I'm 22, no beard, skinny fat with small dick and low strenght.
Asked my doctor for help, he says fine i'm giving you sustanon 250mg/month
told him sustanon needed to be injected frequently to work, he said "yeah but the guy doing that are fucking crazy you need to stay safe"
What am i in for with 250mg a month? will i notice change?
my ass hurts from the injection btw
Dominic Young
You don't have low test but your doctor is just giving you test?
And lmao what's the point of 250 a month
Andrew Wood
Nice bait thread No doctor will give you sustanon for no reason
Did you just watch durianrider or something?
Jayden Ramirez
not a bait i swear
Kayden Thomas
Post pic of sust
Angel Morgan
>No beard, skinny fat, small dick and low strength. Non of those are a direct result of low test nigger.
Samuel Flores
dont have it anymore, but have paper for the next one i need to buy
Jaxson Wood
Hudson Hill
dont 404 me need advice
Owen Diaz
Is 250 a month any higher than natty?
Jason Myers
last bump then fuck you guys
Evan Rivera
dont fucking know
Levi Morales
22m here too for me my testosteone upped from lifting. It increased growth of facial and body hair (still only a small amount). So I guess that any addition would help.
Christian Collins
i know very little about roids, but im 99% certain 250mg per month is nothing, and doesnt even make sense
wouldnt it just spike your test for 10 days and then the remaining 20 days of the month your test is back down to low?
Ethan Bailey
Colton Turner
been lifting for over a year now, i started really from the bottom, now im looking a bit better but still a lot of fat, no beard gains
Gavin Collins
I have thick chest hair and go grow long, thick sideburns, but no beard. What's going on?
Wyatt Perez
genetics is going on
Matthew Bell
You really jumped into unnecessary and counterproductive TRT. At 250 a month, not only will you suppress natural production of testosterone, you're not taking enough for effective treatment and will likely end up with less testosterone in your blood for all best but a few days after injection. Your levels are gonna be awful.
So grats on your useless trt. It's like you sold your functional car for a bus pass on the weekends.
Colton Lewis
maybe it'll crash his T so his doctor can put him on 500mg a week
Your doctor is a good man OP
Logan Garcia
Dont do it op
Ethan Martin
gonna call my doctor and ask for more, i trust him but yeah everyone telling me the same
Christian Nelson
>there are people browsing this board right now who are so detached from reality they actually go to the doctor to get their test-levels tested because they believe pathologically low testosterone is the root of all their shortcomings