Got into my first fight today. Two weird things happened.
1) I enjoyed getting punched on the ground for some reason.
2) I was fine for the first 10 minutes (except my voice was really shaky and it sounded like I was going to cry). And then 10 minutes later I did start crying. I don't get what the fuck happened. It's not like it even hurt that much...
Brandon Baker
1. Ur a bitch 2. Ur a bitch
Samuel Martinez
You suffer from weak pussy syndrome
Lucas Williams
Lol crying after a fight? I'm gonna assume you lost
Ayden Fisher
fights suck when you lose. You shouldn't have lost.
You probably cried because of the humiliation.
Jonathan Walker
I don't think I'm a bitch. I'm not scared of getting into a confrontation but I'm still bugged out over why I cried.
I was pinned on the ground at the beginning. Getting punched actually made me feel better about the situation so maybe...
Jackson Hughes
maybe you're a masochist. or maybe... deep down in your head you hated the fact that you were getting beat up on the ground, so you masked it with a smile and pretended to enjoy it. Moments later after the fight, you subconsciously realize what happened and breakdown.
Hudson Martin
Sounds like a textbook case of cuck tbhfam.
David Gonzalez
>deep down in your head you hated the fact that you were getting beat up on the ground, so you masked it with a smile and pretended to enjoy it. Moments later after the fight, you subconsciously realize what happened and breakdown. Does this mean I should go out and get my ass kicked a lot more so I get used to it? LIke developing an immunity to poison.
Evan Morales
How did it happen?
Robert Young
>1: what >2: adrenalin
Tyler Davis
I really don't wtf happened. I'm still processing it in my head.
But I was basically going up the elevator at the train station when some other bloke stepped inside. When the doors close he called my shoes ugly so I called his face ugly (weak. I know. It's the best that came up to me then to). He basically went ballistic and threw me on the floor for a bit before he started punching the shit out of the back of my head.
>1. what I was on the ground for a few seconds pinned down and being punched somehow encouraged me.
>2: adrenalin Is there anyway I can stop this? I feel worse about crying than I do for getting my ass kicked.
Jaxon Nguyen
you never know who you can have in front of you. Sorry for that bud.
Btw, the only way to react better in a fight, is to fight: do boxe, or whatever fighting sport you like and your mind and body will be more prepared for stuff like this. Is it worth it? I dunno
Luke Reyes
what about other people? they didn't do shit?
Blake Clark
What other people? It was empty as fuck.
Tyler Young
That's fucked up. Hitting back of head can kill a man. I think I would stab him. I wouldn't necessary want to kill a guy in such a situation tho. I always carry a 3 inch blade - would a stab to the side be lethal with such a thing?
Connor Perez
It could well be.
While there's always the chance of someone dying from a punch, the odd of someone dying from getting stabbed are significantly higher.
Bentley Lopez
>threw me on the floor for a bit before he started punching the shit out of the back of my head.
Doesn't sounds like a fight, sounds like you just got your ass beat.
Joseph Brown
I'd hope that in the 10 minutes you weren't crying you called the authorities or some shit to do something about a crazy person who goes around beating people up for no good reason?
Josiah Thomas
>I'm not scared of getting into a confrontation Sounds like you're not scared of talking shit but get your ass kicked when you actually have to fight. That makes you a lot more of a bitch than someone who avoids "confrontation" but can actually handle themselves instead of getting ground n pounded and then crying about it.
Xavier Green
The crying may have just been the emotional toll of it all
Hudson Davis
you were overwhelmed with emotion and crying made you calm down
you felt more alive than most guys ever will
Gavin Scott
I think a grappling art would be best.
>Sounds like you're not scared of talking shit but get your ass kicked when you actually have to fight. That makes you a lot more of a bitch than someone who avoids "confrontation" but can actually handle themselves instead of getting ground n pounded and then crying about it. Did you even read my earlier posts? I don't talk shit at all. I'm just an average guy. But even I know that sometimes you have to defend yourself.
Most likely when I think about it
Oh fug....
David Hall
It's the adrenaline. In a battle soldiers have to check if they have any bleeding wounds because they can't feel a thing under the influence of such a rush of adrenaline.
Jeremiah Cruz
24 years old and got into my first fight recently also OP.
I was drunk as fuck and this dude was cock blocking me. the girl was giving me a hand job on his couch and she was a friend of his. So he got jealous and dragged her outside to scold her. I'm a really nice guy most of the time but I was, horny, drunk, and angry because I haven't gotten laid since January. I don't remember what happened, he punched me in the face and his arms were so weak his fist literally bounced off my face. the next second I was pounding my fists into his teeth and his mouth was full of gore. My fingers are all cut up with scars now. I mean i absolutely lost it on this dude and I feel bad. Also I'm a 5"7' manlet lel
Zachary Walker
>Sounds like you're not scared of talking shit but get your ass kicked when you actually have to fight. That makes you a lot more of a bitch than someone who avoids "confrontation" but can actually handle themselves instead of getting ground n pounded and then crying about it.
>Did you even read my earlier posts? I don't talk shit at all. I'm just an average guy. But even I know that sometimes you have to defend yourself.
Nolan Ortiz
m8 real talk here. You are not a pussy.
I know what you mean with the shaky voice and the urge to cry.
Its because, your body is rushed with testosterone and adrenalin during/after the fight. Seriously your body is under huge mental and biological tension if you get into a serious fight, exspecially if you are not used to fighting.
So the fight is over and you lost, and you have all this testosterone and adrenalin in your body and there are 2 ways to get rid of this tension:
1: Beat the shit out of someone, punch things, shout a lot whatever 2: workout, run etc. 3: cry
You didnt cry because you are a pussy or whatever, its because you probably were just standing there completely calm, while your body was under huge stress and tension.
So if you dont do 1. or 2., your body will get rid of this tension and stress, by crying. As weird as it sounds.
Ethan Martinez
It'd be pissed if some degenerate faggot had sex on my couch too.
Kayden Scott
Wow you are one of the dumbest autist i have Seen on this board
Jack Baker
Are you a chav or a nigger OP. A fight in an elevator over someone saying your shoes are ugly? Lmao
Elijah Jackson
>he thinks he is the victim here
m8, if you let a girl jerk off on MY fucking coach, in MY fucking house, INFRONT of me i would be pissed too.
Get the fuck out of my house and do that shit somewhere else ffs
Nolan Davis
How to train self control in this scenario
Chase Martin
If this is true then thank you user. I feel so much better now. God bless you bruh.
Caleb Sanders
>getting beat up by a normie
It's like you dont even lift
Carson Harris
That guy could've murdered you over some dumb shit he started. No reason to be ashamed of crying here desu.
Connor Anderson
Repeated exposure to high levels of stress is the only way to overcome that. This is why military training is the way it is. Combat is the most stressful thing in the world, so they slowly expose you to more and more stressful situations so your body and mind learn to cope.
Jordan Gomez
You fucking degenerate little smut goblin. Why the fuck do you think it's ok to get a handjob on someone else's couch? Absolutely disgusting. Please kill yourself
Liam Davis
Oliver Peterson
Agree with this user. People are not used to a lot of stress and sudden high amounts of adrenalin and testosterone rushing into your body.
Thats why people cry and piss themsevles when they get into military training.
Oh theres also another thing you could do after a fight to release stress.