Why are there no hot girls in the gym on weekends?
Why are there no hot girls in the gym on weekends?
They're busy sucking Chad's above average sized cock
Bc they are out there getting some dick while your virgin ass tries to cure autism by lifting weights
eating pizza with Chad
>Tfw my dick is exactly average size
this was bait right?
Posted this before in a similar thread, will post again.
If you go to a shitty cheap gym like Planet Fitness, you're rarely going to see hot women period that aren't ghetto niggers or spics.
I go to a $70 gym, and there is nothing but hot whites, asians, and browns in tight yoga pants every time I go, and I go almost every day at varying hours.
Try not being a cheap shitter and go some place nice to lift.
michael plz
They're all out getting FUCKED.
What does a vagina feel like?
Like bags of sandwiches
What does kissing a vvoman feel like?
Like kissing a man, except your soul isn't being sucked from your body.
What does kissing a man feel like?
They are sleeping off a hangover at Chad's apartment trying to figure out if the crusty residue all over their chin and tits is vomit or cum.
Its always both, bitches never remember.
Women only go to the gym for chads. attention not to get fit. Chad actually has hobbies and a social life other than the gym so there's nothing but dyels and beta males in the gym on weekends and she couldn't give a shit about their attention since she could just log into her Facebook and bathe in the sea or orbiter likes and comments on her previous week's gym selfies.
Why don't we find out ;^)
Thats gay bro, im not gay
does going to a more expensive gym mean that most of the guys there are dyel too? i'm the sort of insecure faggot who likes to look better than everyone else there.
You're probably a little gay if you're on Veeky Forums. No homo