Can you, without saying "it's illegal", give me a proper explanation as to why I shouldn't roid?
Can you, without saying "it's illegal", give me a proper explanation as to why I shouldn't roid?
it isnt legal
Its not good for you?
You will die.
If you do it wrong you will really fuck yourself up.
It's against the law.
Dangerous side effects
Social stigma
Not that you SHOULDN'T do them, but there are definitely reasons not to.
More than likely, you wont stop after 1 or 2 cycles and will be roiding for a very long time, throwing lots of money into it and when you finally stop cycling, you will likely need to be on TRT for the rest of your life (or until you no longer care about being able to get a boner)
It ruins your bodys natural testosterone production
Thors body is achievable natty, no? Hes not THAT big and has a good amount of body fat.
Ohp 2pl8 and cut
not in the amount of time he did it
Achievable natty? Absolutely
Achievable in 6 months with massive weight fluctuations between movies? Of course not natty.
I don't wanna be banned from the IPF and I want to be a father some time.
you can't sustain your body without roids and will forever have to use roids for the rest of your lift just to maintain your aesthetics.
aside from health problems and side effects the reliance on the drug really is the biggest downside so you have to keep shelling out money just to maintain it.
1) if you do it wrong (which you will, because you're stupid enough to ask this question) you will get serious health issues and will likely die early and in great pain. /fraud/ will say this isn't the case if you know what you're doing, but you do not. plus who the fuck wants to inject themselves with dodgy eastern european or chinese shit, which is most likely what you'll be getting. you think pic related didn't have the highest quality gear possible when he was/is on cycle?
2) normies aren't impressed by mass monsters, they will assume that you're on roids straight off the bat and that isn't at all socially acceptable in most countries.
3) girls like muscular guys, but most will be intimidated by guys who look like professional bodybuilders, you will actually be less attractive to most women.
4) people will assume you're a meathead, any anger will be assumed to be due to "roid rage" and they will take you to be an idiot the second they meet you. maybe you are, in which case obviously this isn't an issue. but if you want a well-paying job in a professional field, looking like you're obviously on gear will not help at all.
and if you don't want to get xboxhueg, then why the fuck are you thinking of roiding? see 1) again. do it natty you lazy faggot.
you cant die from roids. it doesnt work like that.
sex hormones literally has no effect on your health. it messes with your reproductive organs though.
Honest to god I don't care. I would say that you shouldn't do it because I don't want a bro to get caught by the police, but it's your choice and quite honestly I think that steroids should be legal because I hate the government regulating lives and if you've seen bigger, stronger, faster then you'll see there's very little evidence that steroids actually affect you negatively. All the symptoms listed are correlation not causation which is a red flag for the medical community because many people take them safely for their whole lives.
It can cause a heart attack, but you're probably strong enough to survive that.
because your life won't get better if you do it
if you want to look like a professional bodybuilder, go for it, but a body that impresses normies is within the natty limit
That's only correlational not causal. Most people on roids are taking things like clen which can cause heart attack
he didn't say what he was planning on doing, people stupid enough to ask for advice on this board are unlikely to just stick to a low dose of test, it "won't be enough" and they'll eventually move onto a more serious cycle and that's where the serious health issues start.
lol he thinks OD'ing your liver with orals is the same as injecting, he should apply to be a doctor because all normies can't make the distinction between hormones and steroids
>Achievable natty? Absolutely
reminder this is who is giving you advice on fit, and the same guys who nuthug uuutooobe personalities as being natty hardworking guys because he can't tell the difference between a guy on a modest cycle and these freaks full of synthol, hgh, and 3 grams of gear
buying fast food once a week cost more money than a cruise dose
>wanting funny balls
your dick will shrink because of it?
Needles are scary as shit
How many reasons do you want?
1. Unless you are under the direct supervision of a medical professional who is skilled and experienced in the administration of anabolic steroids, you are playing Russian Roulette with your endocrine system; this is not Amateur Night shit to be fucking around with, you can seriously fuck yourself up (or die) from screwing around with this shit. The /fraud/ crowd will tell you "it's easy, don't worry about it!" but that's only because they've been lucky and nothing (serious) bad has happened to them (yet).
2. It's Temporary. When you stop taking them, your 'gains' will start to melt away until you're back to your natty level again.
2a. The longer you take them, the greater the risk you'll fuck yourself up.
2b. If you take them for long periods of total time (years), you run a cumulative risk of having serious problems and/or looking like total crap when you're older.
3. People KNOW you're on steroids just by looking at you -- and they don't respect it. Anyone who does 'respect' it is likely to have some serious character flaws that will bite you in the ass at some point.
4. If you're involved in any sort of competitive sport, you're cheating, and despite what some will tell you, it's still cheating even if you don't get caught. If it's an individual sport, then any 'wins' you get while on the juice will always have an asterisk next to it in your mind, because you will KNOW you cheated. The fact that many competitive atheletes use PEDs like steroids is irrelevant, cheating is cheating. Until it's accepted by the governing bodies of various sports as legal, it's cheating, plain and simple.
