damn... really makes you think...
Damn... really makes you think
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like 95% of the calories in that pic are from the eggs, beans, and rice, and that amounts to like 5 bucks of food. So you really can get a lot of food as long as you don't spend most of your money on limes.
Yeah man, makes you think...
OP is as stupid as the dumb cunt attention whore who took the picture.
no it doesnt
i dont live in a shit country anyway ROFL enjoy ur 2nd world country murricans
this is why black girls have nice bodies they eat the right foods like corn bread and sweet potatos
think what, faggot
Looks like they spent their money dumb shit. I can come out of kroger with much more shit using 29 dollars.
Really makes me think there are retards who actually believe this "healthy food is expenseive!" trope.
>1 avocado
>7 limes
>1 corncob
Money well spent. Just great.
bitch what? Nobody makes them go on food stamps. They lucky they even get that fucking money and the chance, that's some damn good fucking food there that'll feed a whole family for a week easy and make them healthy as fuck. Who the fuck is she kidding? Lucky bitches should be thanking their stars they can get FREE money because they're fags
why do you need 7 limes
>$29 a week
I was with a girl 5 years ago who got food stamps and she got like $300-$400 a month, so the image is retarded for more than one reason
Because you can't get 8
>have to
You mean 'get for free on top of whatever they already buy themselves'.
>leaves out the part where most niggers on foodstamps buy junk food and are morbidly obese
Way too many limes. Where I'm from, Kansas, limes cost 2 for a dollar. I am seeing 7 limes in that picture. That is $3.50 of limes.
I live in a pretty shitty part of a poor city. The closest place to get groceries is a Dollar General. Every single fucking time I go there, almost every customer is using their EBT card.
And you know what? Every single fucking one of them has too many kids. If you are poor and on food stamps, ONE kid is too many. Three, four, five (the norm) is way too fucking many.
My wife is a social worker who deals with all these poors for a living and the one thing they all have in common is they cannot for some god damn reason stop having kids or family plan correctly.
It drives me fucking nuts. Every time I go into that god damn Dollar General, there is some 20-something woman with 3-5 kids so it's no wonder they buy nothing but cheap processed foods which is why they're all morbidly obese.
>all those fresh vegetables
>all those limes
With my 29 dollar purchase, i just fed the family for 3 times as long.
Also, its fucking 29-40 per child, not per family. An adult male gets up to 70 a week.
SNAP is based off this char:
Scurvy? Mebbe the dad is a pirate
Also there are no calorie dense starches like potatoes or nut based products.
>$8 for 2.5lbs of chicken wings
>tfw get chicken breast for $2 a lb or even less sometimes
just got 8lbs of 85/15 ground beef for $3/lb yesterday. Makes me wish I had one of those big freezers I'd just get like 50lbs
You only prove the point more. The real story is that gwyneth doesnt understand how real people live.
>frozen vegetables?
Limes are like $1.50 a pound and that is not a pound of limes.
anyone else here literally never buy fresh vegetables?
most of the vegetables i eat come out of cans of progresso soup
They are Somalian immigrants
I don't even eat vegetables breh
>2nd world
More like third, just check the murder and incarceration chance
Fresh vegetables are for small people
Some people realize that the government pays them more welfare if they have more children, and then legitimately think to themselves:
>Huh. I should make more spawn.
And have more kids because somehow they don't realize that more kids are now expensive than the extra money they get from the government.
One of my friends was told by their mother that extra government money is the only reason they exist. Despicable people who don't realize what they're doing. All white family with a single mother and 9 kids, so the mother could make more money. Some people are just bad people.
>Limes are like $1.50 a pound
Yeh canned peas are godtier food.
Only fresh vegi I buy is broccoli and that's because it's cheap as hell.
>cook everything in butter
disregard that. use canola oil spray or if you must, olive oil
>making the US a monolith
NH, ME and VT are basically a scandinavian paradise, and certain parts of chicago, LA and detroit are basically somalia.
18 jumbo eggs are 4.69
there are lot of fresh veggies when she should have gotten frozen ones
families do not have 29$/week, they are given much much more
Who wants to be eating 1900 kcal/day for the rest of his life?
