are heavy squats and deadlifts enough to build a butt like this?
also why are so many people skipping out on leg day? It's pretty rampant in Germany, there are people who look like Arnold from the waist up and like a 16 year old from the waist down
are heavy squats and deadlifts enough to build a butt like this?
also why are so many people skipping out on leg day? It's pretty rampant in Germany, there are people who look like Arnold from the waist up and like a 16 year old from the waist down
thats fucking gross, it's a meme physique
slightly more impressive upper body looks better than more impressive legs and weak upper body every time
Nah, its genetics as well.
I had a nice ass before I started lifting
no it's not
I think big legs look impressive as fuck
you don't look like a men without big tree trunk legs
>thats fucking gross,
Yeah brah strong legs are gross as fuuuck braaaah.
Bitches only like arms and chest braaah
>le there are only tree trunk mirko crocop legs and chicken legs
when will this meme stop
meant 'man' obviously, sry I'm not a native speaker
This is basically my goal body, chest hair and everything
when you stop lifting for girls and start lifting to be athletic
i dont want to have an ass like that, like a woman
lol i deadlift like once a month and squat once a week and a half. its all in angles.
but what if i dont play any sports and just want to look good
why do i need those tumorously large legs
Why not, are you gay?
Women love asses
>implying gay people don't like asses
>implying everyone doesn't like asses
i dont
i am actively trying to avoid getting a large ass and big thighs, not because im lazy and dont want to do the lifts, but because i think it looks like shit
Honestly Im just busting your balls. Lift to look and eel however you want. You shouldnt feel bad if your physique is different than someone else's nor should you feel superior for thier decision to work out differently.
Does this guy post more? I need his routine
Does squatting really give you a bigger butt? I already have a big butt and wouldn't want it to get particularly bigger
Front squatting and deadlifts
All I ever did was SS, and I went from flat as a board to having a half-decent butt in a few months
if you have a fatbutt, it will get smaller
if you have a musclebutt, it will get bigger
Do women find this attractive?
Some do, some dont.
Since you seem desperate to get your dick wet, the majority of sluts do.
Women love booty.
Yes. The bigger and firmer the butt, the stronger his hip thrust will be. Stronger hip thrust means better sex. It's the power of your hip thrust that matters. Not your dick size.
I have a but like this and it only got bigger since I started lifting. To be honest it's something I'm ashamed of and I atually don't wear clothes that show it off. Shorter tighter t-shirts etc. Should I actually be showing off?
It's not as noticeable as you think it is
That's probably true but it's still really noticable. While playing baseball it looked like genuine butt stuffing.
>if you have a fatbutt, it will get smaller
>that broscience
The only thing making a fatbutt smaller is cutting fat. If you add muscle without cutting, squats will make your butt bigger no matter what.
>having a big muscular butt is gay
it's manly as fuck deal with it
as long as you don't fist it twice a month noone will call you gay for it
yeah no it does not look good
it makes his upper body look small
if he had a smaller, firmer, compact ass then he would look more impressive
it takes away from the width of his back
you didn't complain last night when you run your hands across his back while you came into his tender bp
Not everyone wants to look like a giant V, you know. Some of us lift and try to get a balanced physique between upper and lower body. The funny thing is, in goal body threads, almost all the pictures show balanced bodies, but "muh gigantic shoulders to waist ratio" is still a meme.
Sorry I dont like comical bodybuilder proportions
well the V is absolutely paramount to me
i just get way more impressed when i look at bodies like than than when i look at these guys with big legs and normal upper bodies
I bet you don't do deadlifts 'cause it will make your waist wider
Bodybuilder fags are fucking stupid
Ok then, go for it if it's your goal.
