One of my relatives is one of those.. weird like "health food" nuts and she says that anything with gluten in it is bad for you. Most breads etc.
Is this true? I personally like wheat bread but I don't over eat it or anything. I just make fucking turkey and spinach sandwiches out of it.
Why the fuck do people hate bread? WHAT DID I MISS?! I don't even know when or how people started hating gluten.
Red pill me on bread and wheat bread Veeky Forums. What the fuck is going on?
Also, my relative is fucking annoying with her health food mumbo jumbo. She is a vegan too. I just hate listening to her talk but I don't want to be rude so whatever.
Well at this point there's proof for everything and their contrary, it's getting hard to figure out shit. I mean, want to doubt everything you thought was right? Look into diets based on your blood group. There you go, all your concepts are fucked again, and there is as many proof claiming it's real as proof claiming it's bullshit.
I'm fucking lost Veeky Forums, there's too many information contradicting each other. What the fuck should I eat for fuck's sake?
Nathaniel Johnson
>being this mad at one sentence someone said
jesus, man
Nolan Peterson
pretty much
for me personally, I just avoid soda and try to eat relatively balanced, avoiding processed shit etc. I'd say that's good enough for me
Logan Young
>Look into diets based on your blood group. Well you just ruined my day.
Joseph Martin
There are people with a specific condition called Celiac Disease. Gluten really fucks their shit up.
If you do NOT have Celiac Disease, then there is literally nothing wrong with eating gluten.
Robert Wright
Very few people have this disease. As part of this retardo-misinformation group that thinks vaccines cause autism and humans can't process meat, they just assume that gluten is terrible for you.
Ancient civilizations grew wheat, and we will continue to grow wheat. But hey, check our privilege right?
Evan Perry
>people think humans can't process meat
that's a joke, r-right?
Ryder Jones
Actually the gluten issue is a modern one.
Modern cereals contain far more gluten that ever before, as specific varieties of wheat have been picked for this very reason, which makes people that are gluten intolerant (which are many more than people with celiac disease) have an issue with it.
Said gluten is also hugely different: gluten doesn't really exist as such, it's actually two proteins- prolamines and glutenines, and they are not the same as they used to be. Modern gluten is hugely different.
If you learn the difference between "common wheat", "spelt", "durum wheat" and "Khorasan wheat", you can eventually pick proper flour and bread, and suddenly gluten isn't a problem anymore, ven for people with celiac disease.
Josiah Cooper
I fucking hate how people who haev some weird allergy try to pseudo push their allergy onto you. Like I have no problem eating gluten but people with that fucked up condition will try to guilt you into not eating it.
Ian Brown
Americans can usually only get shitty processed bread, thats another reason
Mason Price
I don't disagree with your views but >Ancient civilizations grew wheat, and we will continue to grow wheat
If you put these ancient civilizations in the context of evolutionary speed, they're not nearly ancient enough for it to have affected our digestive system.
Hudson Cook
No, this is wrong. This is marketing hype used to sell idiots on more-expensive "gluten free" foods.
Again: If you don't have Celiac Disease, there is literally no benefit to going "gluten free". This is irrefutable fact, and anyone who disagrees is a giant faggot.
Samuel Davis
My post precisely explains that gluten differs based on wheat variety, and that only mass-produced wheat varieties are an issue, while less common ones pose no issue and can be eaten by anyone.
Did you even fucking read?
Leo Watson
>she says that anything with gluten in it is bad for you That explains why all those civilizations that grew grain cultures went extinct. Oh, wait.
Tyler Williams
No, it's complete bullshit and health nuts' blogs are not evidence to the contrary.
Just eat a balanced variety of real food, people. It's really not that difficult.
James Nguyen
ketofags are always the ones talking the most shit on bread since it instantly turns into glucose (sugar) in your body. But wheat bread has fiber which I'm assuming will keep the sugar from instantly metabolizing.
Alexander Brooks
I'm a baker, I have half of Paris' gluten intolerants buying my bread precisely because I pick a more obscure variety of wheat flour, whose gluten isn't an issue.
And because of uneducated retards like you spouting bullshit, I have to label it "gluten-free" because otherwise they wouldn't eat it in fear of dying, even though it contains 70% as much gluten as any other bread.
Suck my baguette faggot.
Parker Green
Wrong person, m8. I was saying that blood group diets are bullshit.
Eli Perry
Oh my bad. Yes it's bullshit.
Wyatt Gomez
Getting carbs from bread instead of vegetables is... suboptimal.
However-unless you're trying to get that last 10% edge on macronutrients for optimal injury/training recovery it's not completely necessary.
Most people that are serious about training rarely meet their micronutrient profile (if they meet it at all), so you're not going to see yourself falling behind them if you put in the same work. If you're halfway serious about it, eat it for the fiber-or relegate it to pre-workout.
Ian Thompson
>There's strong evidence for that shit being suboptimal for us from an evolutionary standpoint.
lol wut
There are now more humans than ever before. Hows that for evolutionary advantage?