when it comes to chicks, its not your biggest threat
why wouldn't it be
think for a second that that 5 inch dick gene has passed throughout your entire ancestry through fucking
it didn't stop them
Society has changed
Feel like I could get girls if I want so worried about dick size. I converse with them easily, am relatively funny, tall, and fit. I just don't wanna make moves because I'm afraid of disappointing them with my dick
I'm only gonna give this advice to people like myself. Those with average/above average hardons and tiny flacids who just want that extra edge.
1) Cardio- it all goes back to circulation. have enough cardio to pump blood into the tip and keep it there. At all times.
2) drink water - this keeps the blood nice and runny, as well as keeping the dick muscles wet and lubricated
3) nofap - this makes the balls get big and hang and also for some reason makes the dick just appear 100x better
4) supplimentation - namely a stack of L-Arginine, L-citrulline, zinc and magnesium daily. Also look into daily maca powder if your about that life
Thats all folks
My dick size is alright. But how the FUCK do I stop being such a ball-let? Does HCG help?
Look, here is my honest opinion
If you can get them to sleep with you they probably wont notice if you have a small dick unless its obviously small so they dont feel it.
You shouldnt really worry about what they think anyway, they probably wont stay in your life for very long so what does it matter?
Keep in mind lesians have sex and they manage to do fine without dicks
eh not really
if any girl shames you because of your dick then it says more about her than about you
Jelqing + stretching
She has the power to do so and with how dating works in general she could (in theory) just walk out the door after laughing her ass off and go home to another guy that same night
Society has changed indeed
>non shopped verson
>i made
and you could go fuck a hooker for less time, effort and money invested
it's only become a problem in your eyes because you've let it become one
What if you dont want to fuck a hooker?
what if you want a girl to like you, for you?
What if you want love?
>what if you want a girl to like you, for you?
>What if you want love?
these girls don't care that your dick is 5 inches
8 hour jelq session. Just remember to drink 16 protein drinks.
are you guys really complaining about 6x5 being bait?
>are you guys really complaining about being skinnyfat being bait
Dicksize can be improved so why would you settle for 6x5 if you wouldn't settle for being skinnyfat?
It's all about self improvement.
>not having a powerbottom jelq your dick with his sphincter
never going to make it
• I always worried/assumed my junk was under average. I never was around other guys dicks and it's hard to judge by watching porn. I never really bothered measuring it either, but when I started lifting I was measuring my stats and thought I might as well measure the old chap.
• Turns out to be 7" fully erect, I think around 5 1/2" circumference (I forget exactly). My point is that most guys assume their dick is smaller than it is, and that their size is below the average. The true average is something like 5".
• Just remember to always err on the side of safety. Don't squeeze too hard, don't jelq fully erect, only do the exercises ever other day, warm up and cool down is essential. I've seen 1/2 inch length gain after a month, although that is the noobgains.
>(for a white guy)
Race isn't correlated with penis size you dip.
of course dick size has to do something with confidence in bed etc. but why do you guys all care so much about the woman? everyone tries to be alpha as phuck here but the real alphas don't give a shit whether the woman enjoyed it or not.
nofap. your balls need time to store up semen
Wow,a Veeky Forums thread where everyone doesn't claim to be 7" and up,i'm actually surprised
Anyway,as said above,great facial traits like a strong chin,defined jawline,hooded eyes and overall facial symmetry is much more important because you can't go around whipping your 8 inches donger out and expect women to just fall in line to blow you off.
Also fuck people saying you can't "exercise" your dick or make dick gains,with a consistent workout similar to weightlifting,you can get up to +1.5".Shit takes time though,i won't lie
where is that? I want to go see a dick rock
"how does that man store all that piss in his balls"
>Also fuck people saying you can't "exercise" your dick or make dick gains,with a consistent workout similar to weightlifting,you can get up to +1.5".Shit takes time though,i won't lie
that jelqing shit doesn't work. Enjoy your self-inflicted erectile dysnfuction you small dicked manlet
I'm 8 inches and sadly I have no chin, a poor jaw and I'm balding and I have to wear glasses.
I'll gladly donate my penis to someone who could use it ;_;
Atleast hookers react to it sometimes which gives me a confidence boost for about 5 seconds and then I feel bad again.
Lotta ancestors are products of rape though..
Same here but when I look at it it seems so fucking small
this is like a weird of fetish of mine.
the ugly, skinny kid who doesnt have any experience with women packing a huge cock which means if women would ignore his looks he'd probably outperform me in bed.
i feel like a cuck.
If you have a big dick it is likely that at least one of your male ancestors was involved in gang rape or a train on a woman
You honestly think there are entire communities of people who have gained length and girth from jelqing just to troll everyone else?
I strongly believe that, assuming you are not fat and you don't have extreme physical deformities, a big cock can get you laid with a women far above what you would usually get.
/r9k/ needs a reason as to why they can't find a partner
Any way to enhance girth? Most of the methods out there seem angled toward length but I'm happy with my length