/cutting general/ ramadan edition

My TDEE is 2500 calories and I'm aiming to lose 1.5lbs a week. I'll be doing this during the holy month of Ramadan. I'll eat two meals consisting of 950 calories and maintaining a deficit of 600 calories a day. Aiming for the 40/40/20 ratio (40% protein, 40 carbs, 20% fats.

Ramadan edition:

I'm sitting at 165lbs at 15% bodyfat, I want to get down to 10%. I want to lost as little lean mass as possible, how do I make sure I don't lose my gains?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=reddit ramadan fitness


Calculate your deficit accordingly. Will likely not be able to keep losing 1.5 lbs.

fug off sand person

>has images of naked men on his computer

Nice meme


can someone dumb this down? Is there a calculator that uses this method? I'm lost familia.

he's not naked?

not op, but what does this study imply and how do implement it?

Do the civilized world a favor and denounce your faith. Try to convince your family it's all shenanigans as well.

Otherwise, kill yourself. Try not to blow anyone else up on your way out. The only thing worse than fat people are muslims.


Cannot lose more than 31 kcal per pound of fat per day. If you have 40 pounds of fat, you can burn 1240 calories per day.

Find your body fat, multiply it by your current weight. That's how many pounds of fat are on your body. Multiply that number by 31. That's your max deficit/day. Recalculate once every week or two.


Can I get a quick bf% estimate? I've been cutting from 19lbs for about 3-4 months now. I'm pretty sure my scale is about 5 pounds off though; I've got that base weight watchers scale at costco.

*193 lbs, not 19
btw, those lines under my moobs and stomach are tough to get rid of too. Any recommendations on how to minimize/get rid of them?

>holy month of Ramadan

You mean ritualistic not eating together?

What's next, cutting off foreskin with a rusty knife by a pedophile whike 2354 people are watching ?

Fuck off, you backwards mudslime. Go back to the dark ages. That's where the civilized world left most of it's insanity.

>tfw culturally 500 years behind the rest of the world.
>tfw mudslime sandnigger
>tfw big savior was a child rapist pedophile.
>mfw I'll never know those feels.

lmao at your civilized world. western values, not even once.

6'1 skelly who bulked from 135 to 160
If i cut could I achieve OP?

Brocolli is kinda expensive where I live. Whats the best alternative? Beets? They are 40kcal/100g, of course cucumbers and greens have way less but can they give the same fulfillness?

/pol/ is thataway faggots.
There is no religion in this board,
only fatties like you who will never make it & those who will.

If you down water right after then, yeah it'll hold you. Salads and cucumber generally do the trick if you can't fill up on broccoli.

By max deficit, do you mean that's the least you can eat for a cut to be efficient?

Absolutely not. Keep bulking faggot

never, nice b8 m8

That's the most you can cut out. Example:
>2700 TDEE
>Currently 180 15%

>180 * 0.15 = 27 pounds of fat
>27 * 31 = 837 kcal (rounded to 800 to ensure minimum muscle loss)

>2700 - 800 = 1900 kcal/day before muscle loss

Wow so if you have like 65lb of fat the limit would be 2000 below TDEE? meaning fatties can go on drastic cuts and still make it?

Exactly. Fatter you are, harder you can cut.

The good news is that fucking goats counts as cardio.

Does that also mean lifting performance is minimally affected? I would imagine then that the calories from burning that fat would be your energy?

Glycogen is used primarily during exercise unless not available; that's its primary function. Glycogen would then be refilled after meals.

If you're bored one day, here's a metric shit-ton on nutrient timing:


its literarily intermittent fasting without the water
i'm non-muslim i'm just using it as a cutting layout
grow up kid


bulk up at night

Ah yes, the ramadan meme

Sure is /pol/ here.

Enough with the Muslim bashing already.

Watch this OP


scooby also made a video

fucking retards never even did IF at night periods.

here's what you gotta do:
1. look for other muslim lifters who have done this many times and aren't just spewing their theories which may or may not be correct.

(just look on reddit, there are some threads)

2. follow my advice of

- hydrate in beginning of evening, eat not that much
- after an hour or so, eat your main meal
- get some movement by doing taraweeh

- just before fajr have some food and remember to keep rehydrating.

Only downside of this is that you may get sleepy during taraweeh, but that shouldn't happen unless you're bulking (which OP isn't)

oh yeah eat fibers, sufficient protein and carbs (basically balanced meals + hydration)

My gym receptionist bulked during Ramadan mashaallah

Just eat a lot of protein when you can bro if you can switch to a schedule that's more nightly it's perfect. If not just wake up before sunlight and eat a meal and take half a multivitamin or something with a liter of water and go on about your day

Were all gonna make it inshallah

your results?