5. Steroids are psychologically and physiologically addictive, and they change the way your mind works. You'll become more aggressive and arrogant. You'll probably lose some (or all!) of your friends from using them, because they just won't want to be around you anymore. Your own family may even not want to deal with you anymore.
You won't be able to claim natty
I never did roids. Still got low test at 30. I say just go for it.
Get to know the roiders at your gym, I'm sure a couple of them would be fine playing nurse for you, you pansy ass bitch
just do it faggot and stop relying on some kind of confirmation from strangers on a vietnamese wrestling forum
>roidfag checking in
Go back to your containment thread, drug addict, and stop trying to infect someone else with your filthy habit.
And if you had taken roids and stopped taking them, now you wouldn't just have low test but very low test.
wow having wide ribcage really helps. I can get twice his BF on right and still look like a pencil inside clothes.
You'll die in a sauna in your 20s
A cycle won't kill you unless you're obscenely retarded. You are right that there are a lot of health risks, but you won't just drop dead after taking steroids.
>2. Saying the gains are temporary is only half true. Depending on what you take you will keep either a little or a lot of the gains you made. You will lose some of what you gained when the cycle ends,
but at least some of the muscle stays.
Unless you look pro bodybuilder huge most normies have no idea. Hence all of the fake natties in the fitness industry. People read tabloids and get tricked into thinking that you can look like Zac Effron or Jeff Seid just by lifting weights and eating your veggies. Unless you leave humanity behind most people will think you're natural.
If you're in a high level competitive sport then you are probably already on gear
They do change your mood, but trying to argue that everyone will automatically hate you is just plain dumb.
>social stigma
Joke's on you, I'm asocial autist.
You can't justify it using this retard logic, retard.
And you missed the main point
shrinking penis
thats more or less the only reason i dont.
You will get chlamydia.
And die
So the best case scenario is that he kept taking them?
Can't remember what the study done was, but taking steroids for an extended period of time actually changes your genetic makeup. So does lifting weights.
People who take steroids usually come out on top of most natties, even after coming off their cycle. It has to do with the fact myonuclei that are created while on steroids remain even after coming off, something that has to do with a lifter's ability to regain lost gains relatively quickly compared to newbies.
lmao. roids are cheaper than supplements and 1000x more effective
broscience: the post
Another huge thing no one thinks about... Is what you're buying real and pure? Just as all other drug dealers probably cut their shit or use something else. Your Dbol might be estrogen pills or some shit. The only safe way to do it is be rich and have a doctor on your payroll, like the Hollywood actors do.
Okay, you've sold me. Where can I get some gear?
I B+C on test, never had any worrying bloodworks come back.
I don't kid myself, surely it will at some point give me some kind of bad side effect, but personally I think it is worth it. The confidence and physical gains are amazing. Life is so much better on test.
Remember this quote? It's been doing the rounds with an arnold picture:
"A well built physique is a status symbol. It reflects you worked hard for it, no money can buy it. You cannot borrow it, you cannot inherit it, you cannot steal it. You cannot hold onto it without constant work. It shows discipline, it shows self respect, it shows patience, work ethic and passion. That is why I do what I do."
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
I don't know if it's from Arnold or not, and I don't care if Arnold was natty or not. My point is, he's right. If you use roids, you're a fake, you've bought your gains instead of having worked for them, and even if noone knows or figures it out, you will.
If you're doing this to look good, you're an idiot. That's a bonus.
If you don't lift for yourself, who the fuck are you gonna lift for?
Ask around at the gym. My gym sells them under the counter.
>he thinks roids are magic
You still have to lift and diet, dumbass. Arnold was not natty, and he trained for 5-6 hours every single day. You can't do that as a natural, roids can be used as a shortcut, yes, but their real is in breaking down barriers. A proper use of steroids is to go beyond your natural limits.
I think you missed the point of that quote friend
Depends why you want to do them?
If you've seriously plateud and feel you can't progress further or do some sort of sport or compete and want to get an edge and can't get there otherwise.
The risks if you don't research how to balance your hormones and the potential depression and fucked mental state from going off of them.
Potential heart risks
Realistically though, you do your research, play it smart. Do one cycle or two and keep it at that you really dont lose any gains or size other than than perma pump youd have when actually on juice. Then go for it. It's your body
>potential depression
Already there mate
You'll never be big/strong enough and likely worsen your body dysmorphia
This. The psychological attatchment to roids really puts me off. Forever chasing that great body.
Tbh though, i'll get on TRT or roids when i'm 30-35 to until i'm an old man. Fuck being low-test
>Realistically though, you do your research, play it smart.