6,- a day is actually not that good for what this nigga is cooking. and certainly not for 1900 kcal
not ammeriggan, what are they acronyms of?
that's real cheap but man, so so fucking boring in regard to flavor or variety
i'd probably crack and end up cheating left and right. i usually spend about 300 a month in groceries. protein is mostly from chicken breast and tuna and greek yogurt, the rest is random boxed snacks and pizzas that i fit into my macros
...replace chicken breasts for chicken thighs...
You can get grass fed free range organic chicken thighs for....1.77$/lb to 3$
New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont
I literally never see darkies ever (Boston and Springfield are different stories but who goes there except for museums and college students)
You don't eat 1900 for the rest of your life, is the answer. If you're in a cut or whatever and 500 below your tdee is 1900, then you'd eat at 1900 for that period of time. You switch between cutting and bulking as you need to. This isn't rocket science.
That's why I started hoarding images/taking screencaps. Mix and match em, find something that works for you, and kick ass.
Guess it depends on where you're located at.
Do they weigh the bones when coming up with $/lb?
You clearly haven't grocery shopped once in your short life
Some of the food is kinda bland in flavor but tuna, eggs, oats and chicken are pretty tasty.
In Hartford I once paid 11.99 for grapes without looking at the price, they were from Chile in the center of off season.
Prices can vary wildly.
Good thing you spent all the money on limes for your shitty corona, dumb beaner fucks.
Starting to build my collection of spices. Time to cook some glorious chicken!
I buy frozen 4 lb bags of already chopped up florets. Steam that shit, it's easy AF
well aren't you king of shit mountain.
>going to dollar general
>living in a shitty area
like the only dividing factor between you and the people you are so upset with. also sexual education is a joke in America.
access to health care is probably a fucking nightmare if the best grocery store is DOLLAR GENERAL. shitty neighborhoods in my area keep all the condoms behind a glass case at cvs and shit too. i guess that many broke people have tried. sorry the line is so long at dollar general and it makes you cranky.
In Maine there is about a 90% chance of being killed by a Stephen King plot contrivance.
Still better than being shot by some thug.
>those poor people can't even afford eight limes
maybe he's building a lime wire
to see how many they can hold
>poor people buy the most expensive name brand shit and then conplaing about the they're poor
>Not eating the stem.
wtf you doing
Tried my best using the local super market's website
1 Gallon of milk 3.29
12 eggs 1.49
2lb whole chicken, 2.78
20 lbs rice 8.19
Pinto beans 5 lbs, 4.95
Split peas, 4 lbs 5.16
Garlic, 2 heads, .50
7 Onions, .56
2 lbs Collard greens, 2.98
Barely misses the mark of feeding 4 people on 30$ a week on a reasonably tasty diet. Probably would've been able to do it if I had priced the local ethnic markets.
blacks are literally the fattest people in America, check your stats
HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT THOSE THAT REAP FROM THE GOVERNMENT BE RESPONSIBLE AND REASONABLE WITH THE MONEY THEY TAKE. If they cant afford what they want we should give more you sick cunt. #Bernie2016
>incarceration chance
you dumb fucking european you think it is actually based on chance
29 dollars a week is what they give to a single person not a family of four.
Are you serious?
How is that not enough?
protein powder
canned tuna
brown rice
(maybe caffeine or alcohol)
is this a good grocery list?
how much would it cost?
wanna go grocery shopping for the first time.
because 7 ate lime
>be poorfag
>get more in food stamps
>able to stock up for months using the Veeky Forums diet plan
Gwyneth, you just made yourself look like a fucking idiot who doesn't know how to grocery shop.
7 L I M E S
Paltrow is a lying Liberal Progressive - That food is about $12.00 at any grovery store - and SNAP benefits are NOT $29.00 per week.
Welfare recipients get anywhere from $309 - $4500 / month is cash and rental assistance and from $125 and up depending on the number of children in the household in food stamps or SNAP benefits.
Again, Paltrow is a liar and a fraud. I work for the Government and know exactly what were paying these people. And the Welfail system is ripe for fraud and should be done away with - it allows lazy bums to live of the money YOU provide by getting up and going to work in the morning.