No fuck u goat fucker

Sieg fucking heil

dunno, gonna do this this year

also on a perma diet as a fat fuck

that's why I put listening to reddit as nr 1.

Muh "thousand year Reich" that lasted 10.

OP here, can you hit me up with those reddit links. I'm in city where the days will be 14-15hours long. My gym closes at 10pm, I'm not sure if I should workout before or after sunset.

lmgtfy.com/?q=reddit ramadan fitness

One more week and I'm done with this meme

Gains and peanut butter here I come

eat high protein (1g/lb bodyweight minimum) and lift for strength. I'm doing a pretty aggressive cut too, my numbers have fallen a little bit but I haven't lost any muscle mass

You lost 20lbs? that's good, dude. I'm aiming to lost 6lbs-7lbs. How long have you been lifting before your cut? Also, how long was your cut?

I think I'm at 15-16% body fat at 165lbs. I've been lifting for 5 months, so I'm not sure if I'll have gains like you visible..........

I also have no chest, even though I just hit 2pl8 bench for 5 reps, no doubt bench is meme lift.

Looking for a little help /cutting/
I'm on 3 months into my cut, down 10.5 pounds. 148 to 138, does that make me a hungryskelly?
All the BFI and calculators for lowering down to 10-11 BF% brings me to 134-135lbs.

My lifts are progressing fine, albeit slower then expected but I'm not sure what is "normal".

I've been lifting 3-5 days a week, did 3 months of 1860 cal per day and now cutting at 1550.
Doing some post-lift LISS for 45 mins and 2-3 days of HIIT sprints.

How the hell do I cut what's left of my stomach fat? How much more do I need to exert or do I just need to let the cutting and lifting take it's time?

how tall are you?


You can cut, but you won't look aesthetic, I'd bulk if I were you.

I'm striving for visible abs and then going to do a slow steady bulk.

Never had them show and want to see what I look like with them,trivial but it's a goal.

The cut continues, brothers.

Came out of a dreamer bulk at 430 pounds, currently at 250 even - I almost weigh less than I did in the FIFTH GRADE.

I've got till the middle of July and then for the first time in my life I'll be lifting on a surplus.

post pics for inspiration, you inspiring mofo

Keep going brah, you're gonna make it

prolly like 19-20% dood, also those lines are just stress-marks from your fat rolls folding over eachother when you are sitting

Sounds good. And lift just before Maghrib so you can eat shortly after lifting.
Drink lots of water after iftar to curb carb cravings from fasting

Hitler was ok with Muslims faggot

He's not even that dark...?

>My gym receptionist bulked during Ramadan mashaallah
y u lying

I'm cutting right now, but I've always been deathly afraid of loose skin. I don't know the science behind it, and I was wondering if loose skin is unavoidable.

I keep loosing strength with my bench while my squats keep progressing. WTF why is my cut so weird

lifting for almost 1.5 years. I'm on week 9 of my cut.

what are your lifts? (five rep max). Did your chest look like shit or did you always have decent insertions.

Right now at the end of my cut:
B: 160 lbs
S: 185 lbs (Terrible I'm starting SL next week)
D: 275 lbs

My chest was decent before lifting (skellyfag), I guess I just have good genetics

>Only thing worse than fat people are Muslims
OK /pol/

He aint wrong tho

>The only thing worse than fat people are muslims.
/pol/ fatty detected

Fuck I hate mudslimes. You can't even into your own rituals properly. Ramadan is supposed to be a time of sacrifice when you deprive yourself to understand the plight of the poor and come into closer unity with God. Not to utilise for selfish and vain reasons like cutting, or even 'bulking msshallah'.

Drop your disgusting, pedo revering religion and turn to Christ.

Fuck off you absolute retards

I want to combine early gym workouts with intermittent fasting while I cut.

Someone here recommended that I take some BCAA tabs pre-workout. Fair enough. But this guy here says to just keep popping them until meal time.


Is that bullshit, or does it mean there's no value in taking the supplement just pre-workout?

How I'm supposed to use cinnamon? I really like the taste and ate all the time with oats during bulk. I tried making tea and eating raw but they both sucks. Google only gives me desserts recipes. Any idea?

Manshallah my brother you need to get this hate out of you
Let the shaytan out
Inshallah we are all gonna make it habibi

Put on on your quark, cottage cheese and yoghurt

Audubillah my brother let the shaytan out I have a few hadith for you if you are interested habibi
Inshallah we are all gonna make it

yeah you have bigger arms and chest, delts are proportional

>thicc guy has giant dick out although he's still wearing socks
>H-he's not naked guys

Anybody have have tips for what to do when you plateau and are no longer losing weight? I've been stuck on the same weight for almost a week now. Should I start doing cardio?

cut you calories more

always thought that ramadan is some food popular amongst people infected by islam