But it's weird to be more impressed by someone who literally chose to do only half the work compared to someone who trains both upper and lower body (btw, the guy is the picture doesn't have a "normal" upper body).
there it is again, if you dont have tree trunk legs then you have chicken legs
im not talking about johnny bravo levels of disproportion, but i feel that leg press and leg extensions once a week is enough for what i want. i just don't want big legs
becuz farid bang :-)
>it makes his upper body look small
no it doesn't
LOL could not take this guy seriously irl
but I'd seriously lick his butthole irl
>you don't look like a men without big tree trunk legs
Big hips and thighs are a female look, homo.
cutting is a relative term, if a person changes their lifestyle but remains with the same diet they may be cutting without putting any conscious effort towards it
>Australian Power and Gas
So feminine... it's totally straight to want to fuck this
Just look at those whores on backround
They would pay anything to get a piece of that. ANYTHING.
Women, and fags, like a firm butt
those legs are so big that they make his upper body look small, i am serious
if his legs weren't so big, or he got his upper body up to that level, got his shoulders and back much wider to match, he would look better. he's already on steroids, if he wanted to he could get much more balanced out
Front squat masterrace
t. hank hill
is this the butt thread?
>tfw chicks say "Wow I never thought big legs would be attractive" as they bite your legs
If you don't squat and deadlift, you are at a huge disadvantage strength-wise to someone who does.
Someone who has consistently done compound lower body work will have a stronger back, core, and hips, and will be able to run faster, hit harder, and even *take* bigger hits than your twink ass. If you've ever trained wrestling, you'll know that even a sport that upper body dominant benefits hugely from strong hips.
So basically, if you don't squat and diddly, you're a huge fucking pussy, and not to be taken seriously.
>stronger back
>what are rows
I know that you're serious. That doesn't mean you're not wrong. Because you objectively are.
if you say that his legs aren't disproportionately large compared to his upper body, you are objectively wrong
>muh legs and ass are too big
And gay men don't? Retard.
I'm sorry but whining and copy/paste-ing my posts because you don't know what to reply won't make you right. At this point, you're either trolling or have terrible body dysmorphia/Johnny bravo fetish.
i don't have a johnny bravo fetish, this is my ideal physique right here
legs are not untrained, but not large. upper body looks really nice
Bryan's butt looks almost fake, it's kinda unaesthetic desu.
is this that Veeky Forums dilf with the nice ass or does he just look similar?
They look similar.
I had the same problem. My huge ass made me self-conscious, but every girl I dated couldn't stop grabbing it. I show that shit off, now.
>Should I actually be showing off?
If it's actually a musclebutt, yes.
If it's a fatbutt and you're skinnyfat, no.
how did you manage to get so high in weight and not grow a laughable girl ass? low reps? what's your secret?
i wouldn't mind being strong, but i want to avoid having a womanly lower half
No matter how hard you train legs, you'll never have a girly ass or thighs, because fat distribution and muscle insertions are different in men and women. At best, you'll have a big guy's ass, but never a woman's ass.
>unless you're low test and actually store fat in your ass, which is very likely if you're black or if you're me
that's not me amigo
das it mayne
>Insecure fem
Move along nigas.
why is it something to be ashamed off?you're so fucking autistic
>tfw boys say "wow I never thought big legs would be attractive" as you get them in a headlock with your thighs
>roiding for that
that bacne is disgusting
God, fit is gay...
its like you dont want to put your penis inside, gross
>no high test bf
And roids.
>That bacne
People in general hate exercises that are taxing on their CNS. It's also very hard for newbies to do squats and deadlifts properly so they either enter snap city or they get discouraged and quit very quickly.
It's so much easier to do 3 sets of lmaoplate leg presses a week and claim you had a leg day.
I'll be your bf pls
pics or it didn't happen
Fool. Women love impressive butts.
I'm bisexual.
looks like ass implants
I would eat that ass for breakfast
Doubt it, he has nice hammies too, so it's probably toptier genetics.
turkroaches(which composes 90% of the gym) lift for women, not men.
You, merkel-cuck, lift for men.
enjoy being a female shaped faggot that the refugees will cuck.
>tfw no twink gymbro to twerk on my dick
>tfw full boner
am i gay
you wouldn't be here if you weren't
The bisexual guy here.
I know I'm supposed to say, "Oh you're totally gay and in the closet", blah blah blah. But it's entirely possible you're just having a moment where you question your own sexuality.