*You have no idea how many "mothers" get checks for their vagina turds who suffer from "ADHD". It's a fucking joke.
>not doing pound of limes a day
it's like you dont even want gains.
They're the fattest on whole-race basis. Guarantee you that poor Southern whites are the fattest on a pound-per-capita basis. Northern and Cali whites offset them.
Why? Butter is more calories isn't that what we're aiming for
Fuck you
Don't need to work for the government to know this. Working in retail does the same. Most get at least $100/week and spend it on shit.
Thought I was the only one. Im 23 and for the first time ate a strawberry and blueberry at the grocery store. It was okay.
I have no idea where you fucks live that your grocery prices are this cheap
eggs are routinely 3.50 a dozen for non-organic just every day eggs, a HALF gallon of milk is 3.29, onions are like $5 for a 2 lb bag, chicken is no less than $4 a lb, even thighs,
where are you guys pulling these fucking numbers from?
Who the fuck needs that many limes
what state are you from, mass?
>One lime a day keeps the doctor away
There's a lot of talk about spices
because she's an alcoholic
eggs from the distributer $0.79/dozen
gallon of milk $2.79 Walgreens
5lbs of Vidalia Onions $5 from local produce stand
Chicken from grocery store dependent on sale
$0.99/lb bone-in w/ skin thighs
$1.99/lb boneless skinless thighs
$1.99-4.99/lb boneless skinless breast
you need to shop better.
I live in one of the most expensive suburbs of NYC and just bought a dozen eggs today for $0.89 - Chicken Breasts too for $1.79 / lb boneless no less. 2 heads of Romain lettuce for a buck and change - Like I said, Paltrow is a liar pushing a Liberal Progressive Agenda.
Oh, and she forgot to mention free medicaid for everyone on SNAP - No Medical bills - ever.
this was always my favorite meme for some reason, i still dont even understand the meme its just funny
>2lb whole chicken, 2.78
>7 onions .56
What the fuck, where do you live that food is so cheap? Chicken is like $11 a kg here for breast.
>feeds 4 people for a week
Damn, I don't know any family who can live of such a little amount of food lmao
Exactly. Also not mentioning that this is not the amount of money you get on snap. Fucking retard liberals. You actually get more than ten times this much money for a family, and if you spend it on normal food like rice, beans, and chicken breast instead of fucking kale and limes then your money goes further.
Also, this is for people struggling between jobs. It's not supposed to provide a stable long term food supply. That's what work is for you lazy fucks.
im not from the states or a fat activist but theres a lot of grey area when it comes to body mass statistics.
In USA we have capitalism so chicken breast is usually $1.5 to $2 per pound. Onions are generally $0.50 per pound for a big bag. I'm sorry you live in a communist hell hole where your costs are inflated by the need to support the refugees in your nation who refuse to work.
not really. if your state has a higher density of African Americans it likely has a higher rate of obesity. also the rate of obesity among the races puts blacks as the highest. sooooo ye
>no milk
>no yardbird
>Hollywood actress
there's no way those egg prices are legit. Do you guys shop at some fucking amish farmers market?
I have Wegman's and Giant near me.. Those are the only places available to shop, and the prices are nowhere near what you claim
jelly AF
>they cannot for some god damn reason stop having kids or family plan correctly.
if Americans would stop treating reproduction like a religious issue, this wouldn't happen.
I'm the 0.79 guy.
the prices are
large 0.79
x-large 0.89
jumbo 0.99
for 1 dozen. there's a meat packing plant in my town that decided to open its doors to the public and sells all their products that local butchers and shit get at way lower prices. they only advertise in the local newspaper so they still haven't realy taken off in that regard so it's a nice little hole in the wall place for me to buy my protein.
I buy large bags of frozen broccoli and bags of mixed veg like carrots, peas, corn mixes. I do get fresh onions, but they're really cheap, and sometimes I treat myself to a fresh avocado but not often.
nah it's just poor people are uneducated and uneducated people tend to have more kids at younger ages because of irresponsible unprotected sex. and this is consistent across the world