What are good places to start? What I really want to understand before anything else is a sober view of the level of risk. Like; What is the most common health risk an average roider's likely to encounter and over the long term what are the most difficult sides to cope with.
Then you will be 10x worse when you roid.
>What is the most common health risk an average roider's likely to encounter and over the long term what are the most difficult sides to cope with.
Short term, taking steroids can cause acne, mood swings, mammary growth
Long term, steroids can cause enlarging of the heart and prostate, liver damage
If you're going to take steroids, I suggest starting with test only. Have SERM on hand for PCT.
You know how people say "wait a year before getting a tattoo"? I use that same rule for roids. Wait until you've trained natty for a few years, know how to train and diet, and also know the basics of roids. Basically, if I were to quiz you on the different types of roids, SERMS, AIs, how to pin, etc. You want to be as knowledgeable as possible.
/fraud/ is a good place to start. also has good info on it
I wish I could give you more information, I never started but talked to a lot of guys that did when I worked at LA and they spoke about the risks and paths you have to take to be smart.
If it's something you're seriously considering, then imo you should do it right and safely. Read as much as you can, maybe there are certain subreddits for this like r/bodybuilding and maybe some people here can point you in that direction in the steroid general.
They can be safe-ish especially if you respect them and don't be a dumbass and get caught up in always getting bigger. If you can see a reasonable goal and know you're gonna shoot to be content with that and keep it at that then do what makes you happy, but be smart because you have only one body.
Ask /fraud/ or just googling
Why can't you do a cycle and mantain that afterwards?
Absolutely it is. Just send me a small payment of $99, and you'll get my proven workout plan.
It'll turn your body to liquid shit and your heart will give out.
bumping for interest
thegymherald .
your penis will fall
You have a genetic upper limit if you will of how much muscle your body will maintain no matter how perfect your diet and workout plans are. Roids can take you past this limit. You stop, you go back down.
I dont think you do, I've read a lot that you maintain the vast majority of what you gain while on them. You certainly lose the perma pump you get from them and maybe some size, but if you keep your routine and diet up you shouldn't see a drastic loss in strength or size.
Alright, thanks for the info
Great. I just wanted to do one or two cycles, then call it off.
It can fuck with your heart a bit, I work with cardiologist and multiple of them have mentioned they can always tell when some is/used to roid.
Ofcourse you can. What do you think pro athletes do?
You shouldn't roid because you don't even lift to start with.
1. Cost
2. Shit is made in homelabs
3. Shutdown of natural test production
4. Will fuck you up in the long run: liver and kidney damage when 50
5. Muscles aren't everything
Because your own test level will be so low you will be weaker than a girl, duh
6. possible damage to reproductive systems
You will also die
you'll spend a lot of money on something that should just be a hobby or outlet. if you desperately crave a body that you can't get naturally or don't want to wait for it you may have a mental condition you should talk to a therapist about.
I am getting fucking tired of this meme
Roids are magic, there is no upper limit in roids when youre a fraud, of course there are certain limits but if your goal is to look good and I think arnold didnt look good with his upper body completely overblown and out of proportion and chests that looks ridicoulus(just look at the thumbnail, they look like tumors glued onto his chest) you just go with a nice 600 mg cycle and youre there, its not even that bad considering the adverse effects are neglectible in this range
>5. Weight lifting is psychologically and physiologically addictive, and it changes the way your mind works. You'll become more aggressive and arrogant. You'll probably lose some (or all!) of your friends from doing it, because they just won't want to be around you anymore. Your own family may even not want to deal with you anymore.
you might get sick. but probably you'll just make all kinds of gains
Yes they are magic, i have seen it with my own eyes. Two friends roided akd they trained like and ate like idiots and they got big and buff, although not too impressive. Had they been natty and doing like that they would not have gained anything.
Only reason I could give is: Why care so much?
Most people who do roids are doing it for the sake of their livelihood or they compete in something where only people juicing can win (Olympics, Powerlifting, Weightlifting, professional sports).
If you want to get pussy, there's 1000 ways to do that which don't involve being 230lbs of lean shredded muscle. You can be 200lbs of muscle and women will still think you're jacked.
Unless you're extremely narcissistic and in love with your self, you don't need to do roids unless you compete.
i already have acne
i'd rather be skinny than have more acne, thanks.
You start now and your natural levels will be damaged whenever you decide to come off, which you will eventually.
well for me
>cost much
>still needs lot of work
>many health risk
>later in the european racewar i cant get them i will be fugd
>in aesthetics roidheads mostly care only about size and you can see many overdeveloped and unbalaced freaks - you can easily hop on the size train and miss the aesthetics one
Depends on genes and proper pct management
your dick will hang lower than your balls
you want to transition into a liberal or a tranny in the near future
>using supplements
Air bubbles in blood.
It will make your dick even shorter
Because the health risks are fucking ridiculous. I ain't doing that shit to my body bro
it is with a